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Yellow leaves! Burnt?

Mr Yeoh

Hello everyone!

I m writing in Usa hoping to find help sooner than in my country topic.

I have a problem with yellow leaves, and the tips look burned.

These days I m doing some experiments with air and humidity and I might have fucked something.

Can you spot the problem? Temperature too high? Over or under water?

Thanks a lot


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Hello everyone!

I m writing in Usa hoping to find help sooner than in my country topic.

I have a problem with yellow leaves, and the tips look burned.

These days I m doing some experiments with air and humidity and I might have fucked something.

Can you spot the problem? Temperature too high? Over or under water?

Thanks a lot
Hi.Could you get some photos with led lights off?and,at what temps, humidity,experimentations took place?

Mr Yeoh

Sure I can! Thanks for the fast reply!


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Mr Yeoh

Sorry, I didnt finish the post.

T around 26/27 till last days, last 2 days is going around 28/29 Celsius

Humidity was around 50/60 before, now it s going around 40/45.

I m doing some work to test the extractor, I m waiting for the humidifer and some smart plugs to make all automated.


Sorry, I didnt finish the post.

T around 26/27 till last days, last 2 days is going around 28/29 Celsius

Humidity was around 50/60 before, now it s going around 40/45.

I m doing some work to test the extractor, I m waiting for the humidifer and some smart plugs to make all automated.
Thanks my friend
Too high temps, low humidity.Would go back to 50/60% and 25C
I think soil looks too dry?I would(once temps/humidity fixed),keep them for a few days on water only to recover from a minute "nutrient lockdown" that,I feel, has taken place

Mr Yeoh

Since I m here I m just gonna make a summary of my grow!

First time I do it, so everything I bought is ''learn in progress''.
The plan was to grow 2 different strain: Pinapple express auto and Malana bomb auto by Barneys Farm.

Box is a 40x40x160cm (i believe is 16x16 inches x 13 feet)
It is still under construction but it s going to be a SmartGrowTent.

With smart plugs and the app, I can set the devices to turn on/off based on the termohygrometer data collected. (if the T is above/under, then start this plug; if the Ru is above/under start this plug).

Here some pics, it is still under construction.
Day 24 now.


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Well-known member
What are you growing in? It doesn't look composted, and isn't being kept very wet. I have struggled with N availability using organic compost that won the category after hundreds of reviews.

As said, a grow food is needed. More is a subjective word though, and I we have no comparison to make. Only you have the answer.

Mr Yeoh

Ok,I saw comment after posting.Is your soil dry?

I think is dry yes.
I give water every 3 days, but from what I heard I gave too much before..i was giving them around 200/300ml each since they were really yung..but when i give water the soil in surface is really dry till a finger and half down.

I give water in 3 times, to avoid lakes, and the water never leakes from bottom.


I only understood hug...is that slang? cotyledon??

Can you repeat it please?

briain nott goood , sorry

cotyledons is first leaf, circle
tehey are foood for first dayys
they die, plant needs more food
start yellow botttom
more nitorogen need only, no problem


Mr Yeoh

What are you growing in? It doesn't look composted, and isn't being kept very wet. I have struggled with N availability using organic compost that won the category after hundreds of reviews.

As said, a grow food is needed. More is a subjective word though, and I we have no comparison to make. Only you have the answer.

I had no time (or patient) to wait for pots arriving and I used a bin.

Thats my organic bin!


Since I m here I m just gonna make a summary of my grow!

First time I do it, so everything I bought is ''learn in progress''.
The plan was to grow 2 different strain: Pinapple express auto and Malana bomb auto by Barneys Farm.

Box is a 40x40x160cm (i believe is 16x16 inches x 13 feet)
It is still under construction but it s going to be a SmartGrowTent.

With smart plugs and the app, I can set the devices to turn on/off based on the termohygrometer data collected. (if the T is above/under, then start this plug; if the Ru is above/under start this plug).

Here some pics, it is still under construction.
Day 24 now.
Ok.What type of soil are you using?
They prefer a "light mix" for their rooting system to develop
That doesn't change the fact that temps/humidity are too high,underwatering!
The fix is a simple one,I wouldn't worry too much

Mr Yeoh

I m using Canna soil, it should be good, mixed with some perlite i bought a side.
The yellowing was happening, but today was the first day with bloom light on too and the temperature spiked abore 30, I have to keep the exctractor on all time to keep it down, but if the exctractor is on the Ru goes down, and I m still waiting for my humidifer.
So, yeah, if the problem is T then I just can wait..if its food then I can do something.


try my best

plant only need more N food
temprature is fine, weed is weed grow in summer
willl not die or anything
keep eye VPD

more food stop yellow going up
yellow leaves stay yellow and fall

hope is more clear
no worry

Mr Yeoh

try my best

plant only need more N food
temprature is fine, weed is weed grow in summer
willl not die or anything
keep eye VPD

more food stop yellow going up
yellow leaves stay yellow and fall

hope is more clear
no worry

definitively more clear, then I hope you r right and tomorrow morning will water with more ferts.

Hope that will work!

thank you


I m using Canna soil, it should be good, mixed with some perlite i bought a side.
The yellowing was happening, but today was the first day with bloom light on too and the temperature spiked abore 30, I have to keep the exctractor on all time to keep it down, but if the exctractor is on the Ru goes down, and I m still waiting for my humidifer.
So, yeah, if the problem is T then I just can wait..if its food then I can do something.

Water them to the point that extra H2O is showing
Nutrients you stay away from for a couple of days!You don't know if the ones you've already given them have been absorbed properly
Temps 25C might find humidity coming up a bit with the watering, which is good till you get your humidifier
You leds might be too "big" for tent size, irrelevant if watering temps,humidity(50/60%) are kept at those levels
No nutes for now, heat stress,under watering is your problem
