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Finish drying my bud in the freezer in my kitchen?!?


The Marijuana Grower's Handbook is the best book I have read on the subject of growing pot. When it comes to a question I have, the information in this book comes closest to the usual consensus I find here in these forums. I would say in general this book has relevant and up to date info. This is why I am so curious about something I read in the "Harvest and Beyond" chapter. I have searched but found nothing directly addressing my question here on ICmag.

Rosenthal spends a couple paragraphs discussing drying your buds (not just storing) in your home's frost-free freezer. I'm not sure if it is okay to quote the whole passage here so I'll try to summarize as best I can:

He states you should dry your bud to the point of stem snapping and to the point you would normally begin bagging and sweating or jarring and burping your buds. Once at that point you put the partially dried buds in the freezer to "freeze dry". The water in the plant tissues freezes and then evaporates over time (10-20 days according to the book) through a process called sublimation. The claims are better taste and preservation of psychoactive compounds.

Any experiences or opinions?


**From a little further in the thread

Tried it b4 and yea its great,,,,,, dont put it in early and itll be perfect! 🔥🔥🔥😁😁

I'll do sum more when I harvest next


Boreal Curing
The seal is usually an accordion seal. Just give it a good wipe and make sure there isn't anything obstructing it or in the folds.


freezer cure for 2 plants

freezer cure for 2 plants

So I had to harvest a little early and I put two plants into the freezer, both weighed about oz+ after drying, but stems still bent, did not snap when put into the box and then freezer.
So they hung for 5 days, sat in freezer 2 weeks, but then I jarred them as we had lots of guest coming. I have been burping them last 2 weeks, but I have not truly tasted or examined the buds, but flavor and smell is improving, a couple of the Super Lemon Haze buds have been stellar, like sucking a lemon, but often the taste is still a bit on the harsh side, but with time will be just fine.
So here are the two girls the day they went into the freezer, I used a couple empty food boxes for storage.


Maybe the experts in this thread can help me out...not so much space in freezer & plenty bud still to come in to allow putting boxes/containers with bud in...so my question is would some vacum sealed bags of bud with a couple holes poked in still allow the full process of sublimation to take place ....??


Well-known member
Is it ok to use a freezer that is not frost free? I have a 14 cubic chest freezer with manual defrost.. Love the info.. i read over half the posts..


Boreal Curing
Is it ok to use a freezer that is not frost free? I have a 14 cubic chest freezer with manual defrost.. Love the info.. i read over half the posts..
A frost free freezer evacuates the humid air. I think it would work anyway, but without the evac, it might take on that "freezer smell". If I was trying that, I'd take the bud out of the freezer for 30 minutes and put them back in every once in a while for a few weeks.

I dry in a shed. After last years harvest was done I closed the doors. I went back in the shed last week to pull out some lights I need for this year's seedlings. My drying racks still had the odd bud on them so they spent the winter in the freezing temps.

I took a handfull and brought the home. I was surprised to see they hadn't completely dried out. Buds are springy and smoke is smooth. They're kinda nice. lol.

This is the second "accident" I've had so I'll experiment this year. I'll leave a few pounds out and see how it does.


Well-known member
Thanks tycho.. I will try the outdoor method in the late winter when 2nd harvest comes around. We get some winter conditions in the essex county area (southwest corner of ontario)..nothing like your area but still cold.

I can try the 30 min intervals this summer.

Anyone on this thread used a non frost freezer?


New member
I just finished the entire thread, great job everyone! I came here trying to find out if I could freeze my buds to kill spider mites and learned a whole lot more. Coincidentally i just chopped two phenos, Remedy CBD and The White, dried them for six days, into paper bags and the freezer at 5 degrees. Faith in what you've advised here.I
I have buds in jars from a year ago in a dark cool place using traditional curing and they still smell wonderful with a pliant texture, so I'm hoping the freeze dry exceeds this, especially in bud color.
Oh yeah those mites are dead:violin:


Boreal Curing
Maybe the experts in this thread can help me out...not so much space in freezer & plenty bud still to come in to allow putting boxes/containers with bud in...so my question is would some vacum sealed bags of bud with a couple holes poked in still allow the full process of sublimation to take place ....??

Sorry Zif. I missed this.

If you enclose your weed in a bag, it'll take months to dry and you'll get a buildup of ice inside the bag.




Got an idea about managing vacuum with glass jars

Closing the lid with hot material inside and then letting it cool, gives vacuum – the temperature drop combined with heat capacity, or BTUs stored) causing it.

Some of you make jam right? You close the lid while hot, and done right it barely opens again.

1. Close lid
2. Heat up exterior of jar with hot water, just don't shock the glass :biggrin:
3. Open lid, insert bud, close
4. Freeze.

Repeat, depending on jar-to-bud ratio and other factors.
A full jar, or wet produce would need more revacc-ins*

Closing the lid first should help with the possible RH increase from heating the air (likely negligible but worthy of mentioning).

This will give a constant negative pressure and make the dry-process quicker, potentially a lot.

Blueberry jam can of course hold a lot more heat than air, cooling down will shrink the bottled air a lot more.

I believe this effect can be replicated with select "warm stuff" in plastic bags, or whatever safe, cheap alternative there is to include in the jar.

Trying this now on my first early cut and sample, barely dried before vacuum-freezing. Will update when I can compare methods.

* Dry humour at its finest :biggrin:


Sorry Zif. I missed this.

If you enclose your weed in a bag, it'll take months to dry and you'll get a buildup of ice inside the bag.

Thanks thycho...
I have noticed a small bit of ice in the bags i did but- have recently acquired a smallfreezer that i can now fill up with boxes and get the cure on.....
Hello guys, sorry if this has been asked before.I am into a situation where drying conditions are not ideal Temps are 82 F , RH is 45% in the drying room. I suppose it would be ok to freeze dry the buds only 48 hours after chopping or something like that?Its been only 14 hours after chopping and buds are drying fast.Thanks for any tips


Active member
Hey weedlover, the freezer method dries bud very slowly compared to ambient air. Therefore, it is reccomended that a fresh harvest be dried for around 5-7 days on average. Crunchy on the outside, but still a little moist in the middle is where people seem to have the best results. You could probably get away with your 48-72 hour, especially if it dries out quickly due to your environment. However, expect that the bud will take at least 6-8 weeks to dry if they are overly wet. When you´re ready to check them, only let one bud thaw out to test, if it´s still too wet you need more time.