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Troublemaker - Doc Chronic Freebies


Active member
What's up Pontiac? Nice to have you along.

All the kids are looking nice and frosty. Really suprising how quickly it all happens. Now, if we can just get through to mid march, I'll be a happy camper.

Later all.



Pass That S**t!
hey space, i understand TM is a prototype strain from the doc. Do you notice if one TM is noticably different than another other TM? Or are they all very consistant with traits?


Active member
From seedling to starting flower they were all VERY consistent. Take a look back through the pics and you'll see what I'm talking about.

The two that stretched a little more than the others were closest to the light the first 2 weeks of flower so I think that's why they stretched a little bit more. They are also the least bushy, but then again, the space constraints have kinda made them that way. Lots of under developed branches due to crowding.

Overall though, I'd say they're right on. All of them are frosting up really nice, drink the same amount every three days, nice smell. Really I cannot complain so far. I'm loving it.

Not so sure how they'd work in your micro setups though. These things made fan leaves bigger than my hand the first month they were alive. Super bushy too, but I kinda influenced that.

Thanks for dropping in. Excited to see your newest project.



nice looking baby buds there spaced. whats the height of your cab ? btw i love the underside photo w/wo the flash
keep it growing green!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Thanks for the goodness folks.

The cab is 4' top to bottom in the grow space. Extra 15" or something like that for the mechanical area. Theres a thread that covers it over in the Equipment section. Called Army Brat Grow Box. I think that I may have posted the link somwhere in this thread.

That picture was pretty fun, wasn't it.

Since the bottom stalks aren't really getting too much light, they're pretty under developed. Can these be left to flower afer I've cut the tops? I'll probably just end up re vegging the strongest two and scrog or hog them for the next go round. Seems like the easiest way to do it. We'll see how much I pull off these and the LR's and go from there. I'm completely ADD and indecisive so it's a crap shoot.




Hahaha, indecisive! The growers condition. "I just popped in to see what condition my condition was in."

Talking of which, cab looks wicked! How are they flowering up? Any problems with the proximately of the lamp? Look like they're loving the light so far. Very cool stuff!



Active member
Right on - Gotta love Willie.

thanks for the props man. They're doing awesome. Gave them a shot of molasses with watering the other day and they responded very well. The two taller ladies would be at the lamp now, but they are off to the sides. The ones under the lamp are about 5-6" away. Thinking I'll do less plants with a scrog or hog next run!!! Too much stress of not knowing!

I'll have some new pics up later tonight. I'm going to go drop in on the kids and take some new pics.




Active member
As I said once before, if you think you should water then tomorrow, do it tonight!!! They bounced back within an hour though. Nice and quick

Oh yeah, this is what my dealer likes to call pot. I think it's just haybales sprayed with heroin or something, but hey - at $100 / ounce, can't complain - works for now...

On to happier things now...

My submission to pix of the crop - wish me luck...

Fillin' right up in there!!!

Three new TM's in the smaller pots. Lookin for a boy!!!


Active member
Coming right along. Just wanted to post a few updated pics.

The three of the four cuttings that I took are showing roots. Not sure which plant I want to take the clones from right yet, so these will probably get tossed. I'll just end up taking clones from the best plant after I harvest. one is really putting on a lot of weight and it's hairs are starting to turn. Lookin' pretty dank already. Fruity smell as described above. The other three you'd think you got pine sol on your hands. Sticky too. So looks like I may have two phenos here. We'll find out soon!

On to the updates! Enjoy.



Active member
Some shots in the dark.

These aren't fattening up quite as quick as the one below. The calyxes don't seem to be putting much weight on yet, but the trich production is nothing to scoff at.

The one in back there looks like it's a few days ahead of the rest. Pistils are turning and the buds are getting dense.

I'll get out the scope later and maybe get a couple pics with it. See how the trich content is doing compared to the skinnier ladies. Maybe it's just a pheno variation that I'm seeing here.



Active member

This is the one that's really quite a bit ahead of the rest. Fattenin' right up. Should be right around 6 weeks now. The others are starting to follow suit.

The trichs are 100% cloudy now, just about another week or so I'm thinking. Any input here? Sorry for the crappy pics. The lighting, camera and my photography skills suck.



Active member
Thanks everyone! Took the most mature looking bud today. 6 weeks along. The rest are starting to catch up and put some weight on - finally! I'll get a couple pics up soon. I still need to function while I'm baked, so I thought I would test the waters a little to see how it would do. The pisitils are all brown and the trichs are all cloudy with a few ambers starting to show up. Just about the length of my palm and ewwygooey. Trimmed the bigger leaves off. Gonna dry those in the oven and smoke a bowl of triched trim.

Later all.

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looking great bro those buds are fattening up nicely . just goes to show u freebies arent always a bad thing
keep it growing green!!!


Active member
Heck no, can't complain about free stuff! I do have some Fem White Rhino test beans. Almost free - just had to send $5 to DG. Little tardy on doing that, think I'll throw 50 or 60 lowryder beans in there for them to gift as freebies. Can't wait to see what kind of shit that would stir up! Some strong opinions on that out there. But if it's free, who can really bitch???



SpacedCWBY said:
Thanks everyone! Took the most mature looking bud today. 6 weeks along. The rest are starting to catch up and put some weight on - finally! I'll get a couple pics up soon. I still need to function while I'm baked, so I thought I would test the waters a little to see how it would do. The pisitils are all brown and the trichs are all cloudy with a few ambers starting to show up. Just about the length of my palm and ewwygooey.

Woohoo Spaced, done good man, done supa-good! They look nice and a very quick finishing pheno.

Ewwygooey sounds wicked! :respect:

I germed a few of these to run alongside a few homebrew F2s on the strength of this thread so far. I noticed you mentioned mollasses, what else were they getting during flowering and what kind of rate? Do they like their grub?

SpacedCWBY said:
Trimmed the bigger leaves off. Gonna dry those in the oven and smoke a bowl of triched trim.

Hehe, I do this for potentially stud males, except without the oven, you'd be surprised the buzz you can catch off even fans!

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Active member
Thanks ANother. Nice job on your grows also. Been following along.

I used the nutes as prescribed by the bottle (3 part GH flora nova) then when the buds quit getting bigger, I gave them a gallong of straight RO water with a tablespoon (heaping) of unsulferred mollases. Seems to fatten 'em right up. The other 3 still have one more of those feedings coming and then I'll start to flush them out. Going to re-veg the quick one. The others will probably just get harvested in stages like I'm doing this one. Going to pull the rest of the big tops off the mature one tomorrow and trim 'em up. I'll get some pics up asap.


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