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Who else likes to mix a touch of synth in your Organix?


Now I know there are purists. But, I like to use Mostly Organix. That is, I use base organic veg and bloom ferts, and then mix in a touch of synthetic boost to blast the flowers. I once read this helps give the plant a bit of a jolt because it covers the nutrient profile differently, and since you are only using the supp weeks 2-5 (on a 65 day plant), that it is completely flushed and gone by harvest.

I run AN Iguana Juice Veg and Bloom
Carbo Load
and a touch of Bud Blood at week 2 and some Big Bud up to week 5. As an additive. The results are quite good. Below are some shots of plants grown on this regimen.

Anyone else like to mix up an organic and synthetic combo?



:wave: The results ARE quite good!!! and I'm glad you brought this up. It makes sense to me to try and amp up yeild/ resin production this way.

Personally I've considered adding a synthetic bloom boost (to my normally just about completely organic mix) a few weeks before harvest but haven't been able to find a product I particalarly liked in my local hydro shop. Any thoughts on a singular additive for this effect? :chin:


Love the plant and pics. A one plant sea of green!

I've used the carbo load and don't think it does anything positive for the buds.

Haven't tried the others on your list.


My hesitancy to use synthetics doesn't come from fear that it won't flush out completely... the way I understand it, synthetic nutes will nuke the microherd. So if you're like me and your soil mix contains slow-release fertilizers that rely on the microherd to break them down and make them available, you may get a boost from goosing them with synthetic fertilizers, but then you're left with an unhealthy microbe population and "dead" soil.

This is just my novice understanding of this, though... what do you all think?


I am not sure if the Carbo Load does anything or not - the concept makes sense but I have never done a side by side comparison.

Interesting stuff canine. I hoped this would get some discussion going. I dont use any rich soil so I am not sure about that. I use pro mix and use only the stuff I listed. My root zones are always very healthy after harvest - which I would think is partly due to the beneficials I am using up to week 2, along with the carbo load - which I understand give the beneficials a food source.

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Hey m.-
I'm unfamiliar really with AN products. Do they sell synthetic ferts and then reccommend that you use Piranha and Tarantula alongside them?

(Also hoping this turns into a good discussion. We need GP and Verite to get in here.)


I've also been considering a synthetic bloom booster. Perhaps either some canna 13/14, those new fox farm bloom boosters, or good ol gh koolbool.
I'm also curious as to the semi synthetic nature of many "organically based" fertilizers, such as PBP or FF grow big and tigerbloom. Anyone?

Edit: for carbs, I just use blackstrap molasses. Dirt cheap and smells sweet.
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Yeah, they suggested trying it with the organic base to boost output, stating using a mix helps provide a more complete nutrient profile that you can with one or the other... . I found this article, which states a bunch of benefits organic has over chem... but I dont see that it says anything about a mixture of the two either way..



"Chemical fertilizers rely on an assumption that plants only need three elements to survive and thrive. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are those three. This is the equivalent of saying that we need protein, fat, and sugar to live. While this may be mostly true, pure protein, pure fat, and pure sugar do nothing to supply the vitamins, minerals, and diverse supply of bacteria and fungi in our diets.

Here is a list of a dozen things that you can do with organically fed soil that cannot be achieved with conventional chemical feeding.

1. Decompose plant residues and manure to humus.

2. Retain nutrients in the form of stable humus.

3. Combine nitrogen and carbon to prevent nutrient loss.

4. Suppress fungus and bacterial diseases.

5. Produce plant growth regulators.

6. Develop soil structure, tilth, and water penetration/retention.

7. Clean up chemical residues.

8. Shift soil pH to neutral and keep it there.

9. Search out and retrieve nutrients in distant parts of the soil.

10. Decompose thatch and keep it from returning.

11. Control nitrogen supply to the plants according to need.

12. Pull minerals out of inorganic soil components for plants.

Soil microbes need sugar and protein to thrive. When you apply synthetic ferts, none of the things on this list gets done. The microbes normally get sugar from plant roots. Protein in nature comes from dead insects, plants, and animals. The organic gardener applies protein artificially in the form or organic fertilizers. It is usually in the form of a ground up meal made from plants and animals to try to replicate the natural process."


There are several ways to make compost or organic matter. You can do it in a compost pile or bin. You can do trench or sheet composting. You can do earthworm or vermicomposting. You can even make liquid compost in various compost tea recipes. No matter how you make it, it all works because of the microherd.

In simple laymen terms, there are basically two large groups of microbes that are important for all composting techniques:

AEROBIC MICROHERD - All microbes that absolutely need oxygen in order to survive.

ANAEROBIC MICROHERD - All microbes that don't need oxygen to survive, but may or may not use oxygen in their life cycles.

