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Albany Sour Diesel Clone


ICMag Donor
Tell me about how you used to grow her, @flower~power. Coco? What nutrients did you run with her? What’s the plan for your first try with this cutting?
I’ve been in Coco for a long time now I like it because it’s good for commercial production I think at the end of the season I’m going to take a break from commercial growing and concentrate on specialty growing for my head that’s when I’m gonna get all the very best medium and all the very best nutrients…


Well-known member
I really wonder if there is some other unknown viral load on her. She’s tested clean for HLVD three times so it’s not likely to be that. I really am not too savvy when it comes to plant viruses, fungi, bacteria. Anyone ever sent in plant materials for other viral/bacteria/fungi testing?

I know fusarium is common but wouldn’t that be apparent? I really wish I had tossed a couple cuttings outside this year to let them veg in the ground, under the sun.

Kevin Jodrey talks about using earthboxes to hold all his mom stock and how plant expression changes dramatically. I run salts now, but ran organic for a few decades and may go back to it for my moms. At least on the older 20-30 year old cuts I’ve got.


ICMag Donor
I really wonder if there is some other unknown viral load on her. She’s tested clean for HLVD three times so it’s not likely to be that. I really am not too savvy when it comes to plant viruses, fungi, bacteria. Anyone ever sent in plant materials for other viral/bacteria/fungi testing?

I know fusarium is common but wouldn’t that be apparent? I really wish I had tossed a couple cuttings outside this year to let them veg in the ground, under the sun.

Kevin Jodrey talks about using earthboxes to hold all his mom stock and how plant expression changes dramatically. I run salts now, but ran organic for a few decades and may go back to it for my moms. At least on the older 20-30 year old cuts I’ve got.
There’s a lot of truth to the outdoors bringing the old tired & weak …back to life


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I really wonder if there is some other unknown viral load on her. She’s tested clean for HLVD three times so it’s not likely to be that. I really am not too savvy when it comes to plant viruses, fungi, bacteria. Anyone ever sent in plant materials for other viral/bacteria/fungi testing?

I know fusarium is common but wouldn’t that be apparent? I really wish I had tossed a couple cuttings outside this year to let them veg in the ground, under the sun.

Kevin Jodrey talks about using earthboxes to hold all his mom stock and how plant expression changes dramatically. I run salts now, but ran organic for a few decades and may go back to it for my moms. At least on the older 20-30 year old cuts I’ve got.
Are you saying you arent getting what you expect out of her? I havent seen anyone else mention anything other than its the original weasel. Mine absolutely reeked in bloom. I only had Trinity running with it. Will run my Real Sour along side in the fall shortly. I love this other cut but feel like the Weasel from Cloney looks more original and is more potent. My weasel cut was dried outside and left for 2 weeks without any attention in tupper with the top barely on. I had no choice, dont judge. Only issue I have as a result is how it smells now. It reeked when I cut it. Still smokes good.


Well-known member
Only issue I have as a result is how it smells now. It reeked when I cut it. Still smokes good.

That’s interesting. That’s my only issue really too. The smell of ultra loud sour d is etched in my memory I just haven’t gotten it dried in the bag that way. I feel like this last run was best right off the plant once it was dry and hasn’t held up well in glass. I want that smell to AMPLIFY in glass, not diminish.

Might have been too warm in the room during my dry. I don’t have AC and it was around 75-77 in the room. Looking forward to another run with her soon when it cools off.

Each run I’ve gotten closer and it’s been a blast trying to figure her out. I’m definitely going to toss a cut into an Earthbox and do it all up with the kashi and fresh castings. Throw her under a CMH 315 and focus on mom health.


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The "Real Sour" from Jay_P doesnt necessarily reek in the jar, but after cutting up a bud in a shot glass with my trim scissors it sure starts Reekin. It also reeked of hardcore straight Diesel before being chopped around 70+. This is what I have found about this cut. Its said to be variegated but I dont find it to be like a seriously variegated blueberry with full on white leaflet halves. It more or less shows whitish streaking in veg from time to time, possibly due to Mg.

