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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Active member
Looks good CoT. Your spacing and pot size is right for the yields you are looking for. I hope your sun and your strains are as right on!

I bent my plants over last year and wish I had not on some strains... having the two separate stalks on the branchy sativas was like having two plants very close together. The seemsed to compete. Friends who left them alone did better.

Tom Hill

Active member
Hi all,

Hi gOvnaa,

I have a list of strains I am growing this year, but the list is growing still. In areas where I get late sun into late Oct, I am planting the later varieties. Then in the areas where there is poorer sun late in the season go the shorter season varieties. I mostly will be doing clones for sinse, then clones as well as seed starts later in the summer for breeding purposes. Currently, I have SageMonkey, Pineapple, couple different cuts of Blue Dream, Clueberry, a couple Skunk cuts (Cheese and #9), Salmon CreekxPTK, Chems ('91, D, & 4), OG's (TK, Valley, Abusive, be adding more), Bubba#7 (from God, hehee), X18 hybrids, Haze, HazexDC, NII. There are a bunch I am forgetting. I'll get some pics up as soon as I get a minute.

I heard pro mix worked really good. I'd be careful about adding too much perlite to anything without having a topnotch hydro game in place -which I don't- we can definitely take it too far ime.

I like pumice and I like a pretty heavy mix too.


I usually don't water the mix as it dries out. If I was in a very dry hot spring I might, but usually one watering is sufficient to do its thing then cool down to below 80f a couple weeks later. Then after the watering in at transplant the soil will cool to ambient temps.

CoT, looking good amigo. Game on is right. Dig the work clothes and radio flyer. :)

Occasionally weighing down branches with foliar food and rinsing is the only training/lst I'll do in the vast majority of outdoor scenarios.

Still zero stress on those transplants guys, and I'm off to the races. Come on you Nor/Cal wimps, plug em (to those that have the lighting) in, lol. Wednesday I reckon? :D


For my strains I'll be running:
Blue Crush, Mandala, Mob Boss, C-99, Durban Poison, Purple Kush
Sun will be no problem.

Noticed quite a few of you use bamboo sticks for support, think I might try it out.


Come on you Nor/Cal wimps, plug em (to those that have the lighting) in, lol.

Those of us that don't have the outdoor space and are seeing this thread are heavily considering hypocrisy and heading to public lands. If dipsh*t landlords didn't make it where the space in the back yard is off limits this wouldn't need to happen. Call me a POS, pero en el bosque voy!!!


That #7 Bubba Kush from God is going to be 25% of the garden this year. Also going with Cheese and a couple others that God blessed me with a few years ago.

Tom Hill

Active member
B-shven, aka BombThreat, SpiceRack, from God etc :D


^^grown indoors by a friend..

I have lots of gardens I won't plant yet due to the climate zone - 3000ft+ etc. But my eyes, as yours, as most all serious here have been glued to weather and usually check it this time of year each morning before coffee even. I'm plugging some more on Wed, but still have 30+ pallet gardens yet to be turned too.

Ganja D

I like a lot of perlite, the more the better if you don't mind the extra watering. I can only see benefits to using more except the extra water. More air to roots, more opportunity to feed hungry fast growing plants with extra wet/dry cycles, etc.
Back when I was an east coaster I would mix tons of perlite into my guerrilla soil mixes and could sometimes go a full season just letting the rain water. Those days are over.

Tomhill: That's great list of strains. Thanks for all your sharing here. Looking forward to seeing how your season goes.

Tom Hill

Active member
Hi Ganja D, Thanks, and likewise. In regards to soils with a higher density, they have more exchange sites per unit volume, and tend to buffer nutrients and pH better. All things (that is, volume) being equal, a controlled Oxygen high CEC soil will most likely outperform a courser soil tended by someone who does not possess a fairly strong hydro Judo ime. But I have little doubts that you guys know what you're doing, just don't try to go too light only for the sake of volume, is all. :). -Tom

Yankee Grower

Hi Ganja D, Thanks, and likewise. In regards to soils with a higher density, they have more exchange sites per unit volume, and tend to buffer nutrients and pH better. All things (that is, volume) being equal, a controlled Oxygen high CEC soil will most likely outperform a courser soil tended by someone who does not possess a fairly strong hydro Judo ime. But I have little doubts that you guys know what you're doing, just don't try to go too light only for the sake of volume, is all. :). -Tom
For higher density/high CEC soils where does clay fit into that equation? By dense I assume you are talking about a high humus concentration, or material that will soon/eventually turn into humus? If clay does fit into the equation is something like pyrophyllite better than something like bentonite or kaolin? Pure, highly micronized, raw humates provide a high CEC. Have you messed with this? These seem pretty slow release especially depending on particle size.


Lava rocks are light, porous, and retain the shape of the soil very well. They have spots for beneficial bacteria to thrive, and don't float to the top as bad as perlite. They have roughly the same drainage quality and are cheaper than perlite.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
You lucky people, getting plants direct from God ..... :biggrin:

Getting slightly jealous here in Godless Spain, but we will make do, off to knock up some raised beds in the hills this week, will pop up some pictures when it is done.


Active member
But my eyes, as yours, as most all serious here have been glued to weather and usually check it this time of year each morning before coffee even. I'm plugging some more on Wed, but still have 30+ pallet gardens yet to be turned too.

I use the accuweather site for my weather. seems to be the most accurate. The monthly weather calendar (unpaid) has about two weeks ahead forecasted... yesterday it looked like smooth sailing well into May, but the far end of the 15 day forecast is now calling for more heavy rain.

Regardless, plants are going into Garden A on Thursday with supplemental lighting. Garden B will have to wait till later in May as the supplemental lighting is not possible. Too bad that's the garden with the 300's.

anybody know of a site that shows last year's weather for a given date and zip code?


Active member
I'm starting to plug in my plants after this weekend without any supplement lighting, Bubba is tough and so is her hybrids as far as weather and the elements are concerned. I'll be doin a whole bunch of those again this season. So far my list goes like this, these are the guarentees, I'm sure more will be added to the equation.

Bubba S1's
OG x Bubba
The White x Bubba
Abusive x Bubba
Cheese x Bubba
Urkle x Bubba
Chocolate Thai x Bubba
Green Crack x Bubba
Pimpslap (Thunderfu$kdiesel x DC) x Bubba
Ed Rosenthal Super Bud x Bubba

Hopefully a few others, depending on the timing.


Active member
My pre-98 bubba from last year was not one of the strains that started flowering early... But they went in at the end of May.

I'm not worried about the weather so much as I am worried about the natural light right now. are you running your Bubba crosses from seed? if that is the case, I wouldn't worry.

One benefit to running seeds vs. clones.


Active member
I'm not worried about the weather so much as I am worried about the natural light right now. are you running your Bubba crosses from seed? if that is the case, I wouldn't worry.

Yes and No, The Bubba crosses are from seed but they've been started since about beginning/mid of Feb and have been cloned, so they are seed plants but their clones are going out. I'll probably be putting some of the seed moms out also of the crosses I have plenty of. Pretty sure they are sexually mature by now but I'm not to worried about it.

I'm bringing them out of 18/6 light, if they were under 24 hours of light they'd probably flower. I've put plants out as early as 4/20 in the past, but they were seedlings, they never ended up flowering early for me thankfully. We'll see how it goes!!
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