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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Along with Extra Virgin Olive Oil a while back, I have been adding Natto to my diet. I am fortunate to have a source for Organic Firm Tofu, which we eat three times a week for our dinner meal. In many parts of the world, especially where soy is not organic, fermented soy such as miso, tempeh, or natto is considered safer. Natto, a fermented heart healthy food, is typically made from soybeans. Other sources can be also used to make it (see linked article). By adding the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the fermenting process is started and then speeds up, resulting in the enzyme Nattokinase. The enzyme Nattokinase, which comes from Natto, has amazing health benefits including those that are specific to heart health. The starter bacteria from Natto may be recreated much like making yogurt on your kitchen shelf. After a batch or two is made it can be stored in the refrigerator to add to a new batch of Soybearns to start the process again. I was thinking Gypsy that this could be something you could "sneak" when you are up alone in the early AM. It is a traditional Japanese food, typically eaten at breakfast with miso soup, fish, and (brown) rice. :chin: :chin:

Yes - occasionally my wife or son brings me a couple of servings of natto from the Asian store we have here - and also Kimchi - which has good friendly bacterias that improve the stomach biome - sauerkraut too - and I eat Greek plain yogurt every day - with my main meal 😀 - and have never had stomach problems -


Well-known member
Along with Extra Virgin Olive Oil a while back, I have been adding Natto to my diet. I am fortunate to have a source for Organic Firm Tofu, which we eat three times a week for our dinner meal. In many parts of the world, especially where soy is not organic, fermented soy such as miso, tempeh, or natto is considered safer. Natto, a fermented heart healthy food, is typically made from soybeans. Other sources can be also used to make it (see linked article). By adding the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the fermenting process is started and then speeds up, resulting in the enzyme Nattokinase. The enzyme Nattokinase, which comes from Natto, has amazing health benefits including those that are specific to heart health. The starter bacteria from Natto may be recreated much like making yogurt on your kitchen shelf. After a batch or two is made it can be stored in the refrigerator to add to a new batch of Soybearns to start the process again. I was thinking Gypsy that this could be something you could "sneak" when you are up alone in the early AM. It is a traditional Japanese food, typically eaten at breakfast with miso soup, fish, and (brown) rice. :chin: :chin:

GREAT stuff ! Tastes like shit. 🤢


Well-known member
Good morning old farts! Another sunny day. 🌞 My girls are growing like “weeds”. 🤣

Ghost Train Haze #1 growing in a wire cage. That is the only way I can keep the animals from eating them or digging them up.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Fauci is an evil liar. He testified in front of congress that the US did not fund gain of function research. He has pushed many lies during and before the gain of function bug ‘escaped’ the lab including the social distancing, 2 weeks to flatten the economy, ivermectin and masking nonsense. He was behind pushing remdesivir and ventilators as well but will claim up and down that he had nothing to do with any of it. Admitting ‘mistakes’(if they truly were mistakes) is a sign of having a moral backbone. He has not admitted the whole response to the supposed pandemic was propaganda like an honest person would.
Well I watched when he testified to congress and he never said that the US did not fund gain of function research. What he did say was that he did not KNOWINGLY fund gain of function research. There is a subtle difference there. What actually happened was the money that ended up being used for gain of function research actually came from a non profit organization called EcoHealth Alliance who did recieve a grant approved by Fauci for the amount of 3.7 million. They then took that money and gave the Wuhan lab approximately $600K which apparently did end up going to gain of function research but this wasn't discovered until well after the point in time when Fauci and Rand Paul were arguing over whether or not the US funded gain of function research. So the truth is both Rand Paul and Fauci were right. At the time when he said the US did not fund gain of function research Fauci did not know that it had. Mainly because he wasn't involved in it or directly responsible for funding it. So his statement was truthful when he made it. As for Rand Paul he was going on accusations at the time that were yet to be proven. He end up being correct because it later on became proven but at the time he was operating purely on suspicion that was yet to be proven.

The real question should be did EcoHealth Alliance know at the time what they were funding? Since they were the ones who funneled some of the money they recieved from Fauci to the Wuhan lab. Unfortunately so many people were and still are desperate to turn Fauci into some sort of evil villian that they are willing to ignore the facts of the matter so they can pin the blame on Fauci. As for your other claims it wasn't social distancing that destroyed the economy, that didn't start to happen until the orders from the US government came that everyone with the exception of "Essential Workers" should shelter in place at home until the spread of the pandemic could be brought under control. The order to practice social distancing was actually an effort to try to keep businesses open in order to not hurt the economy, by simply asking peeople to keep 6 feet apart from one another when out in public. The advise to practice social distancing came well before the order to stay at home.

As for the mask mandate that was based on what was the best known practices at the time. If you were paying attention at the time the mask mandate went thru several stages of evolution. At first it was believed that any sort of mask or face coverings, even home made ones made from cloth were sufficient Then they came to realize that cloth masks were not enough and that you really need N-95 masks or better. Another being problem with the mask mandates was due to a fundemental misunderstanding of what the masks were meant to do. Many people wrongly thought that the masks were meant to protect people from getting the virus but that was incorrect. The real intent of the masks were to keep the people who already had the virus from spreading to other and with proper mask use and social distancing it was proven many times over that doing both was effective.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I've got a back up unit in the closet somewhere, if you'd like it lemme know and I can send it to you...
Thanks for the offer Boo but that's not necessary. Like I've said a couple of times now the problem with my Blood Pressure being out of range only happens when I miss taking my BP medicine on time. Which is something that only happens 1-3 times a month if even that often. If I'm late on taking something I usually catch it within a couple of hours because I can feel it causing a difference in my body. The rest of the time, which is the vast majority, when I take my medicine on shedual my blood pressure averages a good reading of about 120/78 on average. If this was a consistent problem that I was worried about then I would find a way to come up with enough money to buy an affordable at home option.


Well-known member
GREAT stuff ! Tastes like shit. 🤢

Yup. Like many adult foods they come with an acquired taste. First time I tasted lobster I thought to myself - I am paying all this money for this - and I have to slobber it with butter and lemon to even half enjoy it?!? Fortunately, I grew to like it pretty good now, though not my fave by any means or sorts. Natto is considerably cheaper than lobster, but granted you have to man up to give it a try. I add soy, mustard, mayo, and wasabi to it, and it becomes rather palatable, to me enjoyable, with some sprouts on top, with brown rice. Yum yum. To each our own! (y) (y)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I agree docs are not what they use to be. You gotta watch out for yourself and ask the stupid questions… 😞
Even then you have to be careful. During a recent monthly visit at the pain management clinic I now must attend if I want pain medicine my doctor said that I was taking Percocet (Oxycodon/acetaminophen). I corrected her by saying, "No I take Norco" which is actually Hydrocodone/acetaminophen. Now granted they are both classified as narcotics or opioids but they are hardly the same thing. Percocets are more powerful and longer lasting then Norco. Before the opioid crisis you still had to get a new prescription for Percocet from your doctor every month to get a refill. Norco on the other hand was consider enough of a step down from Percocet that my doctor could call in a refill with two automatic refills before I would have to get a new script from my doctor. I've taken both at different times in my life and they do feel very similar but with the percocet I found like I said that they are a little stronger and last a few hours longer then Norco.

I found it rather disturbing that my Pain Management doctor dismissed it so casually as being the same but I didn't continue to argue it with her because it's my experience that once you find a pain management doctor that will give you something relatively effective it's best not to rock the boat since the next doctor you might end up with might be even worse and want to put you on something ineffective like Maloxicam.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I always laugh at the big Pharma adds... they make them sound so flowery and uplifting even when they mention the side effects that it might could kill you....

