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What to look for in an apartment


I am moving!

I won't be out of this shit hole of an apartment till the end of August but I figured I should start looking now and try and lock something sooner rather then later.

When i chose this apartment I wasn't looking at it through the eyes of a grower, however I am now very interested in making sure that the apartment I move to is optimal for such a thing.

So my question is...what should I be looking for in an apartment that would make it good for growing? I know that I want a place where managemt does come by often and is preferably off site, but how do I ask that and get an honest answer without making them suspicous?

What else should I be taking into account in my hunt? Due to my budget it will probably have to be a first floor apartment.


Active member
Yes, First floor is essential (Read Bio Buckets in my sig for story). You want to make sure there will be an area to exhaust and intake air, and you'll either want it in your closet or in a seperate bedroom. Closets are hard to exhaust and intake air though, you may have to cut holes in the walls if your in a closet, but I have done it. Remember the air has to come and go from some where (ie. vent, bathroom fan exhaust, window), you can't just pull or push air in to a wall for exhausting/intake. Another thing that I've noticed helps is put your grow room away from any fire alarms or sprinklers, because maintenance do check on these.

As for asking them about what they will do ie. when do you do fire alarm inspections? or do you have to change filters in the apartment?. There are no worries they get questions like this all the time. Its your right to know this.


i'm also planning a move in the next few months.

something that my new place has is free wireless high speed internet access.

should i be worried about what sites (i.e. icmag) i'm going to while connected to their network?


Active member
this is what I do monkey man when scoping a new place

I drive by a couple times.. early evening when people coming home from work... cooking dinner etc. I also like to have a look on a Friday or Sat nite... fairly late... to see what the locals get up to.. whether they go out and party or hang about and make a ruckus

Sat mornin also can show another side of the place when the 'tards all drag em selves out of their stupor... is the bodies loitering about.. working on cars etc?...look for chatty people because chatty people are nosey people....

Tokins take on the inspections is important ,... I was in a place that inspected every 3 months.. you cant do nothing in that time frame.

the main thing I do once I'm in the place is to get myself 1 week or so in front of my rent... so when ever i pay rent there is still a week paid up.. I can tell ya landlords are always chasing rent. No one pays ontime.. they may pay on the due date but if it aint cash its gonna take another few days to come through... so it ends up late anyway

My landlord didnt know what to do when I got a week in front. I do this and when my inspection comes around,...my place is spotless to the point I swear they think I'm a freak... and I have to say it freaks me sometimes too

but my landlord thinks I'm the best tenant out there... no muss no fuss, early rent, tidy place = 1 inspection per year and... a good deal on the rent.. ppl next door pay $40 more per week for the same place...

and I grow in peace.... cept for that one day a year... which happens just after the xmas holidays so I'm not growing then anyway.. family an all

dan kay

kingspade said:
i'm also planning a move in the next few months.

something that my new place has is free wireless high speed internet access.

should i be worried about what sites (i.e. icmag) i'm going to while connected to their network?

yes you should be concerned. others will be able to see. plus you don't know what kind of logging/monitoring the apt complex has. it wouldn't be difficult to setup their equip to monitor sites like these and for information relating to meth production which in some areas is a problem for apt complexes.

spend a little more money and rent a house or duplex or something. smaller and older complexes usually do fewer walkthroughs. lots of nice complexes come through every few months to change air filters etc.


as for the highspeed internet stuff, they are getting that from another company, not setting it up themselves i seriously doubt that they monitor shit. Let me guess, your a college student aren't you?


D0nC0smic said:
as for the highspeed internet stuff, they are getting that from another company, not setting it up themselves i seriously doubt that they monitor shit. Let me guess, your a college student aren't you?



Cannabrex Formulator
I would look for a small Oriental lady with big tits in an apartment...esp one I planned to rent.

My wife would love one, and it would make Saturday mornin's soooo much more pleasant.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Is renting a house not possible in your area? Much better for growing. Plus, apartments just suck in general :D


I would look for a small Oriental lady with big tits in an apartment...esp one I planned to rent. My wife would love one, and it would make Saturday mornin's soooo much more pleasant.
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a wife who is down for a 3-way. You lucky bastage. :eek:


Look for one with a balcony that your neighbors would not be able to see.. Top floor i have some friends that have some pretty nice trees sitting out on there balconies durings the season here..

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