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the bio-droid training facility... green dragon experiments.


New member
Hey guys, done training for my new job. Its good to be working again. Next up moving. Good looking dogs GG.

My dragon recipe now goes as follows:

Bake at 325 for 6 min
Boil down in a 2 oz/1 gram ratio, like to leave it with half of the liquid i started with.


Active member
On a side note for those who use your 'Vape Poo' (aka ABV - already been vaped)

Keep in mind that your ABV may be devoid of (most) of the THC that boils off at the lower temps (before combustion) BUT is still chock full of goodies that you can reclaim (CBDs CBNs) the higher temp ones.

This concoction is called 'Swamp Water' due to its golden-greenish color and rather 'Earthy' taste. Process is very similar to the GD with the exception of not having to decarboxylize as this was already achieved during the vaporization process. Some say heat it, some say soak it - its all up to you personally. I have had much success with a 2 day soak and strain and small redux period. (This may prove useful if you use heat as it will help it reduce quicker)

Keep in mind if you are using ABV for swampwater, cannabutter, firecrackers, other edibles etc - you are going to use TWICE AS MUCH as the fresh recipe calls for. IMO swampwater gives me way more of the body stone and isnt *as* heady as GD is, but good lordy... The highest Ive ever been in my life was from swampwater. Ive actually had to come down a notch or two before it actually registered that I was white knuckling.

Good luck and happy eats!


hey this might sound stupid, but how do i go about boiling the alcohol. I saw the post said not to place the mason jar in the water as it will break? Or are you leaving the mason unsubmerged and using the steam from the boiling water to heat the alcohol? Could someone please describe the process of using a colander, or water bath for this purpose. thanks alot, i wanna try this when i get home from work tomorrow.
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collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
Just don't put room temp glass in boiling water ..bring them to temp together and the glass can handle any amount of boiling ..

Glass is a liquid believe it or not ..rapid temp change causes extreme contraction or expansion ..shattered glass...
How would one go about making a small amount of tincture? I have someone who is in severe pain and needs instant relief so I thought what better then a very strong tincture. I only have about 2G, and i'm thinking if I try a very potent mix that i'll boil off most of my alcohol and have nothing left. Is there a suggested way to do small amounts or do I need 1/4 or 1/8th? I'm having a hard time finding quality lately which is the real problem....


Active member
MJ51: Two grams isn´t a lot if you´re thinking of a really strong tincture but if you just use the basic recipe as recommended on this thread then you just downscale it. I made some yesterday that half filled a standard mason jar and I reduced it by half which gave a decent buzz at 3ml. If I would have evaporated more I would have had a pretty strong brew.
Hope this helps a little and don´t forget decarbing!


Active member
I just made a batch of GD using 1oz of primo bud and man is this stuff strong! Decarbed as usual, reduced it by only 20% and then I tried 5ml...3 would have been enough.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I just made a batch of GD using 1oz of primo bud and man is this stuff strong! Decarbed as usual, reduced it by only 20% and then I tried 5ml...3 would have been enough.

Congrats! How long before onset? Are you drinking it or using it sublingually or what?


Active member
Hi, I drank about 5ml in OJ and I was almost tripping, felt like I was walking on air and I think I staggered a bit. Smoking some QWISO before taking the GD probably wasn´t very smart so when the onset comes is a bit hard to estimate:).´I was going to reduce this a bit more but I´m pretty satisfies with this result, 3ml might just be enough though.

GD is great but it´s hard on my stash. I´ll be getting bubble bags soon and I might try making GD out of hash. Anyone tried that?


Active member
Nothing much happening here but I´ll write anyway.

Situation: Several hermied plants that started to show signs of mold, immature with clear trichs. Chopped them and put them in the freezer for bubble bag extraction but changes my mind, oven dried the material in heat that was raised in increments up to 185C. After that addition of Everclear, let it stand for 48h and then reduction to 1/3 of the volume.

Hits well.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
Decarbed 1z flowers ..did a quick heat extraction ..maybe 5 min submerged in boiling everclear .. chilled. ..this knocks down plant matter ..filtered ..reduced to 50ml ..as I infused 'x' amount of decarbed honey oil into the tincture...

Used 1ml per soda bottle ..quick open ..dose ..recap...

Ended up with some extreme ..knock you back ..dik in the dirt rootbeer... this experiment was s complete success... as raving reports came back from soda beta testers...


Active member
GG: How much Everclear do you start out with? I used about the same amount yesterday and used about 750ml. I´ll strain tomorrow.

About 4/5 of the weed was decarbed and the rest just put in. Wonder if this will effect painreduction?


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
I used just enough to cover the crushed flowers ..maybe 250ml max ....after reducing .. chilling ..filtering ..it went back in the water bath and reduced to 50ml ..almost nothing.

Realistically the sodas were too strong ..another dispensary is selling 12$ flat sodas that don't do anything ..as extremely obsessive alchemist ..i had to prove a point I guess... :whee:


Active member
I needed 750ml to give me a "topping" of about 2cms of alchohol. I reduced it to about 200ml and ii´s strong. 3-5mls is good for a few hours of fun.


Active member
Now it´s about 5mls in half a glass of fresh OJ. It actually reminds me of grapefruitjuice. 5ml hit hard today.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
I'm gonna make some bhang balls for my esspresso at work ...i'll let you know how they work ..using mostly a grade flowers and some trim


Active member
Bhang balls in coffee? Please explain :O My son (the one that isn´t a user) asked if kief can be used in coffee as it is.

I had no answer.

Probably one of his friends doing "industrial espionage"!

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