Quote from skunkmag fall 2021


Sour Diesel​

For many a seasoned smoker, realdeal sour diesel is the benchmark when it comes to one having an extraordinary smoking experience. Not the easiest of varietals to grow, a late triggering plant outside with a longer than average finishing time relative to the modern-day poly hybrid craze, it’s not that she ever really disappeared. Rather she’s been grown out by older appreciative heads in connected circles for the most part until the last couple of years when a sour diesel resurgence seems to have taken off again. The cut of Sour we’re looking at in this report is known or referred to as the ‘Plantspeaker cut.’ It is an original cut. Brought to Oregon direct from New York some 24plus years ago now by a man we’ll refer to simply as “George.” He has held the cut from then up to now. So why it may be referred to as “The JP” or “Plantspeaker cut” nowadays due to the meticulous manner in which it’s grown and cared for over the last many years, it’s really all props to George, and I’m glad that I’ve now had the moment to make that fact clear. She’s the real deal sour. Simply put, do her right; she’ll change your life.

BREEDER : unknown/conflicting stories and accounts
HEIGHT : medium to tall
WEIGHT: above average FLOWERING TIME IN DAYS : 77-84+days INDICA/SATIVA: hybrid TASTE NOT BURNT/BURN: the unburned dry hit taste of joint is a deep diesel fuel layered in notes of skunk with underlying subtle lemon notes. BURNT: it’s the unburned taste now on fire.
The way weed is supposed to be; flavor matches the nose. I get classic diesel. The added deepness of the skunk really comes out in the burn when your chest expands. Little to no ‘sweet’ in this version. The indoor bulb-grown versions tend to express sweeter, almost grapefruit fuel like terpene profiles. This is a full-body profiled organic sun-grown expression. DRIED BUD/ CRUMBLED APPEARANCE:
classic neon green kind colored buds with salmon to burnt red colored pistils. Speed of high/onset: effects are felt in an instant, increase through use, and continue to gain for a good bit after. DURATION OF HIGH: this particular (sungrown version) high lasts several hours—very much roller coaster ride-like in effects. There’s
a noted climbing or accelerating; pulsating sensation headed upward… my pulse matches up with any number of these random events one might encounter through such physical activity. QUALITY/ TYPE OF HIGH: real sour diesel grown well is truly unique and euphoric, some say even bordering on a like experience. I myself have to agree. I personally like my sour how I like my coffee. Straight. She’s a real pick me up. Medicinal qualities: uplifting and great for depression. Not so great for someone who is excitable or with heart conditions, prone to panic attacks, etc., Creatively speaking, both artists and musicians love sour d. Speaking to how it can enhance a mood or the working chemistry of a situation or event into something far greater….That’s the power of Sour. ORIGINS: New York, mid to late 1990s. To this present day, the legendary sour diesel falls into what I refer to as “the class of legendary strains.” If you have ever smoked weed or are familiar with the smoking culture, you’ve likely heard the name.



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Steady as she goes. She'll pull on thru.

The improperly cared for smoke test from yesterday was a smell of tea, kerosene and BO. The effect was speedy and an overall noticeably stronger effect than the other one but again they were not ran side by side.

That Weas I ran on Jacks321 vs the canna just remembered. I'd like to try and do a run with PBP but not sure that would be good after @MOneYMiKe recommended lucas as it sounded like he meant salts? I'll have a peek back and see what you ran with Jcue.


Well-known member
Steady as she goes. She'll pull on thru.

The improperly cared for smoke test from yesterday was a smell of tea, kerosene and BO. The effect was speedy and an overall noticeably stronger effect than the other one but again they were not ran side by side.

That Weas I ran on Jacks321 vs the canna just remembered. I'd like to try and do a run with PBP but not sure that would be good after @MOneYMiKe recommended lucas as it sounded like he meant salts? I'll have a peek back and see what you ran with Jcue.
I ran Masterblend salts with TPS signal in Promix