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a hydro shop almost killed me with selling me a uset bulb.


I never understood how things can catch fire if the electricity is done decently? Shouldn't the electricity go out as soon as there's a short circuit?


Active member
Maybe he handled the bulb with bare hands?:comfort:
I'm sure ive read with the hands leaving grease on the glass this can lead to overheat?
It is good practise to wear gloves and/or not touching glass.


Well-known member
dude it burned for over 9 hours if it was not correct it would have blow sooner then it did and its a 400watt bulb the same as i had in before . and now im running the old bulb again and no problem.
you call it bs ?
if you had try what i just did try last night. you would sh*t in your panties boy.

say what you want boy but im just telling you how it went down-.-"

A 400w lamp can run for days (perhaps weeks) in a 600w ballast without blowing. The same goes for other wattages. I wouldn't advise it, but we have tried to pop lamps intentionally at my bud's hydro shop - in many instances, it's very hard to blow them when ya want to.

I've got a question though..

If you've put another old 400w in your unit.. and it's running with no problems, what's to stop it from happening again as it ages further... and then who's fault will it be? You're doing the exact same thing again.

What is different about the hydro store "used" bulb then the used bulb you are running now? Are you trying to kill yourself? You certainly can't blame the hydro store if it happens again. Even if you did get a used bulb from them...how would they know that a particular used bulb is inherently evil, as they are normally just that, a used bulb. I've given dozens of used bulbs away for those unable to afford new.

Never seen an HPS lamp catch fire or melt down.. they normally either light or they don't. I've seen a MH explode in a hood before though.

If this rare phenomenon happened to me I would be changing out every aspect of that light.. bulb, socket, cords, ballast..

I think your anger is misdirected. You want to blame the hydro shop for this event, but I'm not so sure it works like that. You just said yourself you put another old lamp back in the unit... how is this any different then you putting in the other old lamp that failed catastrophically.

What if a brand new bulb failed catastrophically. New bulbs are not immune from defect. Who's fault is it then? Still the shops, the manufacturer, the end user? Unless you've got proof that it's not something with your gear, the way you handled or installed the lamp, the wiring/socket, etc, etc.... you just cant pass the blame like that.

It's like the guys who blame and bitch to their hydro store because this dirt killed their plants, or this nute ruined their crop. It doesn't work like that, but I assure you my hydro bud deals with it every single day.. nobody wants to own up to their own actions. Selling a used bulb as new certainly is deceiving and not OK, but they can't bare all the blame. Something more has to be happening here.. used bulbs just don't fail this way normally. I'd seriously examine that socket and the little tab/spring as mentioned. Sounds like there was a connectivity issues and things got hot...


if it smells like fish
last shop I went to marked bulbs in front of you ....they guaranteed bulb and never get a used one....yeehaw.... I have never had any fires in ballasts or bulbs yet....I did melt quite a few timers tho once...intermatic waterheater timers now...


New member
I've never had a fire in my room but a few months ago i bought a 1000w bulb off amazon when i pulled it out of the box i inspected it like i always do(As everyone should!) and i saw a few little glass pieces floating around so i went to the hydro shop and asked them about it and they said to send it back so i did n got a replacement but I'm sure if i used that bulb it wouldn't have been good but i do have a Solistek E Ballast so it probably wouldn't even have fired due to the safety precautions of the ballast so if anyone is concerned about this kind of stuff and honestly everyone should be cuz it happens but take precautions upgrade your ballast add some fire alarms and maybe even an auto extinguisher spending an extra few bucks is worth saving your life don't you think :)


aka "Doc"
Most bulbs have a 1 year warranty (from date of purchase)...and when a few of my Ushio bulbs burned out after 6 months, Greencoast gave me replacements on the spot. I like to see that kind of customer service from online sellers!

With a permanent ink marker, I now write the replacement date on the lamp's metal base--why pay for a new bulb if the old one burned out after 9 months? I do replace my HPS bulbs every 6 months--like clockwork, but the MH I replace every 12 months. I run 50/50 MH/HPS in flower and I like the results I get with mixed spectrum; especially the Horti Blues compared to Plantmax--I am sold on those babies...the difference is like night vs day, hot vs cold, real beer vs lite beer; blow job vs hand job, kiss vs handshake, etc.