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moose eater

Well-known member
Today's likely undoable list: start swapping out the winter tires and rims for summer on the 4 vehicles, cuttings/clones, and vetting insurance benefit statements... and maybe start the search for some exquisite heirloom potato seed spuds, and maybe some -good- auto trim adhesive...

And my daughter's now paid for half of a rather expensive seat on a halibut outing for me, assuming my spine, etc., doesn't object too radically... coming up in 2 months... and then she'll be dipnetting salmon 2 days after that with me at Chitina..

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moose eater

Well-known member
May 4th is also Kent State Day, commemorating the unprosecuted shootings of students and faculty on May 4th, 1970, by Ohio State Guardsmen.

We once listened to the next hour-and-a-half recording every May 4, broadcast on what was then WLAV FM, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Recorded at Kent State one year after the shootings to the day; May 4, 1971. Well worth a listen, in my opinion.

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