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Hemp Fashion Show Update


Heavenhigh... On top of it all......Lorna. From "Cannibis College" and I spent the day picking out all the great and different styles for the show.....We went north to AE Bvenkarspel to Petra at" Design Studio 93"".............What an amazing thing to be surrounded by only hemp styles. It felt great and Lorna Petra and I put together a real cool show.......Petra has a new line and we were quite impressed.......ALSO... We started on our new Hemp Hat Line..You can see it all at the show!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting really excited............!!!!!!!!!!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hemp Hats and Fun

Hemp Hats and Fun

Thanks for all the HARD WORK ZOE!!!! We love you for it, and your style...!

Keep it up and you'll be more than famous....

I am excited to see the new fashions, and the goddesses... WoW what a show we are going to have!!!



Started my "Heavenly High Hemp " Line

Started my "Heavenly High Hemp " Line

Heavenhigh I started painting my first piece today. Its a creme colored Hemp fitted Jacket.... I might have to keep this piece.... It's done in blues......Tonight I will paint two more pieces.. I am on a roll now.......We photograph the girls in the plain clothes first for the catalog in China for my first hand painted hemp clothing line.......Then we will photograph them in the painted line....It's very excited and I'm loving it. I have been painting clothes in my style now for thirty years.. Now finally I am to be rewarded for my commitment to my art.....Thank you......all my Kids and Amsterdam family for all your Love and support..I am at your service!!!!!.......HUGS.......Z PS. " Don't forget who you are"




Heavenhigh............ I also want to report that "Hattitudes" is working hard on our "Heavenly High Hemp Hats".After Jeannie makes them I will paint them......I think you all will be pleased.........HUGS......Z "Walk your Talk"


No hemp clothe in Amsterdam

No hemp clothe in Amsterdam

Heavenhigh Man, what a feat its been finding hemp cloth in this city. Its NOT here.........So I called Petra our Designer up north and she is sending an emergency package so "Hattitudes" and I can finish our new line... Jeannie has been sewing her butt off in between healing all our bodies with her magic touch......She has some great designs for me to paint. I have been painting 3 hats a night Its fun..."Hemp Hattitudes" is the new line.........................!!!!.....How exciting this all is.. I am honored to have Many Companies in our fashion show and its all falling nicely in place.......Next week a crew of us go up to petra's studio in Bovenkarspel... It's a three hour train ride and I thank my kids for being so agreeable.. we will turn it into a party.....Petra is great and she knows just what looks good on you and what doesn't (She is working on changing my bag lady look). Her shop"Design Studio'93" is a designers dream.. AND she has hemp cloth everywhere,,,,We will be showing her line at my table and orders will be possible......Then we have Hemp Works.. They have been Great.. We have put them in charge of the break dancers and Mr. Lee Bridges The Cannibis Poet......And my new line" Heavenly High Hemp".... We will all have displays at the Heavenhigh Booth..........So for Now.... I continue to continue.. HUGS z


Name of our show.

Name of our show.

Heavenhigh Just to announce that the name of our fashion show is "Spontaneous Combustion"... HUGS ......Z....."walk your talk"


continue to continue

continue to continue

Heavenhigh......I am madly painting my new line..I am VERY excited to share it all with you stoners!!!!!!!!!! HUGS Z........


Me,My BIG Head and I

Me,My BIG Head and I

Heavenhigh.................. My progress is moving along just how I like..Already this morning I have painted two more pieces for the show.. I painted trichomes on one of the little (and I mean little,.......good thing WE invented the mini)..hemp skirts.So looks like now I have A"Tricome Goddess" or lady whichever she perfers....I am really excited. I am going to name each one and each article is an art piece....So get ready for some visual stimulation.!!!!!!!......I really need some loving energy the bad vibes are getting me down.It is much easier to create with people bringing one up not down.......I have alot to do later.....BUT I won't let you down!!!!!!! HUGS ........Z
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