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Computer/Tech Nerds Unite!


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Well I was looking around and saw IC Mag had no Computer section so I spoke with Skip and he was gracious enough to grant us a sub-forum for just this topic.

I have been into tech and computers since I was a kid. I have a bachelors degree in Information Systems and am working toward a second bachelors in Information Technology.

Anyone else out there a major tech nerd? Or work in the industry?

El Toker

I've been working in IT for the last twelve years, although I've been a geek all my life:). I was an IT Manager for a couple of large businesses, but now I'm and independant contractor and work a lot from home.

Oh and I'm and Micrsoft Fanbois, I think we need a microsoft vs Linux vs Apple thread.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
haha, im sure an apple vs. linux vs. windows thread will start soon enough =)

Glad to see another tech head here


Woa coool!! THanks skip!

Self taught IT guy here...

Been in the industry for about 15years now... All hands on experience, no certs, some school, but was a waste of time and money...

Windows/Linux/Virtual worlds etc.. I do software and hardware.. Everything from websites to full server rack configurations.... I have 2 42u racks in my garage for all my sheeeet! :joint:

Currently unemployed tho.... :(

If you're a true Geek, you would goto Defcon... Biggest underground hacking convention in the world @ Vegas every year.. My roomie has gone for the past 10yrs, I've been going for the past 5yrs... Yall should check it out!!

Take it easy!!!! :joint: :joint:

fred b

good call there!

i've been a geek all my life kinda, theres even photos of me when I was 2 years infront of one of my dads computer. I guess it's in my genes :)

I even control and monitor my growroom using a laptop ;)

i also work in the IT industry, but I don't want to go into detail on that.


good call there!

i've been a geek all my life kinda, theres even photos of me when I was 2 years infront of one of my dads computer. I guess it's in my genes :)

I even control and monitor my growroom using a laptop ;)

i also work in the IT industry, but I don't want to go into detail on that.

Control? What are you using or is it custom? My buddy and I were pondering ways to control and monitor. Buying something is just way to much, would have to customize a solution..... any help/suggestions?

fred b

hi kp,

i use a old laptop with a stripped down windows xp as host.
for controlling I use two gembird SIS-PM USB Powersockets. its a 6 connection plug board, of which 4 are controllable via USB. actually it would also be able to program timers right into the plug board but to be honest i wouldn't recommend gembird. they're products are miserable and their forum is full of support requests and annoyed customers. the only way getting it work the way I want, was coding a custom USB driver for the thing that allows virtual unplugging of the device. unfortunately that also made the shortest ON/OFF intervall 3 seconds. secondly, I am more a programmer than a hardware guy so I wanted to code the controlling app etc myself and not rely on some crappy gembird software :) so i would recommend getting some better USB controlable powerplug. theres really good one from anel elektronik USB-PwrCtrl but they're abit pricey and it's a german store.

for monitoring/controlling I am using a USB connector + sensors from pcmeasure.com

the apps are all selfcoded in csharp and are pretty customed to my setup :)

i am missing a ph sensor that can be used via USB, but that's not really necessary for me at the moment.

hope i could help you abit,

feel free to pose any questions

fred b.


Hey Fred, Thanks for helping with the details. I will show this post to my buddy, and see what we can come up with... Prolly not for a little while untill we start, need 1-2 more grows out the door before we can afford. :) :joint:

Thanks again, and K+ :canabis:


Active member
PC nerd reporting in. I also work in IT, I don't really feel like giving as many details as you guys, but my last positions was as a BSA doing alot of DBA/sql/oracle funcitons. Also an unemployed stoner atm :(


Freaky One to One binary transform artist here.

Discovered dynamic Unary Encoding in January.. Now I have to do something with it..

Hey do you guys see there are 100 GHZ processors now?


Hey fellow geeks :) been a computer geek all my life, only worked in the industry the past 5 years though.

Was trying to introduce Ubuntu to the schools in my city as I think the students should know there is something different than Microsoft and Apple, so far without success..booo


Active member
13 years working in IT since 97’. Cool to see a few fellow computer techies in this forum. Good to know there are some other stoners out there in the industry. I’ve only known a few folks in this field that toke and all of them are really good people.


LOL, you're gonna laugh at this one...

Worked with computers since '69 (IBM 360)


Computer/Tech Nerds Unite!

I will be getting my informatics degree in the coming months! Tech rules!

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