Ask your doctor if this drug is right for you!
Yeah I forget which one it was but I remember a prescription medicine for acne I used to see advertised on TV a lot, That had death listed as one of the possible side effects. Now I never had much trouble with acne so maybe I just don't appreciate how bad it can be for some people but I would always think, "why would anyone risk death just to fight acne?"

Another one, several actually that used to get me and again I don't remember which ones but there were several drugs that had listed as side effects that they might cause compulsive gambling. WTF?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Happy Moonday! All hail Moon Godess Artemis!

Another gorgeous day starting at 43F and predicted to reach 69F.

The dozen sprinkler heads that I ordered will ostensibly be delivered today, so I can start replacing them.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah I’m gonna ask my doc about some of that Jardiance stuff that makes that heavyset girl sing and dance. I can’t stand when that comes on every 10 minutes
I take that and I can confirm without any doubt that it does not improve your ability to sing or dance nor does it make you feel like singing and dancing. It does however help to lower blood sugar less for type 2 diabetics and is said to have additional benefits for heart health.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the science i have read says diet is only a 20% contribution to cholesterol. so, it is a lifestyle, systemic condition. the LDL is a calculated number, from a statistical sample of the population - who, are mostly (70%) sick.

i look at my HDL (should be >80) and Triglycerides (should be <50). my total cholesterol is considered high (265), i was offered statins, i just laughed, i know it is brain dead standard-of-care. since 2019, i don't take HCP seriously anymore. they don't seem to understand biology. and i don't agree with what they do understand.

exercise is known to increase cholesterol. recent articles have said low cholesterol is not better for longevity. but balance that against the assessment that only 1% of studies are worth reading. i think that is too low - i have read some excellent articles.
The problem with a lot of studies that shape health practices is they are often funded by corporations with an alterior motive. I remember back in the late 60's/early 70's when they started pushing the big scare about cholesterol and put a lot of the blame on eggs and butter and started encouraging people to buy fat free foods. Now in more recent years they've found that eating eggs and butter don't really have much of an impact at all and that fat is an important part of a healthy diet, it's just which kinds of fats you should be careful about.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
keep in mind that cholesterol is also from passed down genetics...I eat nothing processed and yet my cholesterol is high...that comes from Mom's side of the family...
This is true, I had a doctor years ago who put me on statins for a while trying to improve my cholesterol numbers. After about 6 months and my numbers staying roughly the same she had me review with her what foods I was eating and told me it sounded like I was eating the right food. Then she said it must be genetic and told me I could stop taking the statins she had me taking.
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Well-known member
Yeah I forget which one it was but I remember a prescription medicine for acne I used to see advertised on TV a lot, That had death listed as one of the possible side effects. Now I never had much trouble with acne so maybe I just don't appreciate how bad it can be for some people but I would always think, "why would anyone risk death just to fight acne?"

Another one, several actually that used to get me and again I don't remember which ones but there were several drugs that had listed as side effects that they might cause compulsive gambling. WTF?
I think the acne medicine could increase suicidal thoughts resulting in death. But dont quote me on that. 🤪


Well-known member
Yup. Like many adult foods they come with an acquired taste. First time I tasted lobster I thought to myself - I am paying all this money for this - and I have to slobber it with butter and lemon to even half enjoy it?!? Fortunately, I grew to like it pretty good now, though not my fave by any means or sorts. Natto is considerably cheaper than lobster, but granted you have to man up to give it a try. I add soy, mustard, mayo, and wasabi to it, and it becomes rather palatable, to me enjoyable, with some sprouts on top, with brown rice. Yum yum. To each our own! (y) (y)
I agree. Actually I make my own natto. 🥰 But it still tastes like shit. 🤣

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Studies are influenced by the perspective and expectations of the folks involved. Believing is seeing.

In aerospace we use statistical analysis like Six Sigma and I remember this study where a Development Engineer used Six Sigma to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that a knockout hammer operation in an adjacent department was creating the hot tears at the metal casting operation, despite its isolation slab.

