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60x60x160, Barneys Pineapple Chunk

I will have the honor to share with you my grow.
Tent: 60x60x160 (cm)

Lights: HLG120-H (120W max output, settings on max from day 0) + 100W Generic Led flood light (6000K color,10K Lumens~, still not in work - will set it up in 14days or so)

Strain: Barneys farm pineapple chunk, 4 plants from 4 seeds (I love different phenos ) .

27-30C, 30-40% RH, in late flowering will drop to 20-25. RH is always between 30-40, I can't raise it whatsoever (AC is always ON, even humidifier won't work.) but I guess it will be a benefit during flower

Soil: Typical garden soil with osmcote. I him for 10-15L pot for each plant,

Fertilizers: as required, probably not much during veg. 5-3-8 (NPK), 2-0-0 (cal-mag)

PC#1 - sowed 5.4, so It's the biggest one. I think she is quite big as now for 16day from seed.

PC#2,PC#3,PC#4 - sowed 16.4, showed up 21.4

Light cycle: 24/0 from seed, I'm planning to grow all of them 24/0 for 3 more weeks, LST on PC#1 (the big), and then turn into 12/12

note: currently I have sage in the tent too, just for nice smell and all.
and the little pot near the sage that looks dry - does not contain anything so don't worry (there was a seed there that didn't germinate. got him out and trying to resuce him)
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added to the tent:
another fan (I think it's 4 inch)
1 flood light, 50w, 6000-6500k, 4500-5000 lumens
1 flood light, 50w, 2700-3500k, 4500-5000 lumens.
they really seem to have some power:
I used application called "photon" on IOS the measure lumes/PPFD
before (at soil level):
18K lumens

after (at soil level):
450-500 PPFD
22-23K lumens

* I'm not concered about PPFD as this is soil level measure. I guess 5cm above that which is the actual leaf is at least 550 PPFD.

is too much light a risk here? I guessed not as the temps at the highest leaf level does not exceed 30C whatsoever. but you can help with your opinion here :)
lesson learned: too much light is a real thing. after less than 24h with those flood lights the temps was on the edge (27c at soil level), and the growth of everything slowed down. especially the seedlings.
so after 24 hours with the flood light I just turned them off.
PC#1: 23 days old. growing really fast and compact, branching is on the way as you can see. she have some weird marks on some leaves which I think is light/heat stress. maybe thrips? idk. she would handle it with no problem.

PC#2/3/4: growing extremely slow, all this light/heat mess made them just hand. also: the leaves of all of them is totally purple from the back side. why is that? anyway. now they get in comfort and I expect them to grow faster. also one of them is much faster than the others.
PC#1 - 29 day from seed
PC#2/3/4 - day 17

today I transplanted them in their final pots. I fucked up a little bit, I planned on 4X14L pots, but only 3 could get in and even with 3 one of the pots is just slightly tilted. fast forward I improvised custom pot for the plant using a empty protein powder can lol.

anyway, while transplanting I figured out some thing
PC#1 was root bound. she filled the 4L pot with roots and the roots was circulating around the pot.
PC#4 - this is the slowest plant (bottom,right) which looked really bad and grows a leaf in a week. this plant had roots coming out from the holes in the 0.5L pot. and lot of roots. I bet that the transplant will wake this plant up.
the plants are smelly as f, even while veg. I could smell them without opening the tent. so I installed a carbon filter.
even the little seedling are really smelly, way more than any other strain I growed.
if everything goes right from here, I flower them in 10-14 days.
since I moved them to their big pots they been growing really fast!
also, they are under ~220W total (HLG120 QB, 1X50W flood light 6000k, 1x50W flood light 3000K)
let's make it official:
upper left - PC#1 - day 36 from seed - no topping/LST, and yet growing like a bush
lower left - PC#2 - day 23 from seed - got a little LST there.
upper right - PC#3 - day 23 from seed - got a little LST too.
lower right - PC#4 - day 23 from seed. that is the slowest plant, maybe because fungus gnats and maybe genetics

today I added 5-8cm of tuff rocks as mulch to minimize water loss, keep the soil isolated, and to control and minimize fungus gnats.
I'm thinking of flowering them in 1 week, what do you think about it?
also, I will probably take a cut from PC#1 as this plant is the only one which had such a fast growth.

the smell in the tent is really distinct and strong, smells like plants in their 3/4 week of flowering.
on the stem rub and overall smell:
PC#1 - strong strong smell, but not too unique. that's the typical cannabis stem rub smell, with a slight sweet/tropical smell. but the overall smell from her is strong and generic.
PC#2 - weaker then PC#1, smells kind'a weird. like it's typical cannabis stem rub smell, but with weak (yet distinct) smell of perfume...something between flowery/musky. not too nice, but distinct.
PC#3 - strong smell, but not a nice one. smells like wild green plant. no cannabis smell at all. the whole plant just smells like green plant from the sideroad.
PC#4 - weak smell, smells like wild green plant (not cannabis), but with a hint sweet basil.



Well-known member
Is that lava rocks or hydro corn you are using as mulch? Your plants look pretty and growing nicely.


