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What Must Be Done With China


The Tri Guy
The evidence points to an engineered bio weapon. Its not conspiracy, its scientific theory at this point. OK not proven theory, but its unlikely to prove false given the evidence. Its such a strong belief that USA UK and other govts are spending a lot of cash on gaining that proof. Then you have the three strains. All give immunity to all but have very diff outcomes. Strain a has no symptoms. Strain b has symptoms and strain c kills a lot of people. They used to refer to them as S safe and L lethal. But now they have found a third strain.
I wonder which strain Boris really got. Bet its different than the one I will eventually get.


Well-known member
Won't you get all 3 ? I'm sure I have had two. The 10 week pointless cough and the one with rice crispy lungs.

Who would release such a thing? A country that we know would try and take over the world. Perhaps with a history of biological weapons. A manufacturing giant feeling the competition. One with the tech to make such a thing. Perhaps one who's rule is slipping away from them.

Who could that be.

You would have to not suffer yourselves too much. Perhaps a mild version could be made with poor transmission. Put in the water, to aid your flocks immunity to similar things. Long before the bad one was released. We would see that in low death rates and readiness.

One country ticks every box.

I don't think it was done on purpose, but if there's to be a conspiracy, one that works would be nice.


The Tri Guy
The only countries that were really ready were Germany, Taiwan, Australia and Iceland. Not sure I'd put any of them in the frame. I'm convinced it was an accidental release. But I'm equally sure it was developed for deliberate release. I think it was bring your porn mag to school day and someone had theirs found by a teacher. Its time to stop making bio weapons the world over.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think it's strange people believe everything is up to us to decide.

I can only imagine what the OP would think if he overheard a couple of people from another nation saying "What must be done with the US?".


The Tri Guy
What must be done with the USA, one of the few countries whose population still don't believe in the virus?


Well-known member
Yeah - the Chinese are smart - smarter than your average westerner - and they go for the long-game - long-term profits over short term gains - a very Confucian philosophy -

- The western corporations and businessman have been lured into China with the promise of riches - and many of them have benefitted greatly - from selling their own national workforces and production industries down the Yellow river and beyond -

China as a purported Communist nation has successfully used the west's capitalism, globalism and liberal attitudes against the western democracies - to great effect - to the extent of the west now being reliant on very basic survival essentials - that they have to purchase from abroad - and mostly from China - since our production and manufacturing industries have mostly been moved - to China and elsewhere -

I don't think we really need to move manufacturing back to America, a lot of the stuff China makes, we can't really profit from with American workers getting $15+ an hour, 401k, vacation and sick pay and health insurance. Not many people are going to work a factory for less. Would be great if you wanted to pay $100 for a $20 fan. Lol

But we shouldn't be having China do it all. I'd rather make Central and South America rich, really Africa too. We should be building factories in every 3rd world nation, they deserve the money more than China. Spread the wealth around the world. Just so happens to be easier to get shit done in China, they'll do it all and you only have the one communist party to deal with, rather than a 10 different countries with their own corrupt government to deal with.

Of course this lockdown is putting all the people who ain't rich in the lower class. Small business owners nationwide going directly to the lower class. Lol, meanwhile big business is all set, Walmart and Amazon love this shit.


Active member
Like that show do you?

When you look up and all you see is sheep, it means you’re at the tail end of the flock.


Its pretty easy to pick out on this thread who are the ones who hate America. Not sure you types hate America in general or just because you hate President Trump so much. Probably some of both.

I was in the market for a new gas grill and went to Home Depot to look at them. What I discovered is every single one of them is made in china including Weber, so I spent the time to find one thats made in North America. Canada to be specific and ordered one. I will be going forward trying my best to buy products that are NOT made in china. I dont care if its made in America, Mexico or Europe. Anywhere but china and thats going to be hard and Im sure in some cases not possible for the near term. Its going to take years but ultimately china will pay the price for this in a economic war that is going to and needs to happen. It is our fault and the America hating folks will jeer but if you feel that strongly about your haltered of America move to china and live under their system of government and censorship where you cant access the world wide web without communist approved filters willingly supplied by google and the rest. See how long a forum like this lasts in china. Consumers world wide will be flocking to products that are stamped NOT MADE IN CHINA and THATS got the chicoms pissing their pants. We still drive the new products and tech china just steals it and copies it. Espionage really needs to carry the penalties it used to in war time cause it is war time.


Well-known member
We have the king of bankruptcy in the White House, so he can just go BK on the national debt, oh at the same time he can go BK on his personal loan from them as well...


