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California Cannabis Hemp and Health Initiative 2008 iniative has been filed!

  • Thread starter its just sky fi
  • Start date

its just sky fi

(This bulletin was sent out via myspace back Jack Herrer)

"It's official folks! The California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2008 has been filed.

Click here to see for yourself!


Please help spread the word!


Now we're going to need EVERYBODY"S help! Please go to my website and buy my book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and as many other products as you can. We'll be adding more products very soon so please keep checking back there. Buy your birthday and Christmas gifts from us and help us get this passed.

This is how we're funding the initiative until we get a political action committee together. We're going to need money to print petitions soon.


Click here for Jack’s Hemporium"
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