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2005 Pot March - Vansterdam



well this year was a sad year imo for the Pot March here in Vansterdam. We only had around 500 people show up :jawdrop: :frown: This is in a very sad comparison to the aprrox 2000+ that showed up last year. Come on people. lets see more of you out there next year; lets try and have the biggest march Vancouver has seen yet. There were about 10 or so signs entered in the sign competition which at least was the only normal part of this years gathering (aside from how the march was organised), the plant comp only had one entry, but next year we promise there will be more entrys :smoke: I must say that it was a very nice looking little seedling claimed to be an Island Sweet Skunk.

Heres the Tall Brothers

Cop watch David Malmo-Levine at his tent

And random group shots

I wasnt able to snap to many shots since I was busy carrying a sign, but I will get more from my buddy who was taking photos at the very front and post them up later.