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Getting Nic In slowly?


Ok so this was lyk 2 years ago and I jus starting to smok weed alot like on a daily basis. The reason why i started to smoke alot weed was that my buddy that smoke with me he always put tobacco in the weed for some stupid reason its not lyk the weed was wet or somthing. So yeah i started to smoke wit him alot and everytime i smoke wit him ill get dis crazy ass head rush from da weed. so as time flew by i see my self buying cigeretts pack, not to smoke it but to put it in my weed then smoke it and everytime i was feening out for weed it was really the tobacoo Nicotin that i wanted and i was soo in denile dat i wasent hook on cigaretts i kept smoking it wit my weed, and i rolled couple small pinner splifs wit weed in it and jus carry it around wit me whenever i had da urge of smoking tobacco and my buddys kept saying i was hook on it cigarttes and i jus said it jus made the weed burns better (yea rite haha) and ill get mad high after i get my nic in me cuz the weed will hit me after dat so ill be stoned all day everyday and it was pretty bad for me.
so yea NOW i smoke ciggarttes now. F*** i wish i didnt smoke wit my buddy cuz it lead to my additction thats is really bad for me and now i cant stop hahah. I got hook on tabacco wit out smoking a f****** Stogey how sad..

Ps. Ne one got hook the same way i did? well i do styll smoke weed but not dat much cuz i got the stogey to keep me sane haha


Not you agian HAHA Are u my freaking teacher jus read it give me some freaking feed back dis how i type on da internet lyk it or not dont hate please.. You must be some fat chick with no life that smoke weed eh LOL. HAHA j/p


When i read your mom like a book son.
(I can read but I type to fast and I dont give a shit)
F*** I need a smoke haha


Active member
the good news is that, although nicotine is powerfully addictive, you CAN stop using it, and in the process, greatly reduce your risk of some really nasty tobacco-related diseases. the choice is yours. there are on-line support groups that are a big help . good luck.


dinosaurus said:
so, at what point in your life did you decide that reading books was too hard?
When someone is heavily stoned....yeah...it's hard to read that BULLDOOKEY!@(})#$_%)!!@!
so, my mom was too hard for you? thats weird, and if you read her like a book, i cannot imagine you did very much, as its quite clear you are illiterate. i can type fast too, but that does not mean that i forget how to spell words correctly. so, what was the last grade you passed? fifth grade? my mom used to teach fifth grade, maybe that was when you read her?


i'm wondering where your mom came into play here. and reading her. you can read a mom?


Your addicted to the fast hit of smoking sugar...let me guess...its not non-additive cigarettes you are buying. Its camels/marlboro etc??

I sometimes put some organic american spirits in a spliff...no head rush. i don't get headrushes cept for the cigs with tobacco cured with sugar..or when sugar is added.


Active member
Man, I thought you were some kind of European at first. Are you an American that actually smokes them euro-joints, the tobacco with a sprinkle of weed?

If you're not European, is your friend European then?


Active member
EatCannabisRaw said:
Your addicted to the fast hit of smoking sugar...let me guess...its not non-additive cigarettes you are buying. Its camels/marlboro etc??

I sometimes put some organic american spirits in a spliff...no head rush. i don't get headrushes cept for the cigs with tobacco cured with sugar..or when sugar is added.

American Spirits spray extracted nicotine onto their tobacco, haha.


No, I am from Canada and i got hook on belmounts that the canadian brand cigarettes and that the tobacco my buddy uses to put in the weed. I cant smoke any other but those kinds. I don't smoke euro boogies


The same thing happenend to me man. My friends would just empty a cigarette into a gram session everytime we would bust up, and after a few weeks I couldn't smoke a pure Cannabis bowl. Now I'm out of high school though and I still smoke with "tobe" I hate it.
I never knew it was European style to smoke with tobacco, it's just hick style up here.