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Diagnosis needed


Active member
I have some AK47XC99 that are thirty days into 12/12 growing in soil using Bog's mix. Currently I am feeding them EJ bloom, Calmag Plus and Topmax once a week. The other times plain water. They are in a cab 4x6x7(h) with 1600 watts hps(air cooled) on a mover. Here are some pics:
This is one of the tops

This is a top on the same plant.

I have seven of these going, but only two are showing these signs. I also have 5 Grape Punch in the same cab and they are unaffected.
Can anyone tell me what this is? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

I also have a problem with another AKXC99. Here is a pic.



Rubbing my glands together
Looks like the nute mix is to strong for the girls of this strain. Burnt tips leaves curling and burnt/stressed leaves indicate to strong of a nute mix. Some strains can take higher levels than others without problems some can't. Back off some on the AKXC99 and see if it makes a difference. BTW, on the first pic, how close is it to the light? I had one do that due to to much heat from the bulb but the rest of the plant was ok. It was just to close to the light. Hope this helps.


Active member
resinryder, thanks for stopping by. I also thought that it might be too close. It was about 12" from the light. I now have it at about 18". I hope that was the problem.


Rubbing my glands together
Do you have a fan blowing across the top of the plants? I find this helps with excess heat.


Dr. Doolittle
they toofat can you get a better picture of the plant.... like aside pic or something

pics are conflicting me between the light and to high of nutrients.......

and i cant quite tell from the flash....
are you using them all at the same time? if so how much of each?


Active member
Stitch, I will get a side view and post it, but the rest of the plant looks fine. It's just the one top. I feed 15ml per gal. of the EJ and Topmax, and 5ml of Calmag.


Active member
Greeting Toofat. By the looks of it you either have a little nute burn or your tops are too close to the 1000 watter. That side pic will help a lot. good grow though otherwise...GOODLUCK!


High toofat. I was looking through my grow book and it shows a pic of a plant that looks exactly like yours as far as the leaves. In the description for the pic it says potassium and other nutrients are blocked causing internal leaf temperature to soar and transpiration to accelerate. The light probly wouldn't burn it being aircooled and on a light mover. Hope this helps. peace and *bong* :friends:


Active member
Thanks guys for your input. Here are some side views of the plant in question:
I really appreciate all of your help.



Cannabis Helper
Drop the temps down in the roots, meaning you need to cool down the roots...what is happening here is that the roots are very warm and throwing heat out of the top of the plant, maybe run your lights at night, but what ever you do you need alot more cooler air...



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
1600 watts, hey ma theres a super nova in my closet

1600 watts, hey ma theres a super nova in my closet

1600w HPS wow! :eek: Tell me there is a kick ass exhaust fan and cool air intake in there. At 168 cu-ft volumn, circ fans might help a little but it's got to get quite toasty in there if no exh. I'm thinking 625 CFM exhaust minimum, 6"ducts. Seems like 600w would be plenty on a mover in this size space.
Just trying to be clear about "air-cooled" , is it ducted and behind glass? Just because the others aren't showing visible signs of stress doesn't mean they aren't under stress.
Watch that Earth Juice, it really drops pH, I got that from MynameStitch.
Just throwing my few pennies worth in. Not long now till you'll really be burnin those babies for sure, in a bong. Grow well toobad. :wave:
Growdoc is pretty damn good at this sort of thing, I trust him with my grow. :friends: