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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member

Second blood draw down. I really should have sat in the car at Home Depot afterward. Got a wee bit lightheaded in the store and had to go back and wait in the car. LMAO

A bite of lunch at Vicky's cafe and a short nap and I'm back at 70%


While the Surgeons office wanted 4 units, I feel like even the 3 scheduled is wringing the dishrag for the last bit of spilled soup and didn't make the 4th appointment. Odds of them needing even one are very low for endovascular procedures.


Well-known member
Premium user
I'm willing to concede that your Dr Scooter has never been swayed or influenced in any way by sales reps when he selected one brand over another generic drug, because I know you wouldn't shuck me nary a none just because I'm not bright.

I also concede you haven't been influenced yourself by sales reps before you recommend medication for brothers and sisters on this forum.

I'm not a doctor and only know what I've read or heard from family members working for doctors. As the doctor is the most influential person determining what meds you use, it is also who I would personally move to influence if I was a sales rep.

Perhaps my judgement is skewed by being the engineering manager who selected equipment for multi-million-dollar projects and being regularly romanced by equipment suppliers, as well as declining kindly offers.

I also watched a cohort walked to the door with his personal items in a box, after getting caught accepting gratuities, as well as hookers on field trips, etc. Ha! The same one who used to laugh at me and call me a Boy Scout.
Nobody ever offered me hookers FFS!


Well-known member
My sister in law went out of her mind just before Christmas.
She has never used "street" drugs or even smoked weed.

She had been seeing the same doctor for over 10yrs. and
he was prescribing her xanax. Each time she would tell him
that the pills weren't helping... he'd just up the dosage.

She took them as prescribed and just continued on without
telling anyone about how she was feeling and how her doc
wasn't really helping.

She had a psychotic break and became violent towards
her sons who were there visiting. She was raging and
her boys were freaked. Screaming obscenities and
trying to physically attack them. So not in her nature.

EMT's came and had to strap her to the gurney as
she also tried to physically attack them.
She might weigh 120 and is abt. 5'5".

She spent 14 days in the hosp. while they detoxed her.
Might be a law suit in this if she wants to pursue it?

I have spoken with others this has happened to.
I have also read personal stories on the subject also.

Sadly, these instances occur more often than we are aware of.

edit: karn't speel
Doctors are the worst pill pushers...


Well-known member
I learned my love of Hash in West Germany in the early 70s. A wide range of goods were available in and around most US military bases and THC didn't show on the routine piss testing the long-haul drivers underwent. What would bust you were the over the counter at the time in the local pharmacy were the Benders (downers) and the liquid speed.

Mid 1975 we got a run of opiated tripping green Hash. Having just done a test I indulged like the rest of the Tokers as the stuff was just way too much fun. Then the supply dried up and wholly mother I watched all my fellow drivers going through a bitch kitty withdrawal. I'd bought a block the size of a pack of smokes with my last $50 and gradually weaned off the dammed stuff sidestepping the worst of what the rest went through.

That little adventure taught me the perils of Opiates at a young age, and I never forgot just how ugly the comedown was getting that monkey off my back. I'll take a hydrocodone when I must but that voice in my head is constantly nagging with every pill and keeps me on the straight and narrow where opiate bases are concerned.

Looks like Chucks taking the skin boat to Tuna town.
Looks like Chucks taking the log to the beaver.
So many classic lines.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Relaxed at 3.40am (GMT) this morning - after rising before dawn - ate alot and had plenty of sleep yesterday - plus did around 4 miles walking - at a good swift pace - slowly - incrementally - I feel myself healing - convalescing - and so recovering daily - will be off again to feed the cats in an hour and a quarter - just after dawn - when hardly anyone is up here in suburban London - minimal traffic out on the roads - and I can enjoy the solitude of a good walk 🚶‍♂️ -


Active member
Here's something to think about. All cereal grains are contaminated with ROUNDUP. ( glyphosate ) Instead of waiting for the grain to ripen naturally. They spray that sht on it to dry it up to harvest faster.

Gluten intolerant...nope it's Glyphosate poisoning.

There is a laundry list of what problems it causes in humans/ mammals. The number 1 thing is Infertility!!!!!

Look it up......
Ohhh Great…their killing us all, starting with the kids…monsanto is modern day witchcraft!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
remember those vaccines they gave us as kids...hmmm:cautious:
Yup - and I remember the last time I had a cold/flu - 1968 - was called Hong Kong Flu - and since then have never had the flu or a flu shot - had to have a coupla covid shots - or I wouldn't have been allowed to make some well planned international plane trips - but never got this covid thing either -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What I do remember from the past as negative pharmaceutical applications - was the mosquito prophylaxis I've been recommended to take by my own government over the course of 41 years of venturing into very steamy sub-tropical and tropical locations around the globe - it was nevaquine and chloroquine that first I had to take - after a few years of just relying on gin and tonics with quinine in them - (- the medicinal cocktail -) - Quinine being the alleged anti-mosi med -

Yes - Nevequine or was it Nevaquine? - Hmmm - anyway - that mixed with Chloroquine was the poison/medicine of the day - at some point - possibly the 80's-90's - and that would make me feel kinda weird - headaches - and a bit woozy 🥴 - then fast on its heels was Larium - which I first took for a trip to Madagascar 🇲🇬 - and that made me feel bloody aweful - weak and so not confident to carry on with the mission - and kinda lethargic - nailed me to a bed in a hospital masquerading as a hotel - for a few days - where the patients were a running buffet for the mosquitoes anyway - laying around on beds with a few shabby looking mosquito nets with holes in them - in a hot and humid atmosphere = no air-con - so people/patients were getting malaria (cerebral) and dengue fever - a case of - 'That hospital could be the death of you' -

So after a while - it looked to me like - whether you took something from a pharmacy or not - getting sick seemed likely - but taking drugs from the pharmacy - that your own government recommended to take - to prevent Malaria - was guaranteed to make you feel unwell anyway -
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
These days - if I go abroad - practicing good personal hygiene - and only eating food that's been cooked in front of me - along with being a real water snob - helps keep me free from getting sick usually - and I don't go for taking any meds - government recommended or not - if I can avoid them -

🙂 - prevention is easier to practice - than having to cope with finding and applying a cure -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
As for the mask mandate that was based on what was the best known practices at the time.
@HempKat -- I respectfully disagree... with absolute proof that will change your mind 180 degrees on the quote above:

Fauci himself wrote that the 1918 Influenza Epidemic was worsened by the wearing of masks.

Before this was scrubbed** by Winston in Room 101, the wearing of masks was spoken of as causing the problem to get worse.

This has been changed to: "...deaths were likely caused by a secondary bacterial pneumonia that followed influenza infection." <-- Note how that tortured sentence exactly describes mask use results, but the word-salad "same thing" now enables a "logical" denial of Fauci/mask connection.

** History is changed by those recording it. If you were asked what was McAuliffe's answer to the German demanding the 101st respond to the demand to surrender at Bastogne... (you are allowed to look up the quote using ANY source you please)

Yup. "NUTS!" <-- Right? WRONG! He said something the German would recognize and understand easily:

He replied: "Merde!" The same answer given by the French general at Waterloo.

History got changed when the "press release" went out to the troops and the world. It was changed the the (*chuckle*) homely American fightin' woids. This was well-known throughout the military, and especially my family.

So, in sum, Fauci said it, the word-salad does a non-denial denial to Woodward and Bernstein (that's us). Fauci connected the masks directly to the epidemic.