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Yes! It's OK to have egg on pizza!


I've never eaten pizza overseas so I wouldn't know if this is just an Aussie thing, but nearly all Americans and Canadians I've spoken to have just about fallen off their chair when I mentioned having egg on pizza as if it was a blasphemor to do so!

There are obviously several ways to cook eggs and that still applies for when its on pizza ... you can just simply crack an egg and drop it in the middle with yolk still intact, but ensuring it's not over/undercooked while at the same time not over/undercooking the rest of the pizza is tricky.

Simply discard the egg whites and mix the egg yolks together with a fork in a seperate bowl, then drizzle the scrambled yolk over the egg.

When it's cooked it's hard to tell where the egg ends and the cheese begins because the two both cook and melt and brown in that same superb way, it's heavenly stuff!

Click and go MMmmm!!! ...

(the ingredients on this one: ham, bacon, pepperoni, crab, onion, pineapple, chicken, mozzarella cheese of course, and scrambled egg yolks)


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
now because i am from (born and raised) in NEW YORK i must tell you as a connoisseur , that to put egg on a pizza in a country is sacrilege . . . . but then again my wife and i are foodies and she wants to go to Australia so bad !!! sounds very interesting though, hell i may just buy a frozen pizza from the mart and try it myself with some extra cheese, . . . ofcourse i cant go into any respectable pizza establishment and ask for extra pepperoni,sausage, olives and egg". . . . .or can I? roflmao naaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

thanks for the gourmet tip!! seriously, i will try it


ewww, i wouldnt try it on a frozen pizza .... (speaking of sacrilege) :)
I just don't think it'd work for starters, and it wouldn't give you a very true representation of how well egg yolk works on fresh pizza.
Yep ... it's gotta be FRESH pizza for this one!
Just take a couple of eggs down to your local proper pizza parlour (not Pizza Hut or any chain) and im sure theyll be nice enough to do it for you, although I'd be surprised if not a single pizza place around had eggs available!?
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Well-known member
PhenoMenal, sounds good to me I like Pizza & Eggs. Some strains that I smoke make me so hungry that I could eat the crotch out of a Rag-Doll.

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trouble said:
PhenoMenal, Sound good to me I like Pizza & Eggs. Some strains that I smoke make me so hungry that I could eat the crotch out of a Rage-Doll.


LOL For some reason that just made me laugh so hard I blew Old Fool spit all over my screen. Now I don't know if I want food or to go and wake up the wife....hmmm...pizza it is...^%$ wife is cranky when I wake her and has sleep breath.


Before America monopolized the pizza image, remember Italians invented it lol! There is actually a typical pizza recipe which includes an egg on top... and it tastes great... nothing beats homemade fresh pizza when those munchies set in...



Well-known member
The first time I ever saw or heard of egg on pizza was in Sicily. That's right, folks, Sicily. I'm pretty sure that's part of Italy.:laughing: The egg was simply cracked open on top of the pizza and then when it emerged from the oven it had an "over medium" look to it. It was surprisingly tasty.



Yup, this is the recipe I was talking about... :D I can't remember well but it's called a name that means "Beef Eye" in Italian if I remember correctly... but I could be wrong...



According to Poppy on Seinfeld you kanat put en egg ona pizza!
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Well-known member
Pizza Express in the UK used to do a spinach and egg pizza - with the egg's yolk in the middle. Was good.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
My gf has a condition which does not allow her to eat wheat, so regular crust is out for her(me not so much).
I have made her pizza using eggs as the crust, it was mighty tasty!


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
ApocalypseMao said:
Pre-scrambled eggs, bacon, and mushroom. MMM breakfast pizza. Good stuff. :jump:
That's what I thought when I read the thread title.

The idea of a rich egg yolk on top of a pizza sounds tantalizing. Think I'll pick up a Papa Murphy's and give it a try. :headbange


Reminds me of a Friends episode. Joey goes something like this..."What's not to like? Ham? Good! Bacon? Good! Pizza? Good! Egg? Good! What's not to like?" I've seriously never heard of egg on a pizza. But hell...what's not to like?


Active member
haven't had eggs on pizza, but I dont like pizza xcept for the toppings.

the idea reminded me of a "one eyed jack" which is just a piece of toast with the center cut/tore out and an egg baked in the middle

miss nycdf

Speaking of pizza in other countries...

Pizza Hut Japan just came out with the ultimate in artery-clogging craziness... Introducing the "Double Roll" (which is what you will acquire around your waist if you eat this) :biglaugh:



Let's see... hot dog stuffed crust pizza with corn, mini-hamburger patties, peas?, pepperoni and sausage.. and a whole lot more. Apparently it's also available with ketchup, or a maple syrup dipping sauce? (judging by the maple leaf)

Just...wow... :fsu:

[If anyone can translate the japanese writing that would be cool.. ]


Resident pissy old man
They have been serving breakfast pizzas for years. It has no tomato sauce. It simply is fresh pizza crust covered with scrambled eggs and whatever breakfast toppings you like(sausage, onions,bacon, black olives) and covered with cheddar cheese and baked. Basically, an omelet on a pizza. It is quite good.

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