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Thailand just decriminalized cannabis. But you still can't smoke joints, minister says


Well-known member
A friend was given a locally made cob by friends shortly after arriving in the country.
Apparently the ak47 grown there is pretty amazing according to them, as an experienced traveler.
He also came across a strain grown by a local called "royal selection", whether this is a strain created and sold outside the country or some actual heirloom is not clear.
What is clear is that some of what is available is🔥

Donald Mallard

el duck
I would ask them about the old Strains, how they cultivated them (in field, at home, how ..) , and how they made Seeds. Those two things.

Need somebody that can ask those questions and return me the Anwser in English.
The guy i have contact in Mail was growing in the 70s..

Anyone speaking Thai Language?
well i can answer one of those ,
im sure many grew a few plants at home since it was included in some food , soups etc ,
but anything commercial would be in the field ,
out in the rural areas they all live in a village and they travel a short distance to their farms generally ,
there is a small shack on the farm where you can camp if needed , its a bit open and more of a day hut while out working during the day , but not like one has to worry too much about getting that cold , so one could stay in there to protect the crop if needed...
did u see on the other thread we have been speaking on hempy posted a link with an old guy talking about his experiences back in the day??

as far as the seeds go, sam posted previously there was a person who made seed as far as he knew,
and its well-recorded thais don't mind outsourcing for stuff and specializing in a specific area ,
but also possible the odd farmer made his own seeds too ,
a bit harder and one would have to be careful not to spoil the crop if leaving a stray male around ...
it would be interesting no doubt though to hear what the chap you have found has to say anyhow ....


Well-known member
i need reports from the 70s. not later..?
yes, ive seen that thaiguy vid long before it was posted.

Yes, and i feel your need to tell me thai was outcrossed, wow. lol
all good.
Never sayd different. I question peoples, not only you, not only me, everyone..
cool cool.

I think thailand outcrossed regionally stronger than Vietnam Dalat region did. Thats what i wrote 2 days ago or so. But thats just sbjective intitive clueless assmtion, i could be wrong.

The idea of my Posts is to find Data, and interprete Data. And my Data showed the strongest weed on earth might be rather inbreed..
That was no claim. But i allowed me to fully show you the Thoughts i had about all Data i collected . Cause it took me long, and thats why i allowed me to speak up, tell what i have

So yeah,
Thai was slightly wider outcrossed , but i never said anything is inbreed with 1 Plant in the first place, lol. I said its anyway regional slight pollination of one with the other, left , right.. But very regional, and in thailand a bit more wide. Thats why thai is electric sometimes, wich reminds me of "Hybridness" . but still in the good zone.. Just a bit further outcrossed regionally.. a bit cambod, laos, northern Thai, all in one Thaistick,.


(And the strongest , the Vietnamese was slightly more inbreed, in the optimal amount, thats just my oppinion, heck i cant know, but thats how what my researched led me to believe, no claim, no idea just assumtion IMHO)
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Donald Mallard

el duck
i never said they outcrossed ,
im not sure where u got that ,
but i recal it being said , just not by me,

however , if a farmer had friends in the next province , or even in nearby laos , there is no reason why he wouldnt want to try those seeds ,
same theme with some variation depending on where its grown i guess roman ,
just the same as any of us may be interested in trying some seeds from somewhere else close by , or a friends stuff that is reputed to be good,
but lets remember they didnt have seedbanks to order from , so the chances of them using something totally different is a bit of a stretch..

when i think of a hybrid , i think of thai x afghani , or something of that nature ,
not something from the next village that is likely related anyhow ...

this of course would be one of the ways they maintained the vigor you were concerned about ,, but taking lines seperated for a time and re-introducing them to their crops , so they dont suffer inbred depression over a long period of time ...
they are related , just grown seperately a few generations , they re united ...


Well-known member
Can we smoke Joints now? in thailand, this is fanfaria, i was wating too long, just light it up


Active member

On Thursday, when Rittipong “Beer” Dachkul became Highland Cafe’s first customer to buy potent weed, a reporter covering the moment saw things very differently.

After observing Rittpong’s purchase, Nicolas Kumanoff intoned gravely in a Deutsche Welle report, “The cannabis on sale is low-potency.” That would be news to not only Rittipong, who walked out with a potent indica strain called LSD-25, but to the man who sold it to him over the counter.

“Absolutely not, hahaha,” Highland cofounder Arun Avery said. “Most were high-THC strains grown here by the locals. The potency checked out well, so it must be because people have been misinformed and just assumed. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and it needs to be cleared up.”

With that falsehood, Kumanoff joined the ranks of reporters who have been consistently wrong about Thailand’s giant leap to legalization.

“Thailand on Thursday became the first country in Asia to decriminalize cannabis – but tough penalties will still apply to those who use the drug to get high,” CNN reported, falsely.

There has been so much misinformation and bad reporting about cannabis legalization that false beliefs about its legal status or limited potency have become gospel for many. "

" In truth, there are currently no laws regulating cannabis. Instead, there is a legal vacuum since it was removed from the list of controlled substances on May 9. Not even an age limit. That’s because lawmakers were slow to act on a bill that would regulate its use. It only passed first reading Wednesday and is likely months away from enactment unless emergency measures are taken.
Until then, public nuisance laws – which can be used to enforce any unruly behavior – are the only legal tool police could potentially use to punish smokers at the moment. Even then, offenders get a warning before repeat violations draw a large fine and possible jail time."
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Donald Mallard

el duck
yea kinda shows how wrong the media perceive things a lot of the time,
then our media go off what theirs has said , and hey presto we have a cluster fuck of misinformation ,
it needn't have been so hard ,, if they just read the statements the government had put out ,
true they did put out a lot of information , making it hard for the media to strain through it to the guts of it ,
but it was there still for any well read person to find and report correctly...

go grandma ,, nice healthy looking plants she has there .
if the government knocked on my door with some of their crap plants id be tossing them straight in the bin pretty quickly ,, lol ...

pretty happy though with their quick move to release 4000 cannabis prisoners ,,
very forward thinking and fast to move compared to our western governments , who seem to love to punish , even when they are punishing for something that is harmless ..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I guess it depends when/if they test lol. Most if not all plants not in flower will be less than .03%. I don't see them testing much.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah it's been frustrating to read some of the media reports, and as Wal says, the same mistakes repeated over multiple sources. Might be that cannabis is not understood by the mainstream media though.

