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Great news from Massachusetts



Marijuana Policy Project Alert
May 22, 2008

The Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy (CSMP) has just begun the second and final stage of the signature drive to place a marijuana decriminalization initiative on the Massachusetts ballot ... giving voters the chance to decriminalize the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use in the state.Last November, after two months of petitioning, CSMP turned in more than 105,000 signatures to qualify the initiative for the November 2008 ballot. State law then required the state legislature to consider the initiative between January 2 and May 6. That period is now over, and CSMP began the second stage of the signature drive, which requires another 11,099 valid signatures by June 18. To ensure a place on the ballot, the campaign must collect approximately 20,000 raw signatures - at a cost of about $65,000.Would you please consider making a contribution to the campaign to ensure that voters have the chance to decriminalize marijuana this fall?!
This is the first time in history that an initiative to decriminalize marijuana will be placed on any statewide ballot. And winning in Massachusetts could dramatically advance marijuana policy reform elsewhere in the country.So far, the campaign has done everything right, including successfully completing the first part of the signature drive and lobbying the legislature not to take any actions that would harm the campaign.But now the campaign must raise the money that's needed to complete the second phase of the signature drive. Will you please visit http://www.SensibleMarijuanaPolicy.org/donate to donate $10 or more today?
Thank you,Rob KampiaExecutive DirectorMarijuana Policy ProjectWashington, D.C.P.S.

Raised in '08$1,037,680Goal in '08$3,000,000MPP will be able to tackle all of the projects in our 2008 strategic plan if you and other allies are generous enough to fund our work.

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Get two birds stoned at once
Asks for money but doesn't say where I can sign to help..

Where are they collecting signatures?


Jeff Lebowski said:
I love hearing stories like this Peanut, thank you man. You know how many emails you urge me to send, probably over 50 in this last month. I am learning new avenues on talking to people about mmj, its a little like false proselytizing by Christians (personal view), you just have to find a niche in common and talk about it and then be open and see what will happen.
LOL God Bless.

To the religious right:
God invented this medicine. It wasn't considered a sin until the 1930s. Congress does not establish my yardstick for sin vs rightiousness. God does.

If God were to invent a medicine for man, do you think it would make you feel good or bad?

Why does congress define your relationship to God?


Here's a sifter you can use. A joke:

They have discovered how much pot it takes to kill a human!
It's been discovered that if you take a fifty pound bale of pot and drop it from the top of a five story building, it'll kill just about anybody walking on the sidewalk.

If they laugh, continue. If not, it could be a waste of time.