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from the future
Ep. 99 Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous, the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter and Amazon won’t sell his books. We talked to him in Moscow.


moose eater

Well-known member
There's a real world out there, with real people suffering massively every minute of every day, beyond the small-minded minutia and propaganda. Bless those who stand tall.


moose eater

Well-known member
Biden has recently been in receipt of a letter signed by 20 of his own attorneys, stating that his continued shipments of arms to Israel is in violation of law, and that some of the US dual citizens and others currently participating on Israel's behalf in Israel and Gaza might be eligible to be charged as war criminals.

GOOD!! I certainly hope so, but the Teflon is so thick these days on the Powers that Be that it probably will have no immediate effect, short of the chaos appropriately being raised in the streets around the world.

Once the oligarchy starts to feel the heat and it costs them some of their all-precious money, they'll either completely take the gloves off with their citizen opposition around the world (like they did with OCCUPY), or they'll maybe smell the proverbial coffee and adjust (at least a little bit) their propensity for self-serving bullshit.

"Fucking humans... Can't eat 'em, can't live with 'em."

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Well-known member

The US and the UK are Pushing for Total War on All Fronts​

When you believe that people are some kind of bad thing the earth needs less of, wars help lower the population.

moose eater

Well-known member

The FBI intercepted communications during OCCUPY that indicated right wing militias were planning on sending snipers to Manhattan and possibly elsewhere, allegedly to take out OCCUPY hierarchy (OCCUPY was a horizontal organization with little to no actual 'hierarchy', by the way). The FBI reportedly sat on the intel and apparently waited for any crisis to arise and pass.

Same shit they did In the Carolinas in the later 70s when there was a shoot-out there between the Communist Socialist Workers' Party and the KKK at dueling rallies, and it was briefly alleged that the weapons used by both groups had been augmented by FBI infiltrators/informants into each of the 2 groups. Then that blurb, which I initially heard on public radio when I was traveling from Homer, Alaska to Anchorage, Alaska in a coworker's truck, vanished, and no more was heard of those allegations.

The divide and conquer strategy the fascists have used before. Saves ammunition, rubber bullets, zip-tie cuffs, and mace... and leaves a third party holding the bag.


Well-known member
the do the same with the antifa domestic terrorists . allow them to cause carnage
as usual i think you have that in reverse lol. the proud boys and other far right groups are used to beat up antifa as the cops stood down or looked a blind eye. i saw it countless times throughout the floyd protests. the head of the proud boys was a literal fbi informant lol.


from the future
When you believe that people are some kind of bad thing the earth needs less of, wars help lower the population.

Bad thinking because the Earth could accommodate double the population easily!

World wars just help to save few thousands Zionists people at the top of capitalism and they are the ones the people (Jewish included) must mercilessly massacre!

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Well-known member
Bad thinking because the Earth could accommodate double the population easily!

World wars just help to save few thousands Zionists people at the top of capitalism and they are the ones the people (Jewish included) must mercilessly massacre!

Society devolving into anarchy. Probably all part of the master plan. Everyone loves a nice dose of violence, especially young folks. I'm calling this whole situation out of hand.

I thought institutions like these were supposed to be beacons of education. From what I see all they have taught is there isn't a way to have public discourse or discussion/debate. Lack of emotional intelligence on all sides.

This should be an intellectual protest. Fuck all the signs and tents. Have the most educated and well spoken in your group get on a soapbox and speak. Challenge the administration to defend their position on their endowments in a debate and be sure to get major media coverage.

Pissing off your opposition with chants, property damage, or overall disruption is not winning over public opinion. At some point it's a bad look and just invites escalation. If I was in a disagreement with a neighbor or sibling and they came at me aggressively I'd be less apt to listen or hear their grievance.

Right now 90% of the American public thinks these protests are bad and that Islamic fundamentalists have brain washed these youth into conscription for Hamas.

What's the plan?


Well-known member
I thought institutions like these were supposed to be beacons of education. From what I see all they have taught is there isn't a way to have public discourse or discussion/debate. Lack of emotional intelligence on all sides.
the students touched on the one issue they weren't supposed to. and now they're being called terrorists.

This should be an intellectual protest. Fuck all the signs and tents. Have the most educated and well spoken in your group get on a soapbox and speak. Challenge the administration to defend their position on their endowments in a debate and be sure to get major media coverage.
debating genocide? nah. that's what the International Criminal Court is for and they've already declared Israel is committing disgusting crimes against humanity. if the schools won't divest, force them to.

Pissing off your opposition with chants, property damage, or overall disruption is not winning over public opinion. At some point it's a bad look and just invites escalation.
it's not the job of protesters to "win" people over. that'll be on you as to why you support or both sides a clear genocidal occupation. protests are meant to be a disruption. civil rights protests were far worse in terms of bloodshed and damage, and no one but absolute cretins look back at that time with reservation.
If I was in a disagreement with a neighbor or sibling and they came at me aggressively I'd be less apt to listen or hear their grievance.
you and your neighbor are on equal footing.

powerless students vs billionaire zionist controlled college w/ the backing of the state, police, & media lol is nowhere near the same thing.
Right now 90% of the American public thinks these protests are bad and that Islamic fundamentalists have brain washed these youth into conscription for Hamas.

