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Another NFL Player's Career Ruined


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The police sure like busting anyone who's going to get them publicity: 38 grams, intent to distribute????

TAMPA, Fla. -- The Tampa Bay Buccaneers released tight end Jerramy Stevens on Monday after his weekend arrest for marijuana possession.
Stevens was pulled over in his Ford pickup truck on Saturday at 7:05 p.m. for loud music, Tampa police spokeswoman Andrea Davis said in a news release. The officer said he smelled marijuana inside the vehicle and found 38 grams, or 1 1/3 ounces, of marijuana.

The 30-year-old player was taken to jail and charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell and possession of drug paraphernalia.

On Sunday, Buccaneers spokesman Jonathan Grella said the team was "deeply troubled" by the arrest. Stevens did not play in the Bucs' 18-17 win over St. Louis.

"We take such matters quite seriously," he said. "Obviously Jerramy Stevens will not be playing today and we will treat this matter with the seriousness it deserves."

The Bucs beat the Rams 18-17. Afterward, Bucs coach Raheem Morris declined to comment on Stevens.

Stevens was previously convicted of drunken driving in 2007 and pleaded guilty to reckless driving in 2003.

Stevens signed with the Buccaneers in 2007 after spending the first five years of his career with the Seahawks. The former first-round draft pick had 15 receptions for 130 yards and one touchdown last season and has 202 career catches for 2,217 yards and 22 TDs.

The Buccaneers promoted tight end Ryan Purvis from their practice squad after releasing Stevens.



Active member
fuckin cops...pulling people over for loud music. i fucking hate this country sometimes....fuck police a thousand times with a rusty pitchfork.

John Bourne

a very bad personal decision by stevens, he should have known better given how much of a hard ass roger goodell is, very stupid decision given the nfl's policies. with that said, it just goes to show how archaic and devastating the cannabis laws can be. a career, seemingly, ruined over a bit of grass. happens every single day! such a shame.


Active member
Imagine: That 38 grams cost this guy millions.........
I wonder if the pigs will try to seize the truck and/or his home.
The pig who busted him is now a celebrity pig.
How pathetic.
I don't know how these guys can rationalize it.
Destroying someone's life for a plant.....
Although the laws are absurdly idiotic, I will say this man is a moron. Hear me out, if you are in any high position in this country you gotta know the microscope is on you at all times. Doesn't matter if your a politician, CEO of any large corp, or a professional athlete. I would say especially the NFL.

People love to hate NFL players because all we hear about are the bad things that go on. For every bad thing in the news about a NFL player there are hundreds of good things being done by NFL players. There are so many charitable players, but you won't see that making front page news anytime soon.

Its the American stereotype culture. I know all to well about this. Growing up as a minority my parents taught me early on that I would have to be squeaky clean if I ever was going to succeed. All the while the children in the majority could make the same mistakes and never get a blemish on their record.

Its kind of funny because I see it playing it in real time with how Latinos and Muslims are being cast right now. Yes I know being Muslim is a religion, but that isn't stopping the media from trying to convince people that all Muslims are brown. Anyway I rambled on for to long here. The bottom line is know the SYSTEM, and hack it when necessary.
Yeah the NFL is strict, but BOO the Bucs organization for releasing this guy...They didn't have to do that...They are obviously against our plant.....I would love to see all pot smokers boycott the shit out of all Tampa Bayt Bucs gear and tickets...That would send a very loud message to the owners of that team, who also owns a very valuable English soccer team, not a soccer fan, so I cant remember which team he wons....Last name is Glazier, something like that. 2 Thumbs down to that organization... And I used to live in Tampa......cool place, shitty laws....It is part of the U.S....go fucking figure..

YES4PROP215...I agree..This country sucks more and more everyday....Mostly the laws and the government all up in our shit....If it wasn't for those 2 things, country would be cool...lol...

