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Techniques for making the very best dry sifted hash



btw SamS.....were you the guy who advertised "Sadhu Sam's Secret Recipe" (for ice hashing) in High Times years ago?

and here's another Q ...looking back in hindsight would you of originally offered Skunk and other strains so that they didn't breed true and would not have been able to be reproduced and sold so easily?
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lives on planet 4:20
Sam_Skunkman said:
Some strains make hash really easy, like Skunk #1.
Others are a bit harder or lower yield but the effects are preferred, like Orig. Haze or Orig. Haze/Skunk #1
I don't know if you like Sativa or Indica weed.


SamS.....I love Sativa strains with a touch of indica......SSH, and Amnesia Haze are the strains that make me feel the best....I never liked indica strains...that is not my things

so probably your SK#1, Or. Haze and Orig. Haze/Skunk#1.....are all perfect as far as the high is concerned....but Skunk #1 is best overall for me...since I have a low tolerance....eventhough I smoke 14 years while I lived in South Florida....and didn't know anything about hash

but this dry sift is something I am looking forward to getting good at making
in the nearest future

and maybe if you invention is not too expensive I can buy it and make some of that high quality dry sift......that would be awesome


honey oil addict
haha this is so old shool. i stirred this pot on purpose. sam, if you never plan on making this machine, then you are just holding out on us. why dont you sell a book on the process and make money selling the book?

Sam_Skunkman said:

How do you make a living? Do You sell any product or service? Why not give it away for free? Or give all your labor for free? Like the hippies did?

This is a good idea, I will be happy to share when I do have a method I can patent and sell. As for your idea that new techniques or improvements on breeding, growing, dry sifting etc should be openly shared. Sure like seeds, clones, buds, resin,
all of which are given freely at no cost by all the yogis at this site.

I don't care for acclaim of being first, I would like to benefit from my years of work, and I think that you are a dreamer if you think that all new varieties and all new ideas should be openly shared for free. I know you make a living, I know you handle money, why?? Why not do everything in your life for free? Do you even think before you speak?

You are suggesting that someone who spends a lot of time and money traveling around the world to collect Cannabis seeds at a considerable personal risk, and then spends years growing and improving the materials, like making the first Sativa X Indica stable consistant hybrid Skunk #1, then just give it out for free with no return for the labor and time?

Chamba, you are thinking like a fool. If you want to live your own life like this then do so and I will applaud your effort. But try and tell me how to live my life and I will ask you to please just F*** OFF.

It is my work, my discovery, my life and I will do as I like with it...
Remember, I am trying to make it available to everyone.

I am wondering Chamba,
What great improvements on breeding, growing, dry sifting have you given freely to the Cannabis community? Why have you not given more? I have given a lot over the years... like teaching everyone how to make water hash...I have given out millions of seeds for free, not hundreds, not thousands, millions! And they were the exact same quality as my best. My varieties were the founding stock of the entire seed industry in the beginning.

And BTW, Yogis charge to attend their yoga classes, wonder why?

-Pissed off SamS
this thread is great. lively intelligent debate

Chamba - no harm intended, but ur starting to sound a little like ur whining. and if i may add a question to urs....

Sam - u thank Neville in the procedure printed in Hashish. U care to comment on that at all, seeing as how most people don't think about u or neville when they think about water extracted resin?

Hashmasta-Kut - glad to see u enter the fray. Another educated head can only bring more educated info to the light.

SouthFlorida - u miss the crippy?? lol everyone i know form s. florida calls it that.



Chamba said:
btw SamS.....were you the guy who advertised "Sadhu Sam's Secret Recipe" (for ice hashing) in High Times years ago?

and here's another Q ...looking back in hindsight would you of originally offered Skunk and other strains so that they didn't breed true and would not have been able to be reproduced and sold so easily?


Do you know how much work it was to first make then offer true breeding strains? F1 Hybrids are way less work. I offered true breeding strains so you could buy seeds once and then tell the seed sellers to buzz off. I was not trying to make growers dependent on me I was trying to free them from everyone. For me it was never about money it was about the herb and freeing yourself from the state.



honey oil addict
i think you ducked the book selling money making idea twice now... how come? make a book sam and sell it why dontcha. if you make a machine, someone may copy it and sell it anyhow, no different than a book. and if you make a book, maybe someone else will make that machine you want to and bring the knowledge back to you!


but according to a friend he was unable to make any bubble hash from the Thai strains he grew out... the plants were covered in trichs... I guessed it was because the trichs were too big or something

the something is that it's more likely there were too many contaminants in there rather than the size was to big....actually I find strains with large size trichs are easier to purify

the problem is although the Thais can appear "covered in resin", the many Thai plants I've grown always had a very low yield of resin...so the tendancy (when doing a quality run) is for the dry sifter to work the material far too long, allowing too many contaminants in...most sativa dry sift is "dry" and hard to form into a putty due to too much rubbish and partly due to the wrong technique

buy your mate a 25X magnifying glass, email the url of this thread and I'm sure he will improve his quality.

