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Germinating seeds


New member
Ok, so after two failed attempts I decided soil is not for me, its just too messy.

So I built some kind of biobucket, but, I had planned on germing in an acuaponic setup I have in the backyard and then transplanting into it, but my pump died on the acuaponic project, so now I need a way to germinate.

I came up with this idea, would it work?

The idea being that the towel will be submerged to keep the seed wet until it germinates.

The drawing is not very accurate, the seed would be under the gravel, not above it.


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    germination idea.JPG
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just put the seeds in a wet paper towel, put that in a ziploc bag & then put that ziploc in a cig box or some small box to make it dark. then, try & place that box in a dark, yet WARM spot. (on top of a stereo reciever, cable box, or even fridge stays warm) thats it, in 2-5 days, you should see swelling or a tap root. then, transplant the seedling into ur setup. you are making a very simple natural process complex. its a weed, just keep it simple. gl
The major factors influencing seed germination are adequate moisture (you want the soil/substrate moist but not wet), good aeration, sufficient light, freedom from pathogenic organisms and toxic levels of chemicals.

Moist paper cloth under a warm light is a good place.

I usually just use small planters with a heating mat in a soil mix. Plant half inch or so then pack slightly (little compaction is actually good for seeds but too much can kill it). You want it to have enough energy to break the soil and reach the light to start generating new energy.

Dirt may be messy but growing can be expensive and adding more inputs adds on more costs.


just put the seeds in a wet paper towel, put that in a ziploc bag & then put that ziploc in a cig box or some small box to make it dark. then, try & place that box in a dark, yet WARM spot. (on top of a stereo reciever, cable box, or even fridge stays warm) thats it, in 2-5 days, you should see swelling or a tap root. then, transplant the seedling into ur setup. you are making a very simple natural process complex. its a weed, just keep it simple. gl

this is the method I have used for better than 35 years now, but I just stick it on a shelf near the grow, I don't keep em in the dark.
if they don't sprout with this method in 7 days I chuck out the non sprouters, and go again. (slow sprouters are ALWAYS slow growers too)

one tip I got from an old bean farmer was to plant the germinated seed TAP ROOT POINTING UP, not down (sounds weird, I know), because what happens is the tap root sensing gravity makes a quick u turn, and heads down, and this "flips" the entire seed/opening cotyledon package upward, helping the sprout break through the soil using LEVERAGE, and not just it's stored reserves of sugars.

it works great, I never plant any other way now


Where am I?
The paper towel method is the best. If u got a cable box put the closed folded paper towel into the ziplock bag put it on top of ur cable box (where it's warm). I swear by that. If u dong have a heat mat. 24-48 hours ull see what's up. U can just also soak ur seeds in a cup of water for a lil. They'll even sink when there ready to be put in paper towel. Not all sink but regardless try it


G'day :gday:

Ive just started myself and found rockwool to be great for germinating seeds , all the best!

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
just put the seeds in a wet paper towel, put that in a ziploc bag & then put that ziploc in a cig box or some small box to make it dark. then, try & place that box in a dark, yet WARM spot. (on top of a stereo reciever, cable box, or even fridge stays warm) thats it, in 2-5 days, you should see swelling or a tap root. then, transplant the seedling into ur setup. you are making a very simple natural process complex. its a weed, just keep it simple. gl

The paper towel method in a bag is good. Make sure there is some air available. Leave a corner of the bag slightly open. For example if you use a zip lock bag leave abou 1/8th of the opening not shut.
Make sure the paper towel does not get dry and moisten as needed. You want it moist but not soaking super wet.

G'day :gday:

Ive just started myself and found rockwool to be great for germinating seeds , all the best!



Active member
check my sig for how i do seeds; u can do more or less the same but with rockwool cubes... soak the rockwool cubes for 24hrs in thrive alive b1 with the red label at 10ml/gal then shake dry like ur shaking water off ur hands; be gentle with the cubes u don't want to compress them or they won't hold moisture like they should.. break off a lil corner of the cube and pop ur seed in the hole and cover with the corner u took off... cover tray with a humidity dome; regulate temp to 78 and ur set :) hope that helps


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I throw a seed in a plastic artist cup with snap on lid blow hot air in it snap the lid on let the seed soak for at least 12 hours, then no matter if seed has cracked or not ill throw it in a non print paper towel throw that into a ziplock and blow hot air into it.Then put it on my direct tv box and viola hours later pop goes the weasel.. works everytime.. or even between the two plates in paper towels works well also.. peace n puffs..



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
My ~100% method.

Get my seeds and scruff them up for a few seconds in the Ped Egg with the sandpaper. Then let them soak for several hours.

Put them in a moist paper towel

Then put the paper towel in a plastic Tupperware.

I have a HydroFarm heating pad with control ($40 total). I set it to 83 degrees and close everything up.

The towels are to keep the heat from escaping.

100% Guaranteed!!

Yeah it's a little bit of money, but for a newbie it works really well and you spent all that money or seeds whats a little more to make sure you can use them all?


Any method works well as long as the temperature is right, I've used soil, paper towel, and just water....all work fine.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Moist, wet, WHITE (no print) paper towel, old dvd case on top of cable box for one day.
24 hours later tails, and cubes.

Ride the wave baby, ride the wave....


Active member
Soil is the best method even though many work.
Its made to work lol. Just dont let it dry out, and make sure to put them like 1.5-2cm deep.

Cover in plastic. Come back in 48-72 hours and you got yourself seedlings.

No rewetting paper towels that dry out way faster then soil, no touching tap roots, no light hitting tap roots, no shoving the tap root.

Plus, the plant gets to grow undisturbed, thats why soil is always faster then papertowel/shotglass method.

If the seed doesn't come up after several days and the soil is still wet, then pull it out and attempt to split it with a scalpel ever so gently/carefully. Then put it back.

Soil holds moisture onto a seed better then a paper towel.
I've germed 100's of seeds, possibly 1k+ and I have near 100% germ rate even with bag seed.

Soil is goooood stuff.

The paper towel method works, but its open to A LOT of error, and even done properly, the seed is still usually subjected to temp fluctuations that it wouldn't see so much in soil that insulates/buffers it.

Just make sure to keep the soil wet and to plant 1.5-2.0cm deep, no more/no less.

Soil works, its not a person to person thing, it is just a fact. Don't use crappy soil because after the seedling germs, it will stunt/die; but it will germ!!!