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Changing ICMag's Template - Testers Needed


Active member
It seems to be stretching for images and quoted text. Iv just tested on windows phone 10 and have same rendering issues


Active member
the drop box at the foot of the page also seems to stretch out the page, even if all the comments are within the green frame


Active member
To clarify, yes im using internet explorer.

User agent string from win8.1 handset:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; WPDesktop; Lumia 930) like Gecko


Active member
Thanks for all the help Souf. Ah, yeah, IE is a drag. You know they're no longer going to update IE. it's over!
Windows 10 will have a whole new browser.

Can you try another browser? I'm sure you'll have more success.

Also, we'll still have the full site template available, it just won't be the default.
So if that ends up being the best you can still use it. :)



Active member
No problem!
unfortunately the problem seems to be persistent in multiple browsers; here are screenshots taken in opera mini and uc browser. Firefox doesnt seem to have been compiled for windows phone... (im suspicious that both opera and uc are using i.e source code; probs used .net sdk)

I have access to a dev windows 10 handset, ill have a play on that later and see if any other browser configurations fix the rendering issue. I bet its i.e's fault anyway- its got all sorts of stupid "legacy" problems!

So long as the option for the "desktop" view is still there i cant see there being any problem :p cheers!


Active member
Souf, I agree with what you said.

Opera mini has been a drag for the last year now. The full version of Opera does work well however.

Yes, with a Windows phone you're likely to have some problems, however you have given me a few clues as to how to fix it, so I will continue to work on it. :)

I have the full version of win 8.1 on a laptop, so I can test the metro IE to an extent, but I'm sure it's a bit different on windows phone.


New member
Oh my god I think I just found a new home. I have honestly avoided this site because other sites had kick ass mobile platforms but it looks like Icmagg just one upped them


I guess I'm going to be the dissenter among the group, I Really don't like the sound of this, Me having to compromise to some one using their mobile phone to view this wonderful site. I don't want to have to change setting on my browser just to view this site on my computer (which is what I use) just for one website, everything else that I'd be viewing would have to have the page reset when going to another site or from this site to another site. Please don't take away my ability to view this site as a website on the internet that's on my computer, and not like I'm just some one with a smart phone and that's the only format to view it by/with.


Active member
ganoderma, I don't see why you'd have to change a setting in your browser to see this site.

Working fine in firefox right now..


Active member
Souf, the problem I see with IE, is that it doesn't understand what word-wrap means...all the other browsers do.


Active member
Oh my god I think I just found a new home. I have honestly avoided this site because other sites had kick ass mobile platforms but it looks like Icmagg just one upped them
Thanks for the kynd words. The big difference between our mobile template and others, is ours isn't the generic, out-of-the-box, plain jane template. It's custom built and has far more features available.

The goal is to have just ONE responsive template for the site, rather than two. Of course getting everything to work right on every platform in every browser is always a challenge.


thicker skin in training
ICMag Donor
Positives for me...
Scrolls better now, especially the pages with pictures do not go black while loading.

Negative for me...
Last post in thread does not show member name.
This is helpful if you are waiting for a specific response.

Lots of work for you at a busy time of year.
Thanks Skip:tiphat:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
ICMag is no longer supporting tapalk, we have our own mobile version that seems to be making folks happy :)


Can you guys change the aesthetic while you're at it? I don't see an option to change to mobile on my desktop version, but from the pictures I'm seeing it looks as IC mag has always looked with maybe a few tweaks. Why not change the weaksauce tiled background image and the put-you-to-sleep color scheme? Make it look like we're in the 21st century or some such.

In terms of membership I believe IC mag is the largest site in this genre....or at least one of the top three. Yet it has the worst UI. I mean it works -- it has worked for years -- and that's not something you want to bungle up in the name of style. But maybe put a polish on it? Make it less ugly...and less like something an IT student would have cooked up in 2003.

No hate meant by any means, don't take it that way. I'll continue to use IC mag unless it becomes unusable. :biggrin: Just figure in for a penny, in for a pound. Do it up.

EDIT: So I read the OP closer and changed things over to mobile. The big twist here is putting user location and rep in limbo over the top of the post? Neither centered or right justified, just kinda hangin?
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