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Chemical Jihad in Scotland!

lost in a sea

Is heroin such a problem in Scotland and the U.K. I thought coke was the problem with the hoodie in Britain or have FOX news got it wrong again?

id say their both seriously rife throughout certain areas of the uk, usually wound down, forgotten industrial towns, coke is more country wide, if you consider this fucked up mess a country....

about 70% of the weed sold in this country is so shitty, damp, underweight, or worst of all, sprayed with a fine glass all the way through the nugs, started like 5 years ago or something and its still going on !!!!!!

people are gonna start getting serious lung damage from smoking this sprayed shit, and ganja is gonna get the blame...


I'm surprised anyone is questioning if this is a 'real' attack, 9/11 really was a farce. I'd say go back and have another look at that supposed attack before analysing any others. There are many discrepancies to use as the start line.

Those terrorizers used bush family math on 9/11... 2 planes to drop towers 1 2 and 7!! WTF!


Those terrorizers used bush family math on 9/11... 2 planes to drop towers 1 2 and 7!! WTF!

Silverstien admits they had to 'pull' 7 because of 'fire damage', and it's claimed the towers fell due to fire damage caused by the jet fuel. No building with such structure has fell due to fire damage in recorded history.... the Reichstag burned for days and the frame remained solid. Demolitions take time and planning, you can't just decide to pull a building there and then. Charges need to be placed accurately for buildings to fall correctly, and this takes months.

There is such a high degree of bullshit odor with this event it's hardly worth going into it. How do you even take 2 commercial jets off course over US airspace? I thought NORAD was supposed to autopilot jets in these areas to prevent this very type of event. Maybe it lapsed at the timely hour... just like every CCTV camera on route from Princess Di's hotel to the Pont d'Alma tunnel.

The first step to beating terror is identifying who the terrorists actually are. Turn off your TV and stop reading the fear mongering in the papers then your half way there. I'm not saying Islamic extremists don't exists... I'm just saying they are way down the list in terms of potential threat. Our greatest dangers lay much closer to home.

Think free people, one love.


Silverstien admits they had to 'pull' 7 because of 'fire damage', and it's claimed the towers fell due to fire damage caused by the jet fuel. No building with such structure has fell due to fire damage in recorded history.... the Reichstag burned for days and the frame remained solid. Demolitions take time and planning, you can't just decide to pull a building there and then. Charges need to be placed accurately for buildings to fall correctly, and this takes months.

There is such a high degree of bullshit odor with this event it's hardly worth going into it. How do you even take 2 commercial jets off course over US airspace? I thought NORAD was supposed to autopilot jets in these areas to prevent this very type of event. Maybe it lapsed at the timely hour... just like every CCTV camera on route from Princess Di's hotel to the Pont d'Alma tunnel.

The first step to beating terror is identifying who the terrorists actually are. Turn off your TV and stop reading the fear mongering in the papers then your half way there. I'm not saying Islamic extremists don't exists... I'm just saying they are way down the list in terms of potential threat. Our greatest dangers lay much closer to home.

Think free people, one love.

Great post.:wave:


Other than the fact that some junkies are thieving bastards, i dont have a problem with users as such, i think its shame when someone ruins their life with hard drugs, usually combined with a lot of strong lager to get them through the lean times.

The people i have a problem with is dealers, there are many forms of ultra violence i might advocate for such people, but its against ic forum rules so ill refrain but im certain they are at the root of the problem, many users are also small time dealers, and these kind of users i dont really like much either since they are the conduit by which many more junkies are made, but the ones im thinking of are the ones in Range Rovers, sporting arm candy and bling. No fate is too grim for such folks in my view.

The original post was about contaminated heroin, which i think as it turned out was just an accidental occurrence from the gear being stored in goat skins, if i remember rightly, there where rumours at the time that X Y or Z may have done this on purpose.
It was a silly idea, since the quantitys or hard drugs, drink and shite food consumed in Scotland are a chemical jihad all on their own, never mind anthrax, what about stroke and heart disease.

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