Alas when I installed ultra-sensitive vibration detection equipment at the casting station, there was no detectable vibration. The hot tears were actually created during cooling by the gating design.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I have had to change doctors 4 times in the last two years. Every time I get a new one the retire! Severe burnout.

I even talked to my last Doc about it. You could tell he was stressed out. Pissed is a better word.

I haven't even met my newest one yet. Gonna be interesting as she is a woman....turn your head and cough....
There it is. It is universal in this country. You may consider what I think is an accurate parallel:

Compare a male commanding general in full regalia... in a dress standing next to General McAuliffe.

That is the medical profession now versus what it was.

You all know Scooter is a doctor's doctor (eg: Board Certified) and he knows what has happened to ALL his colleagues and contemporaries. That is why he is retired, and only helping out a local 10-bed hospital way out in the mountains of Oregon.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
After finally getting out of the hospital recently - which was a real slow process for me to go thru - waiting for all the clearances - to get outa there - the final one being a two and a half hour wait for the ward pharmacist to gather all the 8 different medicines the doctors there wanted me to take home with me - after being told to vacate my hospital bed - and wait in some little waiting room with my son - who had come to pick me up speedily - once I'd told him I was to be released - so while we waited and waited - it kinda dawned on me - that from that time on pharmaceutical medicines - were going to be important in my life - and take up alot of time acquiring them - and taking them - since before that almost month long on/off hospital stay - I'd only been ever taking one pharma medicine regularly - for only 18 months of my life -

Now - just recently I've had to order medication replenishments - because most of the various pills they gave me at the hospital have been taken already - and I'm running out of many of them real soon - so I had to book an appointment with the pharmacist at the local doctors clinic I am registered at - which could only be done by calling them at 8am - for the chance of getting a 'by phone only' appointment - and once I'd called and waited quite a while - managed to score a phone appointment 4 days later -

4 days later I get a call from said pharmacist - and she works thru all the names of my meds and the quantities required - (usually one months worth) - and tells me that I can soon pick them up at a retail pharmacy close by where I live - EXCEPT FOR EDOXABAN - because its a blood thinner - and for that I would have to get it from Kingston Hospital - so should call them and work out how to get that medicine from that source - oh what a PALAVA - so one of the things I have to do today - is chase down some blood thinning drugs - lol


Well-known member
After finally getting out of the hospital recently - which was a real slow process for me to go thru - waiting for all the clearances - to get outa there - the final one being a two and a half hour wait for the ward pharmacist to gather all the 8 different medicines the doctors there wanted me to take home with me - after being told to vacate my hospital bed - and wait in some little waiting room with my son - who had come to pick me up speedily - once I'd told him I was to be released - so while we waited and waited - it kinda dawned on me - that from that time on pharmaceutical medicines - were going to be important in my life - and take up alot of time acquiring them - and taking them - since before that almost month long on/off hospital stay - I'd only been ever taking one pharma medicine regularly - for only 18 months of my life -

Now - just recently I've had to order medication replenishments - because most of the various pills they gave me at the hospital have been taken already - and I'm running out of many of them real soon - so I had to book an appointment with the pharmacist at the local doctors clinic I am registered at - which could only be done by calling them at 8am - for the chance of getting a 'by phone only' appointment - and once I'd called and waited quite a while - managed to score a phone appointment 4 days later -

4 days later I get a call from said pharmacist - and she works thru all the names of my meds and the quantities required - (usually one months worth) - and tells me that I can soon pick them up at a retail pharmacy close by where I live - EXCEPT FOR EDOXABAN - because its a blood thinner - and for that I would have to get it from Kingston Hospital - so should call them and work out how to get that medicine from that source - oh what a PALAVA - so one of the things I have to do today - is chase down some blood thinning drugs - lol
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . Im not sure but you may be able to get rid of the blood thinners eventually. Also, natto produces an enzyme that dissolves blood clots. 🌈