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Breeding Project; Autoflowering Geurilla Strain


Hello ICMag, I'd like to mention that of the few forums I do visit, I chose to come here to share, recieve, and ask of information.
The autoflowering topic has long been an issue, and I'm hoping we can have a nice sticky thread here.

To start off, I live in the dark moldy Pacific North West.
We get a nice dry summer here with plenty of forest and a short season.

My intentions are to continue with my photoperiod strains and indoor grows, though I wish to have a very nicely custom-tailored AF strain for my area. I'm more of a sativa guy but that just will not happen out here without intense precautions.

I know I'm starting to lose you guys to the long post.. stay with me here. I wish to have a very stabilized IBL of Auto Afghani plants, less than 13" each.

I'll of course need to test several varieties for mold resistance and general climate adaptation, though my "ideal" strain would be something along the lines of . .

[Purple Elephant x Deep Chunk] x (_____ Autoflower)

To start this project, I need to acquire my Autoflower beans, and I've been searching strains all night. So far I've found

• LowRyder 2
• Mighty Mite
• MasterLow
• Mossy's JEMS

These all look promising, though the real concern is plants remaining lower than 13". This will allow me bush grow practically anywhere.

Thanks for reading this all, this will be a long journey and I need to begin it now.

So please, share some info with your favorite 12" or less Autoflowers! I need to find my baseline.
40 Views so far and nobody has a respectful opinion on an autoflower that they have grown?


New member
never heard of purple elephant myself but must say sounds like a nice cross.breed my own autos but never attempted a non auto cross, you are going to have your hands full my friend, lots of backcrossing and stabilization, then selective breeding in your specific outdoor enviroment to find the hardest, productive and potent phenotypes for your guerilla growing.I wish you the best of luck in your experiments.dieselryder and auto hindu kush in my experience are on the shorter side and produce a nice smoke, they would be a good bet if height is of main concern.Select one of the shorter,bushier phenos and use that for your breeding and keep breeding and stabilzing these phenos. Also might be worth asking for advice in the breeders section im sure you would get some great advice from those guys.:tiphat:


Hey thanks man,
I recieved the Purple Elephant as a monstercropped clone.. It's taking a while but she's starting to produce 5 blade leaves again, I'm letting her recover to 5-9 blades before I start cloning again, not to mention her short stubby branches. The fucker yields strong though, great SoG plant, great tree plant. A nice all rounder for yield.

The Lowryder2 is still blooming,
I'm waiting to see a good amount of hairs before I pollinate,
I'm hoping to get 50-100 seeds per plant, of 5 and a half females. (one runt)

They've been drinking 50/50 veg/grow fert for the last few weeks, I've heard this helps produce viable seeds.


New member
Sounds like you have your hands full with this one but i am quite interrested as i live in the northwest too and have been looking for strains more suited for our "great growing season" will be watching this thead let me know if you need anyone to test your outdoor seeds


So I want to make sure I'm going about this right..
I got my LowRyder2 from the Attitude, which I believe came as an F4.
From there I got 2 Males, and 6 Females.
I intend on doing an OP with the entire stock for the first cross.

After this I should have a few hundred F5's, right?
And crossing these to an unrelated strain should restore vigor yes? As well as diversity?
And after that I begin stabilization?
So I want to make sure I'm going about this right..
I got my LowRyder2 from the Attitude, which I believe came as an F4.
From there I got 2 Males, and 6 Females.
I intend on doing an OP with the entire stock for the first cross.

After this I should have a few hundred F5's, right?
And crossing these to an unrelated strain should restore vigor yes? As well as diversity?
And after that I begin stabilization?

from five females you will get thousands beans i pollinated one small plant and got 900 odd beans ! way too many to pick from you would only need to pollinate some lower branches to get more than enough :)

are you making these beans inside how do you plan on picking the mold resistant phenos ? could you provide a high humidity environment for them in flower to weed out the mold susceptible ones ? could be easy enough to set up in a smallish closed grow room

The Revolution

Active member
Sounds like a great project. Wish you the best of luck. Being a primarily outdoor grower myself, an autoflowering guerilla strain is high on the list for me. Something you can harvest before the choppers and rippers are out scouting...
I had brainstormed a project like this a while back, but it never took off. I didnt have the time to dedicate to autos with so many other breeding projects, and preservation projects going on. wish you the best of luck. If theres anything I can do to help, just let meknow. I have many varieties Ive collected over the last decade or so.


An extremly short, auto-flowering guerilla strain that is potent, tasty, and has bag appeal with hard nuggets, would do well for me as well in New England. Under 13"? Huge bonus!
I could literally grow thousands and thousands of these right under everyones noses. No problem. Good luck man. Highest hopes for this breeding project for you.

The Revolution

Active member
Sounds like a great project. Wish you the best of luck. Being a primarily outdoor grower myself, an autoflowering guerilla strain is high on the list for me. Something you can harvest before the choppers and rippers are out scouting...
I had brainstormed a project like this a while back, but it never took off. I didnt have the time to dedicate to autos with so many other breeding projects, and preservation projects going on. wish you the best of luck. If theres anything I can do to help, just let meknow. I have many varieties Ive collected over the last decade or so.


I hate to report this after all the buildup..
The only male which survived culling,
turned out to be Intersex...
Was popping flowers earlier when I noticed the pistils...

I'll still grow the seeds next summer for bud,
but I won't be using them to breed with in the future.

In other words; Project scrapped until I get more autos.
And I don't plan on getting autos again soon.

My $180 attitude order became $230 after currency exchange,
an unneccesary one as well.
Don't plan on ordering here again if I can help it.

Until then, may this thread either rest in peace,
or maybe one of you will use it for your own 'Autoflowering Geurilla' project.
I'll be focusing on photo's for the time being.

+ Thanks for the killer support I was about to recieve if the project worked out.


Go with masterlow... if you keep it in 2 to 3 liter pots, it will (usually) keep to about 13 inches tall, from the soil surface up.

Masterlow is very Afghani... if you could get a cross of masterlow x "mr. nice" (or G13 x hash plant), it will probably turn into exactly what you want... as i have discovered. Simply put, between Masterlow (and a few such crosses) and the "Mr. Nice" cross, I feel no need to pick up a new AF, at least not in the past 4 years