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The power of love! (experiment)


Active member
The power of love has a lot to do with how your plants grow. If you're angry, sad, or in any off sort of mood while dealing with your baby's they will pick it up. plants don't like negative energy. I've been doing a side by side experiment with two BC Kush plants. I grew them from feminized seeds that i got from BC bud depot. both plants have had my full attention! (weekly inspections for bugs mold and mildews)
One of the plants I would act mean towards it. When i watered her i would act angry or upset with her. The results to my experiment are clear! Today is day 63 of flowering. Grown under a platinum led p450 in 83L plastic bins.

Love child:
the baby i gave all my love too. shes almost ready. 90% milky 5% clear and 5% amber. flush is going great. plant is showing some wonderful purple and yellow colours on the leaves. strong branches with most buds holding up without support

The Ugly Duckling:
the baby that that got the bad treatment has all clear trichomes still. she is very leafy on the buds. her branches are very fragile. has support on most of the branches and the buds arnt near as big as the love childs.

i think its clear! the power of love is stronger then you thought. try telling them you love them every night before they go to bed and they will show how much they love you back:)

this experiment was very interesting and showed me a lot about the life of plants:) i love you all! Namaste


Active member
No.1 This is the internet. Pix or it didn't happen!.. Ha

No.2 if we're talking seedlings not clones your test was highly flawed from the jump as they are surly expressing differently (esp starting w bc depot beans)

No.3 if they truly did sence your feelings you would need to do more than think about them negatively, You would have to truly despise them like a cop or a zellot. (They try n it's not stoping us)

I suspect your loving care n green thumb shown through n it is just another shit pheno outa the depot...

I do belive in what you say tho. The secret life of plants shows us that there are connections we cannot prove... Yet!

Keep growing the dankness w all the love you can spare!
Keep up the cool tests n Keep posting up your results!

Big ups respect and happy growing!


Active member
Sorry lotus, but this whole idea born out of those water crystal experiments is whack. It was bad science.

Your experiment has too small of a sample size so there is absolutely no way to tell if it was your 'love' or just chance. That's like if I flipped a coin twice and said if I think about tails real hard then it should land on tails twice and magically it does. It's not a meaningful result. Also, you simply acted mad. It would be a hard thing to truly be mad at a plant to accurately execute this experiment. Not to mention the fact that the universe doesn't give a shit if we are mad or upset. It has no judgments. It's a weird anthropomorphism to think that plants can sense what state of mind we are in, or even further, actually care how we feel or be influenced by how humans feel about them. Do we think we are so special that plants cower under our hatred and bask in our love?

Plants pray to no man, to nothing but the sun.

Sorry if I'm being negative. It's a pet peeve of mine. I have nothing but respect for your interest and effort in experimenting.


Active member
lmfao! this post is hilarious i was sooooo un educated when i made thisXD obv they were shitty bcbud depot phenosXD hahahahahahahah


Well disbelieve what you want but hateful words and correlated hateful tones do disrupt snowflakes patterns. Google it. This disruption could change the flow of the components in the water and therefore hypothetically speaking could disrupt normal growth in a plant. If an experiment were to be had it would have to be in two separate areas with positive and negative toned voices playing constantly to prove or disprove. Don't mind me I'm just upping my posts.


Active member
I completely agree. I believe that this would work 100% in the right setting. But the way i did it was totaly wrong. What you do and say effects everything around you. I would like to try this one day again when i have proper conditions


Active member
Well disbelieve what you want but hateful words and correlated hateful tones do disrupt snowflakes patterns.

No they don't. Emoto used bad science. You know he refused to make a million dollars by demonstrating the effect to James Randi under proper scientific controls (that he failed to use in his own experiments)?


No Jive Productions
i had a plant one time i just didn't like.

so every time i walked by i would slap it or break a branch or just pink it with the point of my trusty switchblade.

talking bad to it the whole time. telling it what a worthless piece of shit it was and that it's momma was a ho.

it turned out to be one of my biggest producers and out yielded not only my other plants but every other plant i had ever seen.

i know it's not a side by side experiment because i didn't have a control plant to shower love on and, of course, have no pictures because my cellphone, camera, or computer, etc were broken, stolen, lost in a fire, etc.

but it does prove my point that something from nothing presented anecdotally constitutes absolute proof.

anybody want to argue about it?


Active member
I'm going to try that. 'your parents were shitty ditchweed. you were born in a gutter. you will always be shwag. you are a disgusting plant'.


Active member
Complete dogshit.....but it's nice in your bubble isn't it? I wish I could devolve and join you kid! ;-)


It's an interesting idea. I've read different reports around the internet from people who've experimented with this. Some said there was a difference in plant growth and/or health, some said there wasn't....