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California truckers law


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go to califorinas DMV department of motor vechiels web site your answer should be there if not call or go down to the nearest dmv.


ruger 500


THE LAWS YOU SHOULD REFER TO ,ARE IN YOUR FMCSR BOOK ,THE LAWS GOVERNING HEAVY VEHICLES ARE GOVERENED BY THE FEDS NOT THE STATE oops,there are many prescription meds you cannot use ,and several over the counter meds also ,mostly the ones that induce sleep,or test positive for speed ,thc ,cocaine ,opietes
you can't take anything that could make you sleepy, confused, or cause an accident. that means you can't take sleep pills or even certain over the counter allergy meds if they cause drowsiness. everything has a warning label, that lists all the precautions you must follow, such as not driving or operating heavy machinery. if you are still a good driver, you'll be fine, until they do a urine test. then your in deep shit. so the smartest thing to do is to look into all the laws relating to motor vehicles.

then at least you're informed. what you do after that is totally up to you. just make good choices!


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crossbow.. have been researching this for a a year and haved asked everyone I could including the CHP. The California department of transportation does not recognise medical marijuana. There is a court case pending that may change this. They do recognize marinol and you must have a perscription for it specifically. Just be careful as no one will give you the same answer...DD

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