John Bourne

That would send a very loud message to the owners of that team, who also owns a very valuable English soccer team, not a soccer fan, so I cant remember which team he wons....Last name is Glazier, something like that. 2 Thumbs down to that organization... And I used to live in Tampa......cool place, shitty laws....It is part of the U.S....go fucking figure..

malcom glazier... he also owns, or used to own liverpool f.c. which is one of the largest football clubs in the world. he was basically kicked out of the ownership role by the board of governors for nearly bankrupting the team and the subsequent awful performance of the team on the field. this man is truly a thick head, privileged scum bag. it would basically be impossible to get through his thick head, he certainly would never be capable of seeing the beauty of a god given plant like cannabis. all he cares about is $$$


Active member
a very bad personal decision by stevens, he should have known better given how much of a hard ass roger goodell is, very stupid decision given the nfl's policies. with that said, it just goes to show how archaic and devastating the cannabis laws can be. a career, seemingly, ruined over a bit of grass. happens every single day! such a shame.

yet other NFL players can rape, get DUI's, run dog fighting rings, and sex up underage girls and still play in the NFL!

John Bourne

yet other NFL players can rape, get DUI's, run dog fighting rings, and sex up underage girls and still play in the NFL!

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! ... the more i think about this issue, the more my blood boils.

would be interesting to see if a legitimate medical professional would ever come out and publicly talk about some of the fantastic medical benefits of using cannabis and how it could apply to healing nfl players, and indeed other athletes as well.


He didnt get pulled over for loud music... he was profiled. Black man in a nice vehicle with big wheels and loud music (same profile for anyone really but not white adds at least a - 10 to his saving roll). Thats the thing the cops don't want to let go.... if there is no smell, and he is not obviously intoxicated.... wtf can the police do to this uppity person that doesn't know his place?
With a little bit of weed, he is now a drug dealer.

Prohibition = Jim Crowe (poor people too now)


I think Sims was pulled over for erratic driving and looked red eyed and reportedly had trouble speaking.
A little different don't you think?


Canna Coco grower
I think Sims was pulled over for erratic driving and looked red eyed and reportedly had trouble speaking.
A little different don't you think?

If you BELIEVE all that shit.... maybe you don't have first hand experience with honest trust worthy LEO's... :)


Active member
I think the pigs will bust anyone they can, regardless of skin color, and in particular if that person has celebrity status. There was an implicit racism in the original prohibition, but they will bust anyone, especially if you have assets to steal.


with florida state law being 75% tougher than federal law, evreything is going to be trumped up to the highest charge, then when they plead you out you go for a lesser charge that is still a high felony..... hopefully he'll go play for the raiders and get a script GO OAKLAND!!!!!


Story doesn't mention Whether/how much cash was confiscated. Thats what gets gold stars these days. Cops could keep $$ only if it's booked as drug money.


Reckless driving + DUI + football player + weed in his car that's not smell proof when he is a national icon = either an idiot or an ignoramus. Probably a little bit of both. That being said, he might be a great football player however I have absolutely no interest in the sport at the professional/entertainment level...I think it's ridiculous how much people care about professional sports: the time, money, resources and emotions thrown at professional sports never ceases to astonish me.


Active member
Reckless driving + DUI + football player + weed in his car that's not smell proof when he is a national icon = either an idiot or an ignoramus. Probably a little bit of both. That being said, he might be a great football player however I have absolutely no interest in the sport at the professional/entertainment level...I think it's ridiculous how much people care about professional sports: the time, money, resources and emotions thrown at professional sports never ceases to astonish me.

Celebrity worship has reached epidemic proportions in our society. Basketball players treated like gods, and the public actually voting to subsidize billionaires in building stadiums for them with our tax dollars. Completely absurd, and a symptom of a greater ill.
However this is not the issue.
The issue is government over stepping their bounds, and insinuating themselves in every facet of our lives, taking away our freedoms for profit. No one should go to jail for a plant, no matter how "stupid" they may have been.