Along with normal dog food I add all entrails I can find in my local shop, heart, liver and so on. Can promise my dog has the best fur in my neighbourhood
Ribs are good man, works that jaw muscle.....![]()
no cooked bones- they will splinter in pets mouth
Indeed, that part is obvious...
I never give them cooked meat / bones.... only RAW if your interested, its called the barf diet. Every now and then i throw them some carbohydrates, which does not effect there muscle mass..
They are also quite partial to the post mans leg.........![]()
Keep your knickers on,
Obvious that any responsible dog owner would not give there dog cooked bones, capache? (if not reread)
1% you say? i guess that is the first number that came in to your head, god only knows were you got that figure from...
The raw feeding veterinary society would laugh at your ridiculous numbers.
I will post you on several links, i can also suggest several books you might want to read instead of listening to the local Bob in the pet store...
Read the ingredients on the back of the box lol yea i guess the buck stops there....(try thinking out of the box)
Changing the statistic to the number of vets in the american holistic vetinary assoc in no way reflects the number of people practising raw feeding. Your 1% is a completely random number you pulled out of thin air. It is a logical fallacy to suggest proof of a statistic is to "go into any grocery store" this is no closer to proof of a cited statistic than me staring at my own shoes. I dont dispute vets sell junk pet food. However I do suggest if you have links to verify your 1% claim of people engaging in raw feeding practise to post, as opposed to me going into my local grocery store to verify it, that would be great. Otherwise it is still a statistic you have pulled out of the air. Dont use stats unless they have an actual basis, the world has enough of made up nonsense as it is. I am more than open to reading any papers academic or otherwise which verify your 1% claim. Or any links to verifiable sources which cite this 1% claim. Cheers.
In a court of law a person can be found guilty with circumstantial evidence.
Grocery store pet food isles (often fully one half of an entire isle), and bog box pet stores (full isles+) have little to no quality pet foods. Why do you keep debating this?
I know, as I have scouted them looking for high quality dry dog food for a friend who will not feed raw, or open cans.
As you keep challenging everything I say, why not contact AHVMA and report what they tell you?
Apologies, i rated your post by mistake when trying to quote you..
You keep referring to the USA, why are you doing that?
Your 1% is irrelevant to the rest of the world do you understand?
The world does not revolve around the USA, do you understand?
I will keep challenging you until you some how grasp the fact, your 1% figures for the World is utter balderdash......
Try admitting those statistics ONLY APPLY TO THE USA....
I find it very difficult and quite exasperating how you can not simply grasp that fact.....
Maybe try growing a brain for yourself under those Leds
Milk Bones seem to be the most popular dog biscuit out there. Everyone I know gives them to their dog. Healthy or junk?
Can't feed my dog anything at the moment. Worst diarhea ever![]()
Can't feed my dog anything at the moment. Worst diarhea ever![]()