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Tennessee legislators introduce medical marijuana legislation

Thought this might be of interest to some.

Recently, Sen. Beverly Marrero (D-Memphis) and Rep. Jeanne Richardson (D-Memphis) introduced companion medical marijuana bills — SB 209 and HB 368.

This legislation would allow terminally ill patients to use medical marijuana pursuant to a physician's recommendation. Registered patients or their caregivers would be allowed to possess up to 8 ounces of dried marijuana and 6 mature or 12 immature marijuana plants.

If you are a patient that could benefit from such a law and would like to help advance this year's legislation by sharing your story with others, please send an email to [email protected] that includes your name, address, description of your medical condition(s), and phone number at which you can be contacted.

Please pass this alert on to any friends and family in Tennessee who might be interested in helping very sick patients get the protection they need.

remember folks... every step like this is a step in the right direction, only we can change the way we and the plant we love so dearly is viewed... OVERGROW THE PLANET!


Garden Nymph
this is fan-diddly-tastic! now if every state were to jump in the bandwagon, the DEA would have their hands really full..heheh.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I would love it. I would have to eat some words I've said recently but I would love it.


Active member
how longs it take before you know if the bill or w/e has been passed or not?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Upon closer inspection of the wording you'll see it's a lot more restrictive than anything. To be a qualifying paitient you have to be terminal. It does allow for co-ops and caregivers though.
here's where I got the info, if you sign up, you can actually pick which states you can receive updates on. I have friends spread across the U.S. and I like to stay informed as to what is going on and where in regards to MJ and this "war on drugs" lie that is being perpetrated by our government in order to line the pockets of those in power.



Well for what it is worth I sent our state reps the ol E-mail expressing my views but this has been tanked in Tennessee everytime it has come up. I am hoping for the best in our state but I have my doubts.


Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Well for what it is worth I sent our state reps the ol E-mail expressing my views but this has been tanked in Tennessee everytime it has come up. I am hoping for the best in our state but I have my doubts.

If you let them have their guns; in bars and state parks, ban abortion and post the ten commandments every 1000 yards...they MIGHT let you have medical marijuana.


Active member
bad news:


Decriminalization and medical marijuana bills die in committee

Last update: September 25, 2009

In 2009, several bills died in committee that would have reduced Tennessee's draconian medical marijuana penalties.

In May, the Senate and House Judiciary Committees deferred action on SB 1942 and HB 1835, which would have made possessing or distributing less than one-eighth of an ounce (about 3.5 grams) of marijuana a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of between $250 to $2,500. Currently, possession or distribution of this amount is punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.

House and Senate committee also failed to act on companion medical marijuana bills sponsored by Sen. Beverly Marrero (D-Memphis) and Rep. Jeanne Richardson (D-Memphis). These bills — SB 209 and HB 368 — would have allowed terminally ill patients to use medical marijuana pursuant to a physician's recommendation. Registered patients or their caregivers would have been allowed to possess up to 8 ounces of dried marijuana and six mature or 12 immature marijuana plants.

Please write your legislators today to urge them to pass sensible marijuana legislation next session. You can ask them to support reducing the penalty for possession of marijuana to a fine here or write in favor of allowing medical marijuana here.

If you are a patient that could benefit from such a law and would like to help advance this year's legislation by sharing your story with others, please send an e-mail to [email protected] that includes your name, address, description of your medical condition(s), and phone number at which you can be contacted.


This legislation would allow terminally ill patients to use medical marijuana pursuant to a physician's recommendation. Registered patients or their caregivers would be allowed to possess up to 8 ounces of dried marijuana and 6 mature or 12 immature marijuana plants.

But Oh my god you can`t practice proper horticulture with only 6-12 plants what will they ever do......

How about some of those terminal patients take a few domestic terrorists with them.... They don`t have anything else to lose right..... We can martyr them or celebrate them every year for helping deliver us from evil.... You get the idea....


i think he was saying that terminally ill MMJ users should take out cops, it isnt a very good message at all to be honest, thats not what MMJ needs, support and truth is needed, not murder.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I thought he was referring to Tennesseeans. Recently the majority of our population has been labeled domestic terrorists in a report put out by the Obama administration because we happen to like guns and disapprove of government in general.