It's pretty simple to me. The 0.2 refers ONLY to concentrates, like oils. My understanding is you can grow, smoke, or vape plants of any potency. Good times ahead.


Well-known member
Does anyone speak Thai language? I need to translate how the Elders in the 70s grew Thaistick, i have contact to one, but cant speak language, if you can, please translate, just send me PM if you can
I can speak Thai, lived here a long time. One problem is Thais live in the moment, which doesn't favor remembering things in detail. You don't find Thais keeping detailed records or accurate history books. Another problem is while they can be good gardeners, they are not great communicators. A guy was selling seedlings, I had about the genetics. When I returned the next day he gave me different info.

Thailand and southeast Asia in general has a good history of plant breeding and seed swapping. With time we'll see good stuff emerge, as long as it remains legal, there's a growing backlash here, but today the government reiterated it's commitment to legalization. Six weeks ago you'd be jailed for a gram, now they are selling it in street stalls - the price per gram has already halved at dispensaries.

Personally I am not a fan of the commercialization, I just want to grow some nice plants and swap/share buds and seeds with friends. So some restrictions I can live with, just don't want to live in fear and see ppl sent to jail again. Thailand imprisoners more of it's women than any other country, 82% of female prisoners are on drug charges and kept in appalling conditions. The world has a blind spot when it comes to the injustice of the war on drugs.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
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Donald Mallard

el duck
sad to read this ...

Thailand - Recreational use of pot to be recriminalised as Minister warns abuses are undermining his plan. Decriminalisation is turning into a major problem for the government with chaos in ministries and agencies responsible including an anxious request to police for enforcement of an older law. On Wednesday, Minister of Public Health Anutin Charnvirakul, the architect of the drive to decriminalise, told reporters unequivocally that recreational use of cannabis was still illegal as his ministry attempted to get police to enforce a 1999 law while the minister himself promised that legislation before parliament would again make cannabis as a recreational drug strictly illegal and open the way to effective police enforcement. In the meantime, Mr Anutin warned those abusing the hiatus between legal measures, that they were undermining the signature project of his Bhumjaithai Party in government. Urgent efforts appear to be underway within the government to roll back decriminalisation of cannabis in Thailand which came into effect on 9 June last and generated increased and heated opposition both within and outside the country’s halls of power with a letter signed by 851 medical practitioners this week and a powerful submission of the minority Muslim Community calling for the recreational use of pot to be recriminalised. The Minister of Public Health warned sharply, recreational use of cannabis was still legal as his department attempted to have the police enforce a 1999 provision. He told reporters continued abuse of the new law threatened to undermine efforts to develop cannabis as a lucrative cash crop and its success as a licensed additive to food and beverages while also making it available to all those who need it for medicinal purposes.
He confirmed that new legislation before parliament will outlaw the now widespread recreational use of drugs in the country and that this was the policy, all along. The National Police Commissioner General Suwat Jangyodsuk asked the Ministry of Public Health for time to have legal experts review a letter from the Ministry of Public Health calling for enforcement of a 1999 law which purports to control use of cannabis as authorities scramble to find a way to rein in uncontrolled recreational use following the 9 June decriminalisation and a growing backlash from influential groups including medical experts and the Muslim community in Thailand. On Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health, Anutin Charnvirakul, emphatically announced recreational use of cannabis was still illegal in Thailand and would be controlled further with a new law before parliament which will decriminalise the flower part of the cannabis plant and redesignate it as a narcotic substance. As government comes under fire from the medical profession and key sectors of society such as the Muslim community, to rescind decriminalisation of cannabis, the Minister of Public Health, Anutin Charnvirakul, strongly reaffirmed this week he was not in favour of legalising cannabis for recreational use and that this was not the goal of the reforms in government led by his Bhumjaithai Party. On Wednesday, Mr Anutin told reporters a law being guided through parliament, and currently before the House of Representatives, would again criminalise the use of the drug for recreational use. https://www.420magazine.com/.../thailand-recreational.../


Well-known member
Like in the UK, they gave an inch, and we did our best to interpret it as a mile.

No country is going to do a total U-turn in one go. They were testing the water with medical and a bit of leniency towards locals smoking some at the weekend. They didn't want cannabis tourists. They didn't want any more users than they already had. Users that were meant to keep their heads down or get tested. It seemed so clear to me. As should this outcome tbh. It's just like what happened in the UK. People rushing out onto the street, because they can't see sense.

Small steps. That's the way forward. An inch at a time. Instead, everyone races to be first. The stigma is societies just won't accept that. It was too much, too fast.


ICMag Donor
A friend just got back from Thailand and said its legal to smoke/grow and there were many Coffeshops selling buds like Amsterdam and Spain with full menus.
Good quality new age strains to , not just Thai weed , he has been growing for 20 years so knows good quality.

He says he is going to move out there and set up a grow operation . I only briefly spoke on phone but will update with info when i speak with him in next few days