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moose eater

Well-known member
"Well Merle, if you're gonna call the world your home, you know you're gonna have to go out and get stoned and it's better with a joint than with a drink, I think." ;)

I can say that because in a week, I'm coming off the wagon for Memorial Day weekend and I'm going to actually enjoy some ETOH on the rocks.😂

I posted that tune in the Gender Dysphoria thread the other day, as a message of sorts, somewhat mocking the closed minded who sometimes seem to have invaded the pot growing circle in the last bunch of years.

We saw Pure Prairie League up here in the Interior many years ago, as well as the Ozark Mountain Daredevils... and Steppenwolf, Elvin Bishop, The Allman Bros/Greg Allman Band, Head East, B.B. King (on his 73rd b-day tour, on the same date as someone from Anchorage up for the show brought me some special clones), and many others, including John Prine, Blues Traveler, Arlo Guthrie, and more.

This is another very sweet PPL tune... Very sentimental.

(*I hope Ella Spell is OK. Just thought of that as I was posting this).



Well-known member


moose eater

Well-known member
I hope she is as well, that's a horrible thing to have to endure.
when a call comes announcing the abrupt departure of the loved one, there's the shock and a slow adjustment to the loss. The shock can be huge and takes some time to work through.

When there's any sort of elongated endurance of a dying process, each day can swing between hope and loss, and last as long as whatever illness or condition is going to run.

Neither one's good, though it builds some things in character if allowed to.

But the elongated process can be very hard, though affording time to undo wrongs, apologize for infractions, make peace, and repair relationships. Some of the few graces in longer suffering.

Most of my experiences have been with abrupt losses.

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