Well-known member
lava rocks..not the best mulch, but better than nothing

and thank you.
do you think turning into flower next Friday(6 days from now) is good idea? I
No friend its still too early to get the good buds, so give it a couple of more weeks. Friend, keep a thermometer on the rocks and keep a watch on the temps. The reason is when it gets hot in there those rocks will hold and store heat causing the soil to dry out fast on top and stay wet on the bottom of the pot. They are good when its cool but can be a problem when it gets really hot.
No friend its still too early to get the good buds, so give it a couple of more weeks. Friend, keep a thermometer on the rocks and keep a watch on the temps. The reason is when it gets hot in there those rocks will hold and store heat causing the soil to dry out fast on top and stay wet on the bottom of the pot. They are good when its cool but can be a problem when it gets really hot.
I have thermometer always but when I take photos i remove it (because i water the same time)
temps at ground level do not exceed the 25...
and about flowering, I heard this strain is known to have HUGE flower strech..like a sativa, that's why I'm afraid of vegging alot more. I dont have ton of height considering the carbon filter and the height of the pots themselves
PC#1 - day 40 from seed
PC#2/3/4 - day 27 from seed
PC#1 got topped at day 37 - getting way too big and bushy, even the topping didn't slowed him down for a second.
PC#3 got topped at day 26
I topped them because I want to make the plants kind'a the same height before flowering

I still didn't decide when to flower them.
from one side, I feel that if I'm not flowering soon I'm gonna deal with height issues. at least from PC#1 and PC#3.
from other side, I feel that flowering now may not 100% utilize the space in the tent.
hard hard decision. currently thinking on flowering on 19.5 (3 days from now)


Well-known member
Actually, while I see your pots, they seem to be pretty big. How big are they? I mean how much soil is inside apart from the rocks on the top?
And when did you transplant into these? Those plants don't look like big stretchers. I would also take into account that the roots need to develop nicely before flowering. So a few days more veg won't hurt. You still can top them if they grow or stretch too much.
Actually, while I see your pots, they seem to be pretty big. How big are they? I mean how much soil is inside apart from the rocks on the top?
And when did you transplant into these? Those plants don't look like big stretchers. I would also take into account that the roots need to develop nicely before flowering. So a few days more veg won't hurt. You still can top them if they grow or stretch too much.
3 of them are in 11 Liters of soil, one of them (upper right) is in 8 Liter soil.
I transplanted them at 3.5. they filled up the previous containers with roots.
and about that, I'm pretty sure they have big roots if not filled up those containers already
because they grew great without water for 10 days after the transplant and probably could for much more..

about how big they are:
PC#1 (upper left) is 45cm
PC#2 (lower left) is 40 cm
PC#3 (upper right) is 35cm (but his pot is higher then everyone else, so it's even canopy with PC#1)
PC#4 (lower right) is around 35 cm as well
it's worth noting that there is like at least 5cm of rocks here. and I measured them from the rocks up.
Thanks god I didn't waited with flowering them...
day 2 of 12/12. and they already gained 10-15cm height

It's like every 12hours of darkness, they gain another 5+cm height.
also the plants are growing HARD. branching from every place. and PC#3 (upper right) have huge stem for some reason
Flowering @ day 5

PC#1 (Upper left) does not stretch much, but instead grow side branches more and more, some of them got to the height of the main growth.

PC#2(lower left) is probably the stretchy pheno growers talked about which appears in pineapple chunk, she is 10cm above all of them.

PC#3 (upper right) is officially a weird pheno, borderline genetic mutation or something. in regards to grow she normal. big leaves, little bit stretch and little bit side-branches. but every stem she have, even leaf stems - are abnormally thick and huge. her leaf stems are thick like a middle finger. could not take photo of this as the lights make my camera go crazy...

PC#4 (lower right) is normal. she is actually not stretching at all but instead growing plenty of side branches, I added here photo of here base stem, the structure is amazing even without LST/topping..

I'm doing my best to optimize temps and humidity, but it's not enough.
day temps are 27-29C at canopy, 22C at stem level
night temps are 18-20C, little bit low but I have nothing to do against it....

BTW. till now no one of them got any nutrients except CalMag. the Osmocote in the soil does the job. I will give nutes one I see first sign of deficiency.




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Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
Flowering @ day 5

PC#1 (Upper left) does not stretch much, but instead grow side branches more and more, some of them got to the height of the main growth.

PC#2(lower left) is probably the stretchy pheno growers talked about which appears in pineapple chunk, she is 10cm above all of them.

PC#3 (upper right) is officially a weird pheno, borderline genetic mutation or something. in regards to grow she normal. big leaves, little bit stretch and little bit side-branches. but every stem she have, even leaf stems - are abnormally thick and huge. her leaf stems are thick like a middle finger. could not take photo of this as the lights make my camera go crazy...

PC#4 (lower right) is normal. she is actually not stretching at all but instead growing plenty of side branches, I added here photo of here base stem, the structure is amazing even without LST/topping..

I'm doing my best to optimize temps and humidity, but it's not enough.
day temps are 27-29C at canopy, 22C at stem level
night temps are 18-20C, little bit low but I have nothing to do against it....

BTW. till now no one of them got any nutrients except CalMag. the Osmocote in the soil does the job. I will give nutes one I see first sign of deficiency.

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They have healthy leaves and strong stems.👍👍

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