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Government of Canada Launches Legislative Review of the Cannabis Act


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The expected review of the Cannabis Act was announced. See Government site

While a lot of the review looks like it will be the usual honk on Bobo stuff, they will be looking at:

  • Trends and impact of home cultivation of cannabis for non-medical purposes.
  • Progress made in deterring criminal activity and displacing the illicit cannabis market.

These two areas could impact home growing and the small-scale producers. Let's see what they come up with. We have come a long way but politics could come into play.


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And reading the media . . . It also seems that industry hopes to get some changes.
The retailers want cheaper entry fees, cheaper taxation for lower prices, real advertising.
The producers want less regulation, cheaper taxation, faster new product approval and real advertising.
And everybody wants edibles and beverages that make sense with larger doses.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
doesn't matter what they want or say..... I've been growing my own and making my own cannabis products(oils/ edibles/ extractions) for over 30 years and there is no regulation or law that is going to stop me from doing whatever the fuck I want with the cannabis plant. This current government is rife with liars and scammers and I currently have them on ignore LOL
Gonna grow my weed regardless and I have no use for the LP's, dispensaries or any weed other than my own.
Heck I haven't even been inside any of the 3 cannabis stores in my town. Matter of fact I haven't been in a single cannabis store ever.
When they make it possible for a small time guy like me to be able to breed and offer my seeds for sale, then I will start paying attention but right now it would cost MILLIONS OF DOLLARS , every consultant I have discussed this with tells me so.
Fuck trudeau's legalization, it's just another "incomplete portfolio" among the many his "government" are responsible for inflicting on Canadians.


Well-known member
Smoking a joint enjoying life while others whine about how miserable they are all because of something or someone else, its never thier fault.

Legalization is great I just love how rich people lost money in thier cannabis stocks! And how the big corporations are loosing money. But mostly how criminals lost thier cash cows.

KARMA in action.

I guess some people don't like freedom of choice like cannabis legalization or the right to choose to die. They rather have a buck in thier pocket then freedom of choice. Like conservative and republican stoners too greedy or stupid to know what is in thier best interest.


Well-known member
Heck I haven't even been inside any of the 3 cannabis stores in my town. Matter of fact I haven't been in a single cannabis store ever.
Don't worry dude they are making far more money then you ever will.

With a bit of online digging, you may see several prominent sources reporting dispensary owners make between $250,000 to $500,000 annually. These are uncited but likely realistic. That’s because, if your business is one of the profitable ones, you are likely making over a million dollars a year in gross revenue.
hen they make it possible for a small time guy like me to be able to breed and offer my seeds for sale, then I will start paying attention but right now it would cost MILLIONS OF DOLLARS , every consultant I have discussed this with tells me so.
Million of Dollars eh lol some one is trying to rip you off dude and it ain't the government. LOL

Costs for obtaining a cannabis license of any type granted by Health Canada start at $2,500. This is the fee for both types of micro-class licenses (cultivator and producer), as well as the cost for the nursery license. To obtain a sales license, the fee doubles to $5,000.

BTW its legal to sell seeds and clones directly to dispensaries. in BC Canada.

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Rocky Mtn Squid

Rider 420.....I think you have been smoking too much of that shit garbage Trudope LP weed, and it's effected your ability to think.

All the private dipensary owners I have talked to all complain that it's extremely difficult to make a profit. I've been told that they have to operate on a 12% profit margin. Rents are their major expense that is killing them. Moreover, in any major city or town, there are simply way too many stores. It's now common place to see 3 or 4 dispensaries in one city block.

The quality of the weed has come a long way, but it still has a very long way to go. An overwhelming amount of the LP weed is garbage. Most if it is already stale when you purchase it.

I very much doubt that dispensary owner's make between 250 - 500 K per year. That figure is total bullshit. Who are these so-called "prominent sources" that claim this ?????

Virtually everything the fucking Trudope government does is an abject failure. The only reason that phony fucking pedophile asshole legalized weed was to garner votes and of course the windfall in tax revenue in generates. The Fed's simply do not give a flying fuck about med patients and their real needs. It's all about that money and the facade of them looking good.

Give your head a shake dude..... :bashhead:


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Well-known member
So much anger good good.
Best of luck buddy but as long as you blame others for you being mad and unhappy you will be mad and unhappy. Its just KARMA.


Well-known member
Feel any better after your rage and rant?
I just wasted my time smoking a joint and watching a comedy on Netflix.
Best of luck buddy.

Rocky Mtn Squid

Hopefully, it was some of that fine LP weed you are so enamored with...... :smoke: ......and you are obviously mistaking me with someone that gives a flying fuck about what you think....:wave:.... ......especially when it concerns Trudope.



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Well-known member
Smoking a joint enjoying what I have accomplished while you blame the stars for your unhappiness. You have to love KARMA.

Sorry buddy but those are the facts good luck.


Well-known member
So much anger and hate absolutely sure that your misery is caused by a giant conspiracy against you.
You do know that the Liberals have increased funding for mental illness. But I guess you would not try to get help in fear that the doctor being liberal and part of the conspiracy would euthanize you.
Good luck buddy try some LP indica and mellow out dude.