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Does anybody have any suggestions for sciatic nerve pain?

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
Sorry for the delay in replies guys. The docs came back and said spinal stenosis is the root issue. So I'm gonna proceed with some stretches etc that they recommended. Quite a lot of what's been said here. Has been said by "professionals" too now. So I guess a weed forum can be good for medical advice 😎 I appreciate every single one of you that's offered tips and well wishes. I'll keep you posted on my progress here
Ask your health care provider for neurodynamic exercises; specifically "sliders". These are exercises the mobilize your nerves and medula specifically, its also called "flossing" as the action is similar to flossing teeth, only your flossing with your nerves thru the rest of the body. This is the standard treatment for noninvasive procedures for nerve related pain with a mecanical component. Obviously make sure there arent any counterindications to your case, speak to your healthcare provider

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
In the meantime, try looking for cannabis products with myrcene, linalool and farnesene together to help deal with the pain until the other treatments, stretches and exercises start to improve your condition. I have a similar condition (three spinal fractures and nasty nerve pain in my right leg) and that combination of terpenes really does help me get through the day.


Well-known member
A course of steroids (prednisone for me) can help relieve the swelling around the nerve channels in your spine. L4, L5, S1 spinal joints are the usual culprits for sciatic nerve pain. Physical therapy is helpful. You will be given exercises and stretches that focus on strengthening your core muscles. A lumbar support pillow is also helpful when seated. A TENS unit can help reduce pain as well. If oral steroids do not resolve the issue there is the option of spinal steroid injections.

As stated above:
1.Appointment with Dr.
3.Meds/Physical Therapy
5.Steroid injections
6. Surgery

Do whatever you can to avoid #6.


Active member
First, don't take advice for sciatica from people on a weed forum. Or any other non medical personnel. Lol. As someone who has suffered from 30 years of breaking shit, construction accidents, motorcycle crasheS, I can tell you that people THINK they know your pain, but don't. And sciatica can range from discomfort and minor pain to excruciating, life altering, blinding, rage inducing pain. Stick w medical advice from professional medical caregivers.
Rage inducing... Oh man, I ve destroyed my sick plant on this mommentum of turning in bad angle while trying to repot into other container.. Ended up fcking raging with this sick plant flying all over the bathroom... Dont have sciatica, but have very similar disk damage and one wrong turn - SUFFER!!!!!


Well-known member
Do these help?
They do for me. The oral prednisone was no longer effective. Injections have their risks like any medical procedure so finding an experienced pain management doctor is key. My latest MRI showed improvement at the disc site which can be an effect of the steroids.

Here's an article I saw yesterday.
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Well-known member
Lumbar stenosis has my sciatica going down both legs. Sitting on my ass is the only thing that stops the pain.
I'm sorry to hear you are living with a lot of pain friend. When I had sciatica the Doctor told me not to give in to the pain and keep moving. Going to bed or stopping will keep the problem longer. Ask you doctor and make sure it is ok first. Walking short walks is really good for sciatica if you can. I walked for 2 weeks before it went away. A lot of pain and it was hard but I didn't give up and it went away.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear you are living with a lot of pain friend. When I had sciatica the Doctor told me not to give in to the pain and keep moving. Going to bed or stopping will keep the problem longer. Ask you doctor and make sure it is ok first. Walking short walks is really good for sciatica if you can. I walked for 2 weeks before it went away. A lot of pain and it was hard but I didn't give up and it went away.
The lumbar stenosis is strangling the spinal cord. I've been dealing with it my lifetime. I saw a neurosurgeon about it . He said surgery is way too dangerous and that there is a high probability I become paralyzed from the waist down. .. and if any doctor that does offer to cut me up I shouldn't walk but run away.

Thanks for the kind words :)


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ICMag Donor
Lumbar stenosis has my sciatica going down both legs. Sitting on my ass is the only thing that stops the pain.

Surgery was the solution for me - although my stenosis caused severe debilitating pins & needles when I stood or walked - rather than real pain. Arthritic buildup in L4 or L5 was the cause. In the first surgery in 2018 he cut a piece out and in the 2nd in 2020 he just dremeled it down some more.
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Well-known member
Surgery was the solution for me - although mine caused severe debilitating pins & needles when I stood or walked - rather than real pain. Arthritic buildup in L4 or L5 was the cause. In the first surgery in 2018 he cut a piece out and in the 2nd in 2020 he just dremeled it down some more.
I have the numbness, tingling, pins needles, and burning even without the surgery lol.


Well-known member
Surgery was the solution for me - although mine caused severe debilitating pins & needles when I stood or walked - rather than real pain. Arthritic buildup in L4 or L5 was the cause. In the first surgery in 2018 he cut a piece out and in the 2nd in 2020 he just dremeled it down some more.
What was recovery like? How effective was the second surgery?


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After my first cut, I was walking again in 5 days - when nicely cannabis medicated. And after a few weeks I had very little discomfort. The pins & needles returned after a little less than 2 years - hence surgery # 2. Again, I recovered quite quickly and I was doing a dog walk around the block (1 km) within a week. Of course, my back ain't what it used to be and I am very cautious lifting stuff and I tire out a lot easier now but then I am almost 70 . . .


See the world through a puff of smoke
Frankincense extract can help.




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but the surgeon does not recommend surgery for me.. too dangerous.

That is unfortunate. Thankfully, my surgeon recommended the op(s) with only a very small chance of things going badly. Although the last one was at the height of covid and the doc told me the morning of that the only way it was proceeding, was if it became day surgery and I gave up the overnight stay. My wife handled the nursing duties very well but the 1st night was interesting.