All soil/compost microbes are important for proper soil health and compost decomposition. In addition to the soil microbes, you got earthworms, sowbugs, soldier fly larvae, etc. However, even inside the internal organs and cells of these larger beneficial soil organisms, you still got the amazing soil/compost microbes working constantly digesting pounds and pounds of insoluble organic material into soluble nutrients and constantly improving the soil's health and texture.

When we use the term microbes or microherd, we mean not only just bacteria, but also fungi and other species. NOTE: All forms of microbes need water in order to to live and grow. That's why we need at least some form of moisture in composting and in tea brewing.

Bacteria species can be aerobic or anaerobic. Fungi is always aerobic. Some species like yeast can go dormant and be anaerobic for a season in some cases. Bacteria is like microscopic animals in our compost piles. Fungi is like little small plants that don't need sunlight for photosynthesis like their larger plant cousins, that all help digest and break down large portions of organic matter in compost and in soil.

All microbes also need carbon and nitrogen. In composting, the carbons are normally in the form of carbohydrates, and the organic nitrogen is normally in the form of proteins. The carbons are supplied by composting materials called "BROWNS". The organic nitrogen is supplied by composting materials called "GREENS". The carbons keep the microbes alive while they constantly digest the OM. The nitrogen helps the microbes grow and reproduce into larger and larger numbers in the compost for faster decompostion.


1. They don't need our help in composting to work! For the carefree composters, these guys make our life easier. They work daily digesting insoluble OM without our turning, or watering, or aerating the compost piles, trench composting styles, or simple anaerobic compost teas.

2. They conserve more organic nitrogen in composting than their aerobic microbial cousins do in composting. One disadvantage of aerobic hot composting is that it takes more organic nitrogen to keep the aerobic microbes alive and well than it does the anaerobic microbes.

3. Many species can even fight many plant/soil diseases and repel many pests due to the increase of microbial activity produced by composting. One of the disadvantages of aerobic hot compost is that many of the important disease fighting microbes that are needed in the soil are killed off with the bad microbes by the extreme internal heat of an aerobic compost pile.


1. They all grow faster than the anaerobic microbes! If you like your compost fast like I do, thank these aerobic guys for all their hard work. Because of the oxygen element, these guys can grow and breed at an incredible rate in composting! Normal carefree cold compost piles can take 6-12 months to turn to mature compost or humus. A super hot compost pile can turn the same organic matter (via the help of the aerobic microbes plus some extra organic nitrogen in the pile to fire them up a little bit) into mature compost or humus in 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months!

2. Internal heat is given off by aerobic microbes in the form of waste as they digest pounds and pounds of insoluble organic matter. This heat is the heat of an aerobic hot compost pile. This heat is important to sterlizing and breaking down many pathogens and mild disease issues that may appear in composting materials while cooking or brewing.

3. The internal heat given off by aerobic microbes is important in germinating and cooking off weed seeds that may be in composting materials.

4. The aerobic microbes because they grow faster than their anaerobic cousins, are actually more practical and more convenient for safer mature compost than mature compost produced by an anaerobic process. Particularly in making aerobic compost tea, the aerobic compost is superior in order to guarantee that no diseases, pathogens, or mild toxins will be grown and multiplied in the aerobic compost tea brewing process.

5. Aerobic compost always has a pleasant smell. One of the disadvantages of anaerobic organic matter, cold compost, or anaerobic teas are the offensive odors.

6. In aerobic tea brewing, these aerobic microbes are grown and multiplied at an amzing rate. There prescence in the tea creates sometimes a yeasty, pleasant forest floor smell. Other times, the aerobic microbes make create a foamy layer on the tea indicating that the aerobic guys are outcompeting their anaerobic cousins in the brewing process.

7. Aerobic teas can help digest and improve soil layers via organic mulches faster than anaerobic teas. If you use these teas as both a foliar feed and soil drench, you will get the maximum effect of these powerful biostimulants.

So in conclusion, as a wise organic gardener and composter, it's our job to balance and breed the appropriate aerobic and anaerobic microbes and other soil organisms that are necessary for healthy soil and plants.

Happy Gardening!


youareborg, I just looked at fox farm's website and didn't see any new bloom products. Could you give a specific name? or maybe i misread your statement?


Organic soil is the way to goo!@!!! it add soo much flavor also. :wave:

train wreck



m.steelers, my growing guru brother, did you mention what substrate you are growing in? I'm tempted to parrot your methods because your plants truly do stand out.


**AWD** Aficianado
Yup sometimes I cheat, "my semi organic but not really" sin of choice is PureBlendPro Soil Bloom, I feed this once or twice towards the end, at least I know it's compatible with a healthy thriving microherd.

The real question is how to we make the most of our longterm soil quality, how do avoid pissing water with ferts that are only 80% used down the drain?
It's more about keeping the integrity of the soil and plant health in check with organic principles rather than rely entirely on shit based ammendments.
