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Just got my water test results, and my PPM is 923 total. I Have An RO System. In your Opinion, should i Use The RO Water to grow Organic with?


Active member
I have attached a picture of the results.

My water is 923 total ppm.
I already have a RO system installed.
Through my research, 923 sounds crazy high to grow with, so im thinking i should use the RO water.

My Question:
I will be growing in organic soil (build a soil 3.0)

Based on these results, in your opinon should i grow with my RO water rather than tap, since the ppm is so high?

Thanks in advance for any help!!

Screen Shot 2024-04-04 at 5.01.39 PM.png


Well-known member
Sounds like a lot of sodium yeah 363 ppm, maybe use the RO system if you already have it.


Active member
Sounds like a lot of sodium yeah 363 ppm, maybe use the RO system if you already have it.
Yea i am actually going to be switching out the sodium in my water softener to potassium, so that level should change soon.

I imagine even after that switch my waters total ppm's will still be wildly high like this previous test, just with no sodium and potassium instead.

I appreciate your help, i assumed RO is probably the best move, but just wanted to double check with you guys since pretty much all of you have more knowledge than me haha.

Thank you!!


Active member
You don't want to use softened water at all. Whats the ppm before the softener ?
I unfortunately do not have exact results for the water before the softener like i do with the softened water.

However i was told by my water company guy that ive used for years, that if the ppm is this high after softening, it is still probably fairly high even before it.


Active member
I think anything over 200ppm needs an r/0 or get your water somewhere else. I have springs near me with 35ppm@5 ph5.8 so that's where I get mine

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