Happy Happy
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btw SamS.....were you the guy who advertised "Sadhu Sam's Secret Recipe" (for ice hashing) in High Times years ago?

and here's another Q ...looking back in hindsight would you of originally offered Skunk and other strains so that they didn't breed true and would not have been able to be reproduced and sold so easily?

(SamS) Yes.

your yes is kind of ambiguous

was that a "yes" to selling the ice hash recipe on HT for ten bucks a pop or "yes" to the regret in hindsight of initially offering true breeding strains?
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Yes for the add, and FYI, I have no regrets on offering true breeding varieties, only feel bad that some people took advantage of my kindness. But my objective was to get great Cannabis into the hands of everyone on earth, and that is working. Remember there were no clones back then, zero, you needed seeds that fit your needs and conditions.



Hashmasta-Kut said:
i think you ducked the book selling money making idea twice now... how come? make a book sam and sell it why dontcha. if you make a machine, someone may copy it and sell it anyhow, no different than a book. and if you make a book, maybe someone else will make that machine you want to and bring the knowledge back to you!

I have no interest in making a book, it is too much work and I am way to busy. A book will inform others but do nothing to expand my Cannabis knowledge. I don't need the money. Maybe when I retire...

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honey oil addict
Sam_Skunkman said:
I have no interest in making a book, it is too much work and I am way to busy. A book will inform others but do nothing to expand my Cannabis knowledge. I don't need the money. Maybe when I retire...

and this contradiction? seems you have directly contradicted yourself. i have no idea of your true motives or desires anymore.

SAM_Skunkman said:
How do you make a living? Do You sell any product or service? Why not give it away for free? Or give all your labor for free? Like the hippies did?

.... I will be happy to share when I do have a method I can patent and sell.


in one you say i dont need the money. in the next you say i will only share if i can make money off it. pretty much 100% direct contradiction=completely illogical. means one statement is not true. or maybe you are insane! :)


I am sure I am insane but read the part of my post that says I do not have the time at the present.
I would not do a book for the $.


All I see is nit picking,no contradiction.
Envy HMK,seems anything Sam say's people some will try to find fault.
Why not let the man get on with his work instead of consuming his time finding an answer to the silly analogies folk come up with.
The principles for making fine drysift are there,as are the technics for snake oil,this thread show's clearly that some folk are so low as to come up with shit like this.
There is no comparison imm to fine drysift and I welcome the day its more available to folk and dont see the need for a book on the how to's of drysift.
A machine yeah,but what use would a book be,making money??

Im sure there will be an instruction leaflet in the box,chill.
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Well-known member
While being interviewed by Edward R. Murrow on See It Now in 1955, Salk was asked: "Who owns the patent on this vaccine?" Surprised by the question's assumption of the requirement of a profit motive for his creation, he responded: "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?" [1]


No problem, I will try and keep expanding my knowledge which is what keeps me busy.
Sooner or later I will have a machine or the time to write a book. Then I will be happy to share.



honey oil addict
Sam_Skunkman said:
I am sure I am insane but read the part of my post that says I do not have the time at the present.
I would not do a book for the $.

ok you are right. you have no time. and i thought you wouldnt take offense to the insanity part. :) old stoners take it as a compliment usually.

you keep your secret method. i am sure the time it would take to share it is much greater than you will have available to you. i have never heard that reason for any information hoarding rationale before i dont think. at least its a unique angle.


No, the time needed to write a book well is a huge effort, I helped Rob a bit with his book Hashish, and earlier with Marijuana Botany, and I saw how much time and effort it was.
Sooner or later I will get around to a machine or a book.



Active member
well i can say this much, i will be one of the first people to buy that machine, and hell i would stand in line for the book to.
Sam you are indeed an inspiration to us all, i for one had never seen melty hash till meeting people in your crew, and it beyond inspired me.
So when you come around to it, ie a book or a machine , we'll all be here waiting..



Bubbleman, I appreciate the kind words and you know if and when you will get one of the first of either. When you coming to Amsterdam next time?

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