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UK Growers thread


New member
Cheers, theHIGHlander,

That makes me feel right at home here :)

Now i gotta get back to work and get my room finished before the game starts .

I got 5 thai,viet and lao germing now. so out 15 i hope to get a lady from each anymore's a bonus

Keep on tokin

keepin it green



Just thought i would say hi to all my fellow UK growers, theres some mighty fine herb being grown in our fine country congrats :woohoo:
Im gonna be settin up my new room in couple months. My room is 1x1x2mtrs (bud box design) i will be using a 400w hps and the atami 4 pot wilma system in coco growing grapefruit from seed unless i can get hold of a few clones. keep up the good work everybody :joint:

RhinoJay lives on...


Yo HFC, that be some interesting erb, any chance you can post some pics when you get your space sorted? Bet you got some pretty patient flower times, respect.

Funky foreign ladies. mmm


I will tell you all one thing, there is some absolutely crunkin cheeze on the south coast, Brighton sort of area.

I'm near there and am learning what i can until i can grow, seems like im in the right place.


Med grower
ICMag Donor

Keep it green UK.


New member
Group for the midlands uk

Group for the midlands uk

everyone out there in the midlands uk get some pics up and show that the brits can grow too!


Respect to everyone on it here in Blighty. :joint:

I've just got going, with some UK Cheese clones arriving last weekend, and my SensiSH & ST#3 beans in paper towels as I type.

Should be posting up full cab pics by the weekend, but there are some shots of my ghetto temporary holding pen in the thread below, if anyone fancies a laugh. :rolleyes:


Active member


sup all the uk growers:joint:couple o pics of ma latest venture.These were gifted by somebody on the old ic mag.Great genetics crystal covered doubage.some kalimistxdsd and some akxdsd,enjoy uk and me dog in the sea


Some nice fat buds u had there bingobango and a cute dog lol Can u remember your final yield? what was the smoke like? How is ur grow set up?

Keep it green indeed Sammet, lovely lush looking if u dont mind me saying, how do u get them looking so lush and healthy?


Active member
Hey jamrock jay,not finnished yet, got a couple more weeks on the kmxdsd and all the rest are on wash out,i'm hoping to get between 15 and 20 oz,a bit poor but not got my table working to full potentiall so should be better with next lot of clones in.I have 600watter 4inch in 6inch out on a climate controller,de-humidifire,fans and a drip system.My room is only 70cm wide so it gets ducks ass tight in there,which is chaos because branches are snapping and its damn near im[possible to get to back.good to talk keep it green dude


As tight as a ducks ass i can imagine lol nice set up you have bingobango.. Dont put yaself down 15-20oz is nothin to cry about... fcuk i'd be buzzing ma tits off if i pulled that

Im still gettin ready for my next grow, i cant start anythin for 8 weeks. Ive got virtually all my supplies all i need to decide now is do i stick with coco or do i give hydro a go, using hydroton pebbles instead. Ive got a wilma 4 pot system so gonna be feeding them on a drip, what do you my fellow UK ICers suggest? I will be starting from seed as its harder to get good clones around here than it is to get decent weed around here lol and its not easy getting good weed lol


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
U.K crew :yes:
heres a little peek... "up the loft"
all plants are on same feeding schedule ,so theres a bit of burnt tipping here and there ...

c99 x blackberry ,mh dropped on her ,shes a little burnt

ultra sonja

a few diff strains


Thx m@rg for that little peep up ur loft, u got some sweet looking buds there, everythin is looking gr8 even with the burn from the light m8. How long have they got left? Nice selection of strains u have going on there, keep up the good work m8 and good luck with ur grow


Yo M@rg, nice to see some pics from you dude, what exactly does the blackberry add the high with the c99. Looks like crystal city


Yeah so this is where the countrymen are!
Whats going on people? It's good to find a thread where i understand whats going on!
You guy's are going on terrible with some of your grows! Jealous i am but in a healthy way!
I wanna start something soon! Just a one pot Dwc though nothin like you geezers in size of room though! But i wouldn't say no to the quality of bud and the skills to get it there.

I've read and watched so many things on it all now i'm just starting to stress over what way to go now though.
I know a bag of people come on here asking for help and all that and i don't like having to ask really but i want to get into the whole "grow ya own" method been buyin bud for too long! I really do think with a few pointers i could more or less get started and not have to keep asking.



Yo Standaman, what was the question?
All the answers to our questions have already been answered, just gotta find em.
If your having shitty results searching for threads, try advanced search and search in thread titles only - should help lots, did for me.

If not ask em anyway, most people tend to be helpful if they can see your just trying to grow your own, that's why I be here anyway. Find some grow diaries you like the look of, really hard not to learn shit there and its always interesting to see what other people are doing with a similar space or wattage.

Keeping it simple and clean would be a budbox or variant with small hps and some soil and basic GH or Ionic nutes or one of the many funky organic mixes while you read about the many other options and decide what to tinker with. You could do it cheaper with wardrobe or something but will take longer to get just right and they are enviably collapse-able and cleanable. Probably easier to learn with the ladies in your presence anyway.

Nirvana and Mandala have excellent choice of erb for less than 20 quid, really good choice, maybe find your ladies while deciding if you do wanna go hydro, will certainly help yield if your talking small spaces for flowering, just not always silent if you need stealth.

I don't have room by anyone's standard but just about grow enough for 2-3 people and one of them smokes way too much, the other smokes lots :)

Grow ya own!


Hey hey Ryu
Thanks for getting back to me. Well my potential grow space is 31.5w x 21.5d x 66 height(inches) and i have accquired a 400w hps/mh light with ballast, is that too much for that grow space?
Yeah i know they are on here somewhere as i am finding bits n bobs as i go but i would prefer for now to concentrate on "Uk" threads as i have more of an understanding of where to source items from.
Simple is my word of the day at the moment, i dont want to just go out and buy a load of stuff without knowing what to do with it so for now i am learning to crawl.
Well yes my thinking is to go hydro just because i think it is faster and i hear they yield very well but i would prefer to grow stealthy over anything that will compromise my door gettin offed!
Yeah well i'm just growing fo me!! but may as well be 3 of me cos i do blaze rather fiendishly!! Muhahaha

Any pointers would be well appreciated