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Colorado networking


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning Colorado Bud Brothers. Rather you are a breeder, grower, toker or joker. Check in and let others know you are here.

Place I was hanging is falling apart for various reasons and wondering how the colo contingent is doing here. The state, along with the rest of the country has gone through lots of changes in the last 10 years or so. Some are long term survivors, some have dropped out, moved and some are just starting out.

I am a small grower and still chugging along. Wild wild west days are gone and Colo has reached a saturation point causing a steady decline in demand and prices.

I have learned to be more efficient to survive.....nothing goes to waste.....so far it is working. Who knows what the future will bring.....

How about you all...what is going on????


ICMag Donor
Prices were too high from the get go. $20 a gram....get real. Lived in SO CO before/after legalization. Has made an impact on CO, both good and bad.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I agree. 10 years ago the going price was $3200 per lb and $400 a zip. However prices have dropped to low and saturation is still causing prices to spiral downward.

I had a friend stop by yesterday with a question about his Chem #4 he was just getting ready to harvest. (outdoor). His question was....what is this white stuff.... I have seen PM before but this is bad.

I told him it was Power Mildew and shouldn't be smoked. He told me he could dump it for $125/oz all day long....

What has this state come to.....whores market with no regard to quality.....

I was told this would happen with legality and ultimately rec weed...I never thought it would happen.


It is really odd that a more open and legal environment has resulted in shittier weed. I always attributed the 5k+ prices with it being illegal, but maybe that illegal nature made for a more dedicated and discerning consumer. I have seen a decent amount of pot here in CO that would get you kicked from the circle of trust within some old groups. It is just weird, at least in terms of quality, price makes sense since there is a glut of mediocre shit being pushed.

Good to see you around pute.


Active member
The best part of the new legal market is all the people who bought up a bunch of nice equipment and then realized this hobby isn't like a hamster or something and there is work involved. So much nice equipment sitting around and available for trade...

The flowers are finally approaching real world pricing, grey market or in the stores. Personally, I feel this is as it should be. While I do miss the old days of nice pocket books, I would much rather see hard working people getting stuff that they can afford. It's just a shame that the stuff is much lower quality.

There doesn't seem to be a strong network or community of growers within the state anymore.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
@ xavier, Thanks my friend. Things aren't going well at the Cabana right now so I'm on a walk a bout.

I know I still grow good pot but have had to lower my prices again and again. Been able to maintain and keep most all my circle of friends but I know they see the lower prices advertised so ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

I just recently dropped from $200 to $150 and everybody seems happy for now. I will keep rocking as long my friends keep rolling.

The commercial guys I know are all shipping out of state.....$1200/lb is the going rate here..... Many are switching to oil. Now I hear the the dispensaries are coming out with infused flavor in their oil. Vape pens with apple flavor....hmmm.


The best part of the new legal market is all the people who bought up a bunch of nice equipment and then realized this hobby isn't like a hamster or something and there is work involved. So much nice equipment sitting around and available for trade...

Tons of grow equipment for trade many times free on craigslist. I have got stuff from real estate guys find it abandoned in properties.


been here since 2014. of about the 12 people I knew that came out here im the only one left. Maybe should get some t-shirts made for the rest of us.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
been here since 2014. of about the 12 people I knew that came out here im the only one left. Maybe should get some t-shirts made for the rest of us.

I have lived here for over 50 years. I didn't come to pot....pot came to me. I will never leave Colorado. To rooted in. It sure has changed the landscape of this state.

Frankly I wish it wasn't legal here. I hear of prices still roiling back East. It was still ok here under medical but when rec became legal everything went to hell.


lucky you. where I'm from if you get caught with even 1 plant County's ban you from buying, renting a house, registering vehicle and working a job after they take every thing you own.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
lucky you. where I'm from if you get caught with even 1 plant County's ban you from buying, renting a house, registering vehicle and working a job after they take every thing you own.

I know. I went to school in KS back in the early 70's and we had a super cop there Vern Miller. I had a friend go to jail for two years for selling a dime (lid) bag to a narc....

It has always been very liberal here. Unless you were stupid marijuana has been much more accepted than most any other place.

I have smoked since the summer of Woodstock...1969 and am lucky to have been here.


lucky you. where I'm from if you get caught with even 1 plant County's ban you from buying, renting a house, registering vehicle and working a job after they take every thing you own.

