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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
It disturbs me that I do not seem to have that level of goodness.

In the case of the desert road blockage, where thousands of cars were stuck in the blazing heat (with several people who were put into bad health shape because of it)...

I am perfectly capable of walking up to the protesters, and pointing out they are putting many, many totally innocent people's lives in deadly danger, and that they have made their point and now must move out of the way to prevent possible deaths.

And telling them, as I showed my .44 Magnum, that I was not asking, but politely but TOTALLY informing them they were to stop blocking the road. I would pick one (loudest, probably), and tell him/her they will have their head blown apart in five seconds if there is not a positive response.

I will add I am in my 80's and have zero fear for my personal consequences, but they will never see the sundown this day if they do not move before I pull the trigger.

Oh, I may give them a "warning shot" that goes past their nose at about a foot distant. But that is all. I will call that warning shot before I give it, so they can get an idea of what I WILL do.

IMO, they will move. If they did not, I would blow one away. And repeat my demand to the next in line.

Some of us have been in the real world. We see it differently. We know that if you just peel back the "civilized" skin an amazingly little bit, our jungle world becomes very visible and clear. To anyone. The dark jungle is there, believe it.
I agree with ya Unc, 100%
I see the woke are starting to wake up. Just took time, finally

I'm at that age where a life sentence just don't mean a whole helluva lot to me


Stray Cat
World is hot

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-30 at 18.26.19.jpeg



Well-known member
Almanac said Good fishing tonight.... If I had more than 3 minnows I could have caught a major fish fry of crappie. Tossed out a slip bobber rig and caught 2 micro craps and one damn baby channel cat. I did catch the biggest crappie on said rig. They just didn't like the colors I had....

Sitting on the bank fishing. My crappie on stringer started splashing about. Looked down to see what/why they were. A huge blue cat was trying to eat one. I had to pull up the stringer to get the beast off of them. In all my years fishing I've never seen that before. Turtles, yep seen that but never a huge catfish...

Been wanting to fry up some crappie. So I brought home the 2 slabs to fillet. In the fridge soaking in saltwater...... Lunch tomorrow.

couple slabs.jpg

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Goodnight from the eastern Colorado prairies

View attachment 18995733
I'm glad that I ain't colourblind - if it's only to enjoy that one pic bigsur - 'spank'in gorgeous!

Been up and down like a Jack-in-the-box - since the early eve-nin - mixing strong cawfee with fruit tea - trying to get the right temperature - that might best help strip mine semi-solidified loogies - off me pipes - when strategically coughing - trying not to exacerbate sore throat symptoms - at the same time as yielding as much of that crap - as seems worth the hassle - freeing up alveoli - for maximum oxygen uptake - which I will test - on a dawn walk - when it dawns - currently 03.41am (GMT) - Sunrise - 05.23 am

- My chest still hurts though - can feel that 316 Surgical Stainless Steel wire biting into the meat/bone and gristle of my sternum - with every cough or rasp - but it's a familiar pain now - after 2 and a half weeks - since the surgeon cut thru that area - so more bearable - I suppose -
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Well-known member
It's all to close now. Stress test in the morning starting at 07:30. We'll move the roadshow to the halfway-house Friday and the hospital Monday.

Doesn't look like the pint O blood will make it but it's still possible. Talked with the Red Cross this morning and they have the 22 pages of paperwork done and were supposed to expedite the draw, but I waited all day and no call with where and when yet. At the least it'll be cleared paperwork wise for the 2nd round of stent installs in a couple more months.

You wouldn't think it would be this much trouble to donate blood for yourself in advance of a known semi elective surgery.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I don't like being referred to as left or right politically speaking, I act and think according to my own beliefs, I would not vote for any of that lot. Unca Walt, I know you didn't suggest I was politically motivated..
Good Heavens, no way! Total agreement. I get my political stance from what I have lived through and observed over 84 years. Those intense experiences have broadened what I would call acceptable behavior on my part.

That warning .44 blast about two feet away directly across your nose would, I am reasonably certain, immediately get your immediate attention that there is one crazy sumbitch standing in front of you. And you can see in his eyes that he WILL do it.

You will get out of the road. nem. con.

For a bit of broadening understanding, I done tooken that political placement thingy. Here is the result:


I was just looking at that graphic result to see if it had posted OK, and had an insight: As you live longer (with at least some of your wits about you), your worldview changes.

You are rising in the accumulation of experiential knowledge, just as if you were rising in the air and can see more each passing day.

Some people only know/see four squares each way from center. Look where the red dot would be on that spectrum.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with rain here, starting at 41F and predicted to reach 58F.

Dinner out with daughter and SIL at Sweet Basil Thai restaurant and then watched My Teacher the Octopus together.

Alas, all good things end, and they are flying out this morning.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Sitting on the bank fishing. My crappie on stringer started splashing about. Looked down to see what/why they were. A huge blue cat was trying to eat one. I had to pull up the stringer to get the beast off of them. In all my years fishing I've never seen that before. Turtles, yep seen that but never a huge catfish...
Old memory: I was fishing in a pond, about arse-deep in the water. Catching some nice sunfish, which I had on a stringer on my belt.

I felt a strong tug, and turned around -- there was a huge cottonmouth chomping on one of my sunfish on the stringer.

I veerrry carefully unhooked the stringer from my belt and got outa Dodge. :Bolt:


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I'm glad that I ain't colourblind - if it's only to enjoy that one pic bigsur - 'spank'in gorgeous!

Been up and down like a Jack-in-the-box - since the early eve-nin - mixing strong cawfee with fruit tea - trying to get the right temperature - that might best help strip mine semi-solidified loogies - off me pipes - when strategically coughing - trying not to exacerbate sore throat symptoms - at the same time as yielding as much of that crap - as seems worth the hassle - freeing up alveoli - for maximum oxygen uptake - which I will test - on a dawn walk - when it dawns - currently 03.41am (GMT) - Sunrise - 05.23 am

- My chest still hurts though - can feel that 316 Surgical Stainless Steel wire biting into the meat/bone and gristle of my sternum - with every cough or rasp - but it's a familiar pain now - after 2 and a half weeks - since the surgeon cut thru that area - so more bearable - I suppose -

get better Amigo , that surgery was a shock to your bod to say the least…it helped that you were and are in good shape for someone in their Middle Ages..😁

yeah , we are at 4200‘ feet elevation and have a good view of the sun coming and going…

I know you did a gig in Idaho which ain’t to far from us and the geography is somewhat similar but also vastly different....

here is to a better day and coffee always helps me get started



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Old memory: I was fishing in a pond, about arse-deep in the water. Catching some nice sunfish, which I had on a stringer on my belt.

I felt a strong tug, and turned around -- there was a huge cottonmouth chomping on one of my sunfish on the stringer.

I veerrry carefully unhooked the stringer from my belt and got outa Dodge. :Bolt:

did that myself only it was a largemouth bass that swam by and hit my leg…I almost walked on water that afternoon