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Which CAN Filter's ?????



do they sell the speedster controls at the hydro/gardening store's?

I want to thank everyone personally for taking the time to respond.
Much karma points are forthcoming fella's


Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Girth, is the speed control a must? I'm getting a 1000HPS for my 4 x 4 flowering room and figured with 1000 watts in a fairly small space, I'll prolly be running the fan full speed. If I need it I'll get it. BG has the 6" Vortex for $150 BTW, cheapest so far, I've been shopping around!


I paid that......but 15.00 to ship so I lucked out.I saw some exactly the same going for 240.00 shipped with only a 5 yr warranty.

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No, it isn't necessary by any means. I just like to have it anyway in case my fan is too strong or something. It gives me more control just in case I need it. It's really only put to use when you need to slow down your blower.

With a 1000w hps in a 4'x4' area, you'll probably run that sucker full blast regardless. I used to have a 1000 w hps in a box that was 4' x 5' and I hate to say it, but the 6" blower wasn't enough to cool the light on it's own. I take that back... It was enough, but not until I ran some ducting to draw the intake air in from a cooler room.
You might find with a box of that size that you need a dedicated air intake from a cold or cooler area to bring the temps down and an exhaust duct to bring the heat somewhere else. 1000 watts is a lot of heat for a small area like that, but if you can swing the cooling there will certainly be no shortage of light whatsoever on those girls of yours.