I have lived here for a couple of decades and been spoiled with the MJ laws. Even 20 years ago under 1oz was a $70. ticket.

I had friends in Utah and in the South that would get thousands of dollars in fines and years of probation for roaches and empty pipes. I used to think here in Colorado they would not even bother or if they did you would get a $70. ticket.

It is nice to have growing legal now back in the day you would go to prison like the rest of the US.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning Colorado.....great day to be in the marijuana business. I'm gonna be busy today. Making tea, taking cuts and feeding the girls. This old man won't be bored today.

@ Hydro. Like I said earlier marijuana has been accepted way longer than med legal. If you were careful everybody looked the other way. Now if you were selling bags of pot in Civic Center Park.....well stupid is as stupid does.


I am not sure how people will compete with the vapes, flavored or not. The crowd of people that are fond of flowers keeps getting smaller and smaller, not to mention it is cheaper to just turn out a big crop of bad quality weed and toss it all into whatever flavor of extract equipment compared to the cost of trimming it to put out viable flowers.

I still see the potential for a boutique market to develop. I am not involved in the biz anymore, legal weed just sort of killed it for me and the risk/reward got to where it wasnt worth it. My sincere hope is that some sort of cheaper licensing comes into play that could allow a bar/coffee shop type setting doing small sales of more exotic varieties. I think the vapes are going to be the budweiser's of the industry and available at gas stations, killing off many of the dispensaries.

Getting ready to flip to flower sometime this week, plants are a bit smaller than i like but i am mostly pheno hunting. Working through some tropicanna cookies x mexican i made and a few other chucks to see whats there. Last round it was ghost train haze x Mexican and it put out some great plants, though the GTH side is what really came through in it.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning xavier. I never really was in the buis. I just take care of a few inner circle friends. Been that way from the start for me. I watch my friends that are turning and burning. They are great growers but they don't trim or cure for shit. Rush, rush, rush.

There is a thread here talking about using machines for trimming.....holly crap! Also wet trimming...not me. The dank is in the details.

One of these days when I can send PM's and post pics I would love to show some of my work. Guess I have to have 50 posts for this privilege....I can't even give rep points....
I ran a few grows back in the pre-legal days. Had some fun building my setup and doing the grows. Kind of crazy, after scrounging for dealer bud my whole life, having jars full stashed on my shelves.

I only grew for my own use, and handed some out to a few close friends. Once full legalization came around, growing just wasn't worth it to me. I only smoke a few little pinches in a day, maybe an oz. in a year.

As for quality - 50 years ago when I started it was mostly leaves, stems and seeds. My local dispensary bud is fine with me. Although I do miss those occasional nice landrace buds that'd pop up now and then during the old days.


Yep, 50 posts unlocks stuff. As we are all aware, the internet is full of crazy and it helps keep them from spamming crazy crap when they get kicked.

I never worried much about quality until moving out here and being able to focus on that aspect rather than the not going to jail/getting robbed aspect. What i grew before was always competitive in whatever market, but the focus was different and man i sure love smoking my weird ass concoctions. There were quite a few periods where the quality i could buy was so much higher than what i could produce so went that route.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Afternoon bud brothers. Whew.....just finished today's duties. All have been fed, given beneficial tea in both flower and veg and took 18 cuts. Everything is cleaner than Kleenex and loving where they live and grow. I run a perpetual grow so I rotate mothers and starts on a regular basis.

Gonna take the dog out back for a quick walk and then start my daily buzz.

I have an extended plant count and with that I am able to stay well within my #'s and really don't watch the door for leo. I would never grow if it weren't for this. Today, I am roiling and enjoying life.

Xavier, I have watched your post for a long time now on another planet in our universe....we should get together some time for a smoke.


Sounds good man, i am rather antisocial (not sure wtf happened, i used to love going out and meeting people) but can be talked into going outside on occasion.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I think most on places like this are anti social....especially as we get older. But, I do love talking shop about individual grows...comparing and learning. I have never seen a grow from seed/clone to jars exactly like mine. I have gotten a lot of great ideas over the years. Then sharing smoke. Ahhh a new strain to taste.

Let me get a few more posts under my belt so I have an ability to PM.