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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
joined a book club the other day


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Been checking my blood pressure lately - and it's much more consistently good - than before the surgery to improve it - 124/65 - 67bpm - just now - this pacemaker must be working along with the Mitral valve fix and the left coronary artery bypass recently sorted - to give me more faith in my own heart ❤️ -

Something that kinda freaks me though - is that just before I was allowed to leave St Thomas's Hospital - a lady tech-cardiologist came by to check my new pacemaker - and put some widget/gadget on top of it - then adjusted my resting heart rate with what looked like a sorta IPad - so that it never fell below 50bpm - and there's me thinking that if she could lower my heart rate - then it could also be speeded up - (maybe by some hacker) - and so suddenly my heart rate could shoot up into the 100/200's or above - so beating at a VERY dangerous speed - so killing me - and possibly thousands of others with similar pacemakers - as a sort of terrorist event - maybe my imagination runs wild a bit - but could be a concern - could also be a great film script - 😆


Well-known member
Ya - it's been over 20 years now I've had to be admin/moderator - and referee over many disputes between growers/breeders/members and other mods and admins - and even I have been sorely tested - trying to make the right decision for the common good of the site and its members - ain't so easy sometimes -

- Still it can be a challenge - and to someone - you always end up being the bad guy - because you have to try and diplomatically resolve a situation - that invariably has to punish or censor one entity - at least - sometimes its both 😉 members - or a whole bunch of members that need to get sanctioned somehow -

But I do understand if a generally good member in good standing has a bad day - and is baited by some troll - or is in pain physically or mentally - and goes off the rails for a while - then we have to moderate with a softly-softly touch - and understand that it's probably just a one off crisis situation - so try to not get too heavy with the ban hammer - and just give them a few days off to compose themselves -
I'm right with you there... I was a mod for 20 years. It was shut down by the owner... I think he was afraid of the feds? Not that we were militant, or anything, but we were cutting edge in the PM venue. PM's led to preps, led to defense/guns, led to... you get the idea...

Moderating. It's a fine line one has to walk. My 'contribution' was to get consensus from 2 other mods before bringing down the ban hammer. It served the purpose of keeping mods from becoming 'gunslingers' for perceived violations. Mods can't take offense without others agreeing that "Yeah, this one needs to go." Before that it was the wild west at times. Folks would inebriate on a Friday night and a bar fight would ensue. Calmer heads had to prevail. "Understanding" the proclivities of members and moderating with grace and a fair hand was an important skill to acquire.

Some folks ended up here at icmag. It's how I arrived as well. Had some really good long-term online relationships that sadly "scattered to the wind" one might say.... Some, not all, of that data, information, history is in the archives now...


Well-known member
Walk done....now to the nursery to spend copious amounts of $$ on flowers.
Was at the nursery yesterday, it's been about 2 years since I was at my favorite nursery, the prices were higher, people were spending money like water through a tap.

We spent less than we were expecting. Who knows, I might be moving from this place, so I don't want to get too committed to the yard.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
It must be the time of the season!

Just finished a 1.8m walk with the wife and heading out for plants.

She likes 'wave' petunias...
We are gonna try something different this year. First, trip to the nursery was a bust. Everything had been picked over to the point of walking away. The next shipment comes in on Wed and Thurs. Gonna try and time it so I can follow the truck in.

I normally plant petunias, geraniums and alyssum's out front. However the worms and slugs are a pain to mitigate. So, we are gonna switch to calibrachoa's which are bug resistant and don't require deadheadding.

Here is last years version.



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Was at the nursery yesterday, it's been about 2 years since I was at my favorite nursery, the prices were higher, people were spending money like water through a tap.

We spent less than we were expecting. Who knows, I might be moving from this place, so I don't want to get too committed to the yard.
Costs me over $500 every year......Makes Mrs Pute happy......happy wife-happy life.


Well-known member
Been checking my blood pressure lately - and it's much more consistently good - than before the surgery to improve it - 124/65 - 67bpm - just now - this pacemaker must be working along with the Mitral valve fix and the left coronary artery bypass recently sorted - to give me more faith in my own heart ❤️ -

Something that kinda freaks me though - is that just before I was allowed to leave St Thomas's Hospital - a lady tech-cardiologist came by to check my new pacemaker - and put some widget/gadget on top of it - then adjusted my resting heart rate with what looked like a sorta IPad - so that it never fell below 50bpm - and there's me thinking that if she could lower my heart rate - then it could also be speeded up - (maybe by some hacker) - and so suddenly my heart rate could shoot up into the 100/200's or above - so beating at a VERY dangerous speed - so killing me - and possibly thousands of others with similar pacemakers - as a sort of terrorist event - maybe my imagination runs wild a bit - but could be a concern - could also be a great film script - 😆
My wife's friend talked of the same thing, having her pacemaker altered.

We could very well be living in a world "run amok", electronics seems to be a place of attach. Imagine any form of transportation electronics interfered with, health systems, sewage systems and who knows what else. The whole of society without the power of communication. Some folks are prepared for the eventual decline. Not so sure I would be prepared for that eventuality.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Fortunately I've never had it go so far as requiing a ban, I do however have a vague memory or two of someone like UncleFish stack maybe deleting a message and or warning me to watch my language, if it wass ever anything more then that I was too stoned to notice. :kos:"Gee I could have sworn I posted something here earlier, I guess I was mistaken? " :biggrin:
if it makes you feel better i don't remember either! it all turned into a blur at some point...all i know is since i asked to be relieved of mod duties i only have to do 1/10th the reading i used to do,and haven't read a single speakers corner post so the amount of idiocy i'm exposed to has gone waaaay down!


Well-known member
My wife's friend talked of the same thing, having her pacemaker altered.

We could very well be living in a world "run amok", electronics seems to be a place of attach. Imagine any form of transportation electronics interfered with, health systems, sewage systems and who knows what else. The whole of society without the power of communication. Some folks are prepared for the eventual decline. Not so sure I would be prepared for that eventuality.
My mom's gotta up to date pace maker, she don't have to do nothing they get all info out of it thru internet


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
all i know is since i asked to be relieved of mod duties i only have to do 1/10th the reading i used to do,and haven't read a single speakers corner post so the amount of idiocy i'm exposed to has gone waaaay down!
I don't go to the Speakers Corner. I am perfectly fine staying right here. Plus I NEVER want to be a mod again. I already have enough enemies.....don't need anymore. Thankless job and nobody appreciates what you do. Pay sucks as well.


Well-known member
Been checking my blood pressure lately - and it's much more consistently good - than before the surgery to improve it - 124/65 - 67bpm - just now - this pacemaker must be working along with the Mitral valve fix and the left coronary artery bypass recently sorted - to give me more faith in my own heart ❤️ -

Something that kinda freaks me though - is that just before I was allowed to leave St Thomas's Hospital - a lady tech-cardiologist came by to check my new pacemaker - and put some widget/gadget on top of it - then adjusted my resting heart rate with what looked like a sorta IPad - so that it never fell below 50bpm - and there's me thinking that if she could lower my heart rate - then it could also be speeded up - (maybe by some hacker) - and so suddenly my heart rate could shoot up into the 100/200's or above - so beating at a VERY dangerous speed - so killing me - and possibly thousands of others with similar pacemakers - as a sort of terrorist event - maybe my imagination runs wild a bit - but could be a concern - could also be a great film script - 😆
Bolo would be perfect as the villan. I will be HIS sidekick. Kind of a “Hong kong Phooey” and Huckleberry hound” duo. 😂