What's the plan?

moose eater

Well-known member
the students touched on the one issue they weren't supposed to. and now they're being called terrorists.

debating genocide? nah. that's what the International Criminal Court is for and they've already declared Israel is committing disgusting crimes against humanity. if the schools won't divest, force them to.

it's not the job of protesters to "win" people over. that'll be on you as to why you support or both sides a clear genocidal occupation. protests are meant to be a disruption. civil rights protests were far worse in terms of bloodshed and damage, and no one but absolute cretins look back at that time with reservation.

you and your neighbor are on equal footing.

powerless students vs billionaire zionist controlled college w/ the backing of the state, police, & media lol is nowhere near the same thing.



Protests are meant to be a spectacle and to disrupt business-as-usual. Plain and simple. And bless them for doing this!

moose eater

Well-known member
the students touched on the one issue they weren't supposed to. and now they're being called terrorists.

debating genocide? nah. that's what the International Criminal Court is for and they've already declared Israel is committing disgusting crimes against humanity. if the schools won't divest, force them to.

it's not the job of protesters to "win" people over. that'll be on you as to why you support or both sides a clear genocidal occupation. protests are meant to be a disruption. civil rights protests were far worse in terms of bloodshed and damage, and no one but absolute cretins look back at that time with reservation.

you and your neighbor are on equal footing.

powerless students vs billionaire zionist controlled college w/ the backing of the state, police, & media lol is nowhere near the same thing.


And the fact that the Oligarchy and their hand-puppets are shoulders deep in benefits at others expense. They have no reason to negotiate with anyone unless their train of luxury is disrupted.

If you've ever raised hogs (and I did), then you know that as long as there's slops or other good grub in the trough, they're staying, no matter what, until that trough is empty... no matter what other critter gets shorted.

The only way to even get them to consider backing off at that point is to either let the trough go empty, or they get smacked in the snout with a small board or similar object. And even then, it's a coin-toss sometimes.

You want these 'pigs' to consider equity, international law, international/national boundaries, and egalitarianism, then disrupt their trough access, and/or get a fucking board.

And that's where protests, sanctions, boycotts, etc., come into play. Make the bastards feel it and expose their crimes to the naive and misinformed.


from the future

The’Odessa massacre "shows that the West lies about the regime" of Kiev, for a US humanist​

10 Years ago, Ukrainian nationalists burned down the House of Trade Unions in Odessa before massacring dozens of civilians who were hiding there. This tragedy clearly shows the untruthfulness of Western propaganda about the Kiev authorities, according to an American human rights defender.
The killing of civilians in Odessa on 2 May 2014 and the reluctance of the Ukrainian government to investigate the matter reveal the true face of the Kiev authorities, said Phil Wilaito, American human rights defender and coordinator of the Odessa Solidarity Campaign (OSC).

"The massacre and the fact that the authorities concealed it, that they have refused to investigate and bring those responsible to justice say a lot about this government and show that Western propagandists lie about it" he said.
Several American activists, including Wilayto, have issued demands to the governments of the United States and Ukraine demanding a thorough investigation into the Odessa tragedy. However, all of these calls went unanswered.
The US does not want an investigation, Wilayto said.

"A real investigation would reveal too much detail about the relationship between fascist paramilitary organizations and the Ukrainian government. And that would say too much about the causes of the current conflict" he concluded.
Mr. Wilayto regrets that ten years after the tragedy, many people, including young people, do not know what’il happened in Odessa in 2014.

Odessa Massacre​

After the coup in Ukraine in February 2014, people protesting the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych set up tents in Kulikovo Square in Odessa.
On 2 May, fighting broke out between’Euromaidan militants, joined by ultras from football clubs, and protesters settled in the square. The tent city was destroyed, after which coup supporters and nationalists set fire to the House of Trade Unions where dozens of anti-Maidan refugees had fled.
The assailants threw Molotov cocktails and gas grenades on and inside the’ building. People trying to escape the flames were later hit with a baseball bat as a result. According to several survivors, some of the attackers who entered the building were equipped with axes.
That day, 48 People were killed more than 250 others injured.


Well-known member
I'll continue to disagree with what the goal of a protest is. If the goal is to sacrifice yourself to cause a disruption to institutions that you damn well know are unlikely to care about your stance, then these are doing a great job.

To me that is a temper tantrum. And its not effecting any change. Go ahead and cheer lead these people as they get squashed by the powers that be and not make hardly one bit of difference, they can be righteous, but it will be for nothing and it will be erased from history more or less.

I was mistaken when I thought the point of a demonstration was to call attention to an issue and sway public opinion to your side. I thought the point was to deliver a message that is being ignored by the mainstream. Well now the message is lost - they have gotten disorganized, overly emotional, and defensive. The only message coming through is the disruption.

Who have they won over? Which University is going to consider their demands (and not in theater)?

I fully understand its David vs Goliath for these folks, and they will lose - badly. Its not something I am happy to see. Unlike others I actually believe that violence upheaval is not necessary to bring social change. I think some believe its the only way. I guess it will hurt the image of the Universities a bit, and possible slow enrollment a little bit.

In my opinion a message resonates more clearly when you are not attacking anyone and also not allow allow yourself to be the victim of anyone else's attack against your cause. It appears to me that anger and hate are elevated from where this began, sometimes you have to pick your battles, stand down temporarily, and regroup.

Anyways we can agree to disagree. I feel bad for the people who's ribs are being crushed and heads are getting bashed is all. And I also disagree very much with how the administrations are handling/reacting in kind. They cannot stand to honest about what they really area and what they really stand for, or to be exposed for what they really are. And that is the problem, when the non-violent tactics transform into aggression, the University is off the hook for their heavy handed response.