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Autoflowering tropical Sativas (NLD)


Well-known member
I grew quite a few Zamal: Mango karut, Mango Pepper, Zamaldelicas, Mango Zamal from Mandala, MBS x Zamal from Wally and home made hybrids with Mango Pepper and Mango karut

I have been told this trait is called semiauto
From what I have seen zamal would not reveg indoors below 16 hours of light and in case of the MBS x Zamal it never revegged

What revegeta is posting is what I would expect of a Zamal x Jamaican cross.
By the way, the home made Mango Pepper x Seedsman Haze cross gave plants looking very similar to this Mustafunk cross @revegeta666 grew

Outdoors from seed if you grow this from lat 0 to lat 40 this Zamal will start flowering after 45 days, it doesnt matter photoperiod, it doesnt matter if sun hours go up or down

For me it is a very interesting trait, it gives the possibility to flower counter season
In the case of all of the Zamals, only a couple of plants out of the 45 zamaldelicas grown(5%) did not autoflower

In my environment I got with this semiauto trait Nepal Badalung from Derg Corra. I am growing now another one coming from Seedsheaven called G13 x HP x Citral. It is semiauto as well.
These two stay very small plants here. No more than 1mt and 1,5 mts

Another strains I found this trait are Leb 27 from Hybrids from Hell, Lebanon from Ace Seeds, Sinai from The Real seed Co. I am sure there are more strains with this trait. But the lebanese are not tropical sativas

The only strain giving impressive 3 mt plants being semiauto from seed is Zamal so far.
if you find another one please inform, I am interested in this trait


from the future
I grew once a Mango Zamal from Mandala. It sprouted in February and began to flower and the end of May where the days were longer. It was a male and it continued flowering and shedding pollen until I chopped it in September.
Logical bug from its February start i think and paradoxal early flowering which concerns mostly endless Green pheno/geno that goes 24+ weeks.
A complex phenomenon resulting from simple logics, like a mandala. ^^

Lambsbread reveg at 22+ weeks under 10/14, grown by Volcanic :

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Well-known member
☝️This trait you are showing I saw indoors under 11-13 with a Luang Prabang girl from Gypsy

Outdoors under natural lights I never saw this. This revegging you are showing is indoor light stress

It has nothing to do with the Zamal semiautoflower trait


from the future
Light high because the breeding is very poor
This is the result of breeding outdoor sativas indoor under lights, poor highs
Excessive Green endless kind of plants are more clean and light yes, better interesting for fiber than drug in fact. And some sativa breeders fall into the trap, of Sativa.

Auto or semi-auto is just nonsense concerning pure sativa in situ


Well-known member
The New caledonian I grew from ace is semiauto too

I have plants survive winters butn this is different from semiauto trait

I think in the case of Mango Zamal is they tried their best to mimic taste and make it indoor friendly at the expense of other traits like high. I am noting lately with different varieties there are pages and pages of pictures and a lot of talk about the taste and smell but nobody talks about the high and it seems some things are bred for the taste and smells and looks rather than the high. This happens with indicas and sativas
For me the most important trait is high.
I look for the best high I can grow at my environment. Others seem to care for best taste


from the future
I look for the best high I can grow at my environment.
The faster method is to grow and select some native or longtimers strains of your areas. Countryside Paraguayan has nice oldschool sativa and better than all imports that need years of work, selection and acclimatization!!!
(And then with your local selection done you can play some exotic hybrids with all imports you like).
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Go ask Reunion men, Caledonian etc
With man care some kind of plant can survive a few years that's a reality.
i reckon they have exaggerated this a bit to be honest ,
i live in the tropics closer to the equator than reunion ,
ive never had a plant last years , ive had them reveg sure , but total time alive was still 12 months or less ,
ive seen one plant last a little longer in my back yard as it had rooted futher along the original root system as the stem was close to the ground , or touching ,
this must have given her the chance to live a bit longer than normal ,
but after many many thousands of plants later , i never saw a single one go longer than 12 months ,
even zamal which is from reunion ,
a picture of the creeper zamal below ..
WP 20170425 10 37 46 Pro.jpg

Alpine Guerilla

Active member
In my environment I got with this semiauto trait Nepal Badalung from Derg Corra. I am growing now another one coming from Seedsheaven called G13 x HP x Citral. It is semiauto as well.
These two stay very small plants here. No more than 1mt and 1,5 mts

Another strains I found this trait are Leb 27 from Hybrids from Hell, Lebanon from Ace Seeds, Sinai from The Real seed Co. I am sure there are more strains with this trait. But the lebanese are not tropical sativas
I've grown the Baglung Nepalese, Leb27 and Sinai outdoors here on 47 N, northern alps, and can confirm their semiauto traits. I made similar experience with Maroc Inspiration / Derg Corra Collective and UEL sativa / Outdoorkingseeds (a NLD selection of Reeferman's Ultra Early Love). They show their sex around or short after summer solstice and start to flower right away. I had pretty good results with them, only Sinai and UEL sativa suffered heavily from mold due to the harsh conditions, but that's a different story.

I even once had a Mangobiche / Cannabiogen outdoors that started to flower in July. Of course she didn't finish. I pollinated her with Erdbeer / Green Hornet and she made it long enough to get some seeds.
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Well-known member
Premium user
its an incorrect term thats come about through misdiagnosis,
tropical sativas do not auto flower , what would be the point???

as mentioned they are uncomfortable with the hours given to them , ie 18/6,
and it is more likely simply heavy pre flower ,
they would not finish flowering with long days ,
and have no other traits typical of auto flowering types ,
its not auto flowering ....

when i had this conversation with one of the guys spreading the auto flowering tropical sativa myth,
he got aggressive with me and called me a troll,
although im fairly sure i am correct and he is spreading misinformation ...

There are very vague definitions of different flower triggers. It induces pre flowers by root restriction is so far the most detailed info on it. Thank you for sharing that aspect. Personally, I am all about what these plants do, not matter how its called. So if you have personal experience or more infos on it, you are very welcome to share it here.
Do you know which triggers and combinations thereof are needed to finish those Zamal type plants?
Wether or not they are auto, they are part of a natural environment in which they are able to grow flowers and reproduce. So looking at the environment and what happens here could be quite interesting.


from the future
but after many many thousands of plants later , i never saw a single one go longer than 12 months ,
even zamal which is from reunion ,

I think that the extrem Green endless phenomenon concerns only few specimens and from landrace mostly, a small population proportion in the genepool and for sure not selected by experimented grower because it represents a significant lower quality compared to the Gold or the Red with less flowertime. Plus breeding and selection rarify the thing so not surprising that it is quite unknown ex situ.
i live in the tropics closer to the equator than reunion
Have you ever tried to keep a Zamal cut stump trunk to see if it can reveg?
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Well-known member
Premium user
i reckon they have exaggerated this a bit to be honest ,
i live in the tropics closer to the equator than reunion ,
ive never had a plant last years , ive had them reveg sure , but total time alive was still 12 months or less ,
ive seen one plant last a little longer in my back yard as it had rooted futher along the original root system as the stem was close to the ground , or touching ,
this must have given her the chance to live a bit longer than normal ,
but after many many thousands of plants later , i never saw a single one go longer than 12 months ,
even zamal which is from reunion ,
a picture of the creeper zamal below ..
View attachment 18981929
Quite off topic but I want to comment this looks to me like maybe 10 plants planted very close reaching for light in various directions. Its rather a kraken style of planting than a kraken style plant. You see on the very left a christmas tree plant... For sure it has flexible stems to some degree.