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Growing In Tents Kills Grower - UK

real ting

Maybe the dude really was just a huge dumbass. But even if the cause of death was the heat from his lamps, doesn't that mean that he was killed by dehydration and heat stroke? Not marijuana?

Funny thing is those temps would kill the plants too, so it's not like the environment required to grow marijuana kills a person. Although I could see a not so well sealed sealed room and a malfunctioning co2 regulator/controller causing some accidental deaths.


F*ck The Sun newspaper and Ruppy 'warmonger' Murdoch!

F*ck The Sun newspaper and Ruppy 'warmonger' Murdoch!

What a load of bollocks!! I don't know about you boys and girls, but when my house gets hot I open the windows LOL! How on earth did this dude die from the heat? Typical 'Sun' bullshit.

I mean come on, is anyone really buying this piffle? The kid had three tents running, so I gather that he knew what he was doing?

On my hottest day with two 600w and one 400w my room still only hit 32 maximum, even if I had slept in that room I would have woke up the next morning.

And what is with the picture of, as far as I can see healthy plants with the phrase 'fumes...cannabis farm'?

And hang on they called the guy a 'DRUGGIE', yet they found no drugs in his system hahahaha 'The Sun' always good for a laugh.

Fuck me, this story has more holes then a pound brick of Swiss cheese, thanks for the laugh Alistair Taylor you mug! Make sure you enjoy yourself when you go for a beer and a ciggie you hypocritical fool!

Oh dear, this is the sort of bullshit that puts the Cannabis struggle back two steps.

Are there any mainstream newspapers in the UK that support Cannabis? (I think The Times or The Telegraph does, not to sure though).



Is type of BS journalism, similar to William Randolf Hearst's smear campaign should be outlawed:angrymod:
These deceitful "writers" should be INCARCERATED not the alleged "DRUGGIE" w/o drugs in his system:mad:

This type of is way more destructive than someone growing a beneficial plant



sallyforthDeleted member 75382

The Sun supported the conservatives throughout the general election.

Then we get a coalition with the liberals....who support decrimilization of cannabis and the real lefties want a coffee shop ideal in Britain and then go to the UN for all out legalization.

BUT the conservative side does not and so expect the Sun to find all kinds of ways to carry on the bullshit.

Yeah and the average Sun reader believes this kind of bullshit.

Britain makes me laugh.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
kinda struck me as odd to see cooking a room up to 100 in may. not saying you couldn't if you tried, but still. halifax aint bermuda.

got curious, looked around - this guy died july 8th of last year.

what bugs me isn't that they essentially produce propaganda, it's that it's so bleedingly obvious, and people still buy it - knowing that's exactly what it is.
Where are these "tents" at in the photo. Looks like a room to me, and the plants look well watered.

BTW - I heard last year 1000's died from prohibition of cannabis farms.


Active member
Of that is a picture of his room. i'm calling bs. At over 100* those plants should showing serious signs of heat stress.

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
bastards!! lying thieving bastards,,, peace and truth will have its day on this earth soon!


100 is nothing.. Is it? Do folks die in the UK when it reaches 100?

we have 100 - 108 every day in the summer.

Yes old people do start to keel over when temps start to creep over 100 in the UK don't forget the weather in the UK is generally raining and when it's not raining it's cold or overcast and yes there ARE a LOT of stupid people on this island and knowing some of the people i do i can well believe that this story is indeed true lol

Laughing Jim

Active member
Greyskull said:
but seriously.... is the uk media guilty of "misreporting" the whole incident lol ????

Deception, misreprentation, and outright lying are common tools used by every government.


the article said the temps were in excess of 100 so they were probably wicked high if he really died. Also I think the pic is bs because it said he lined his walls with foil.......


Cannabis 101
lol you don't die from 100 degrees I been there done that haha
outside was almost 100 today shiiiittt
bs there is no tent and british police and media always bullshit hype their way with the Skunk crap lol the evil weed and other non cense.
I need proofs