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Charlie Sheen uses pot to make millions


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Fans of the TV show 'Two and a Half Men' will be rejoicing that not only did last evening's episode about medical marijuana garner huge ratings, but also because Charlie Sheen has signed a contract to return for another two years.

In "Gumby with a Pokey" last evening, Charlie got a recommendation for medical marijuana to help him sleep - and he made millions from the hilarity. We hear $1.25 million for just appearing in the episode, and then an incredible amount of residuals down the line over many years...

First off, we want to begin this Two and a Half Men review by first congratulating Charlie Sheen for becoming one of the most over-paid actors with his soon-to-be-announced contract renewal.
Thank goodness for the ridiculous state of California and its ability to provide us with pot plot lines on all our favorite shows. Charlie being stoned served as an excuse to gather up all of his exes in one house for a very entertaining and fun throwback sequence.
Berta: Man, If I'd known you liked the whacky weed, I wouldn't have spent the last eight years getting baked under the deck. You know, when I was on break.
No matter what you think, it's support from mainstream media such as this that breaks down the barriers in folks minds against 'the evil weed.'

The full story is here.
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Active member
The sight of Charlie Sheen sitting down at the kitchen table rolling a doobie (and a bad one at that!) sure warms the soul! Esp. since his show has hyped alcohol use from day one.


Active member
I'm wondering now how long it will be before we see a T.V. ad for an L.A. Dispensary on Two and a Half Men... (or maybe they're already doing tv ads in the LA market)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I don't know what you are all talking about.
Charlie was in his trailer getting toe up, so they had to change the plot.

But what better a spokesman for MMJ, much of his work would not be funny, if it weren't for...


ICMag Donor
awesome....hahahaha...gotta make sure to watch this episode...any one know the season/episode numbers?



Active member
It was a new show, so it should be repeated pretty soon later this week.

Just look up the title "Gumby with a Pokey" that was the punchline of a great joke too!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'm wondering now how long it will be before we see a T.V. ad for an L.A. Dispensary on Two and a Half Men... (or maybe they're already doing tv ads in the LA market)

even better will be the Dispensary based sitcom "Bud Me Tender"

(ok so I made that up, but you get the idea :) ) it's only a matter of time :)


Rubbing my glands together
It was funny, but....It would have been nice to see him get the script legit instead of from an online doctor who also sidelined as a directv customer service rep. And maybe instead of hallucinating and seeing ZZTop and many former girlfriends he'd of actually said it worked. IMO all the show did was reinforce the idea that mmj is a farce. At lease the drunk, whore chasing, wife beater made a good payday off the episode.

poking smot

It was funny, but....It would have been nice to see him get the script legit instead of from an online doctor who also sidelined as a directv customer service rep. And maybe instead of hallucinating and seeing ZZTop and many former girlfriends he'd of actually said it worked. IMO all the show did was reinforce the idea that mmj is a farce. At lease the drunk, whore chasing, wife beater made a good payday off the episode.

I agree. I didn't get my 215 that easy and have never hallucinated from weed. Thats what shrooms are for. But it was damn funny.


Right on I love the show I'll have ta catch the re run! TY Payaso!


did you guys catch the episode where alan eats some pot banana bread from his then girlfriends mother and ends up in bed with her? oh my god it was hilarious!!
yeah, finally its becoming more mainstream on primetime. kudos to the writers.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
yea i seen that episode....that show is pretty funny overall. Some of the songs Charlie sings for the kids are hillarious :)


spreadin da love
I thought it was a great episode! minus the smuck fake indian doctor giving a bs script. but still fucking funny!!

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