The Tri Guy
The choice isn't between total irresponsible capitalism and totalitarian communism. There is a middle way that doesn't give a tiny minority total power of the vast majority. Its not the american way or move to China lol.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Its pretty easy to pick out on this thread who are the ones who hate America. Not sure you types hate America in general or just because you hate President Trump so much. Probably some of both.

I was in the market for a new gas grill and went to Home Depot to look at them. What I discovered is every single one of them is made in china including Weber, so I spent the time to find one thats made in North America. Canada to be specific and ordered one. I will be going forward trying my best to buy products that are NOT made in china. I dont care if its made in America, Mexico or Europe. Anywhere but china and thats going to be hard and Im sure in some cases not possible for the near term. Its going to take years but ultimately china will pay the price for this in a economic war that is going to and needs to happen. It is our fault and the America hating folks will jeer but if you feel that strongly about your haltered of America move to china and live under their system of government and censorship where you cant access the world wide web without communist approved filters willingly supplied by google and the rest. See how long a forum like this lasts in china. Consumers world wide will be flocking to products that are stamped NOT MADE IN CHINA and THATS got the chicoms pissing their pants. We still drive the new products and tech china just steals it and copies it. Espionage really needs to carry the penalties it used to in war time cause it is war time.

More Cowbell.....they wont leave.They sit on the internet and piss n moan 24/7 about Donald,it's kinda their job.Just Like Don "tha thong" Lemon.

Besides the point of the USA members here speaking for the 180+ Countries suffering at the hands of China. Apparently these self absorbed members don't consider the rest of the globes nations are entitled to have a say.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Global policies are not arbitrary.

If we can't coexist peacefully on terms that we ourselves agreed to, then how is that anyone else's fault?

Just because some people can realize how a poor choice of leadership can devastate their nation doesn't mean that they hate their country.

But do go on.... it's fascinating.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If my penis was a narcissistic bigot without a shred of intelligence who can't deal with reality I probably would name it Donald Trump.

If you think my penis is small just wait until you see my ego.
Its pretty easy to pick out on this thread who are the ones who hate America. Not sure you types hate America in general or just because you hate President Trump so much. Probably some of both.

I was in the market for a new gas grill and went to Home Depot to look at them. What I discovered is every single one of them is made in china including Weber, so I spent the time to find one thats made in North America. Canada to be specific and ordered one. I will be going forward trying my best to buy products that are NOT made in china. I dont care if its made in America, Mexico or Europe. Anywhere but china and thats going to be hard and Im sure in some cases not possible for the near term. Its going to take years but ultimately china will pay the price for this in a economic war that is going to and needs to happen. It is our fault and the America hating folks will jeer but if you feel that strongly about your haltered of America move to china and live under their system of government and censorship where you cant access the world wide web without communist approved filters willingly supplied by google and the rest. See how long a forum like this lasts in china. Consumers world wide will be flocking to products that are stamped NOT MADE IN CHINA and THATS got the chicoms pissing their pants. We still drive the new products and tech china just steals it and copies it. Espionage really needs to carry the penalties it used to in war time cause it is war time.

Manufacturing here wouldn’t be so expensive if maybe the executives and CEOs didn’t have exorbitant salaries and bonuses. Or if the companies weren’t so concerned about profits due to pressure from their shareholders.

Also, if the stuff was made here then we wouldn’t have to ship China raw materials and then pay again to ship back the actual finished products.

Let’s be real, Companies could afford to pay their employees a Living wage - they just don’t want to because it would cut into their MILLION$.

Who knows even how many small businesses have completely gone under.

We pretty much need to rebuild the USA.

It has been this way for a while though, this Virus and Lockdown and resultant Economic Disaster has just made it more obvious to more people.


Well-known member
Manufacturing here wouldn’t be so expensive if maybe the executives and CEOs didn’t have exorbitant salaries and bonuses. Or if the companies weren’t so concerned about profits due to pressure from their shareholders.

Also, if the stuff was made here then we wouldn’t have to ship China raw materials and then pay again to ship back the actual finished products.

Let’s be real, Companies could afford to pay their employees a Living wage - they just don’t want to because it would cut into their MILLION$.

Who knows even how many small businesses have completely gone under.

We pretty much need to rebuild the USA.

It has been this way for a while though, this Virus and Lockdown and resultant Economic Disaster has just made it more obvious to more people.

so true

it's Greed, and to a lesser degree the Corporate Tax Rates here in the US

back in the 40's, 50's and 60's the average CEO of a major corporations salary was like 3-5 times the average employee.

Now the CEO's salaries are like 100's of times more than the average employee.
