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Black Molasses


Member yeahyeah!
this is s thread of the important of black molasses..
this is the original thread by:gramsci.antonio
i have only translate because it's a very interesting thread for me!
tnx to gramsci antonio! :tiphat:

What is black molasses?

One thing that ALL grower should have.

No, really, what is the black molasses?

Sugar cane molasses is not working. The black molasses is the finest quality. Personally I do not even stand the smell, but the plants seem to adore.

What is black molasses?

The black molasses, chemically speaking, is a source of complex carbohydrates, calcium, iron, magnesium and a pinch of potassium. All natural 100% organic.

What is black molasses?

Molasses is a product that stimulates the activity microbologica nell'intorno roots, and significantly improves the taste buds, making it more tasty and fruity.
Also, unlike other organic products as guano or ox blood, does not alter the taste of the peaks but simply intensifies the flavor and sweetness.

What is black molasses?

STOPPP! CHANGE asks forgiveness!

-Who should use molasses?


Who uses the soil organic all'areoponica from coconut all'idroponica. Without worrying about stopping anything, if used correctly.

-How do you use?

Very simple. Take a hot water bottle and pour the desired amount of molasses. Shake vigorously to dissolve any remaining solid again and then mixed with normal nutrient solution.

"But there is no alternative to houses made of nutrients?

Yes, there are several: CarboLoad, Sweet, Taste-enchanter, .... Several homes.

- And why the molasses is better?

For several reasons:

- My molasses expires in two years. Fertilizers on the expiry date even there. You can imagine how many preservatives.

- Molasses, being intended for human food consumption, is subjected to much more stringent monitoring.

- Molasses is a source of carbohydrates much for our noble and succulent plants.

- I pay 4.50 euros a kilo of molasses. It takes me several crop.

- Then the molasses superseding the commercial alternatives?

Not only. The best well :tiphat:


this is what i use....



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Threads on sugars, and organic unsulphered blackstrap molasses have been circulating on IC since 2006.

Here is a good thread in the organic reference library.


Make sure not to use too much, or you'll get bacterial blooms=nitrogen toxicity.

I use it at 1Tbs per 5 gallon tea brew, MAYBE once a week.

Many have a N-P-K of 1-0-5, and are high in potassium and are a decent cal/mag additive as well.

Organic Blue Agave Nectar works equally well.



Threads on sugars, and organic unsulphered blackstrap molasses have been circulating on IC since 2006.

Here is a good thread in the organic reference library.


Make sure not to use too much, or you'll get bacterial blooms=nitrogen toxicity.

I use it at 1Tbs per 5 gallon tea brew, MAYBE once a week.

Many have a N-P-K of 1-0-5, and are high in potassium and are a decent cal/mag additive as well.

Organic Blue Agave Nectar works equally well.


Never heard that about bacterial blooms and N toxicity, although it makes sense.
Pertinent info, I asked Mitch about timing molasses in auto grows, he said he starts at about day 25, using 2-3 tsp/25 liters (is that like 6 gallons or so?).


Threads on sugars, and organic unsulphered blackstrap molasses have been circulating on IC since 2006.

Here is a good thread in the organic reference library.


Make sure not to use too much, or you'll get bacterial blooms=nitrogen toxicity.

I use it at 1Tbs per 5 gallon tea brew, MAYBE once a week.

Many have a N-P-K of 1-0-5, and are high in potassium and are a decent cal/mag additive as well.

Organic Blue Agave Nectar works equally well.


Thanks for the link, good to refresh:thank you:


dont spill....
gross cleanup had a mini-bucket of this shit spill and drain in my room, got on some equipment being stored nearby, and some extension cords.
works well fed to plants
i do not suggest spilling it


New member
apply conservatively you say? good, i snacked through half of all mine....makes sense its a real flavor booster.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
I've always used blackstrap molasses. It brings out the best in plants. Plenty of carbs for the babies.


you'll get different opinions on that flashgee. some run it through entire flower, some only half, others only the last month. I am a final month kinda guy, except for the final week. final week is plain water only.

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