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Study: Teen Pot Use Sinks Like a Stone in California

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
August 23, 2004

Despite the federal government's repeated insistence that allowing medical marijuana use would "send the wrong message" to teens, a new study shows the exact opposite seems to be happening in California.

In the last 8 years since medical marijuana became legal in California, the number of 9th-graders using the drug has dropped by almost half. In 1996, 34.2 percent of freshmen reported using marijuana within six months of being asked. This year's percentage is 18.8.

Will the study of teens in the state with the oldest medical marijuana law in the United States cause the Drug Czar's office to back off? Not likely. But it could show lawmakers and voters in other states that it's safe to approve medical marijuana without imperiling children.

"Frankly, it never made any sense that kids would think a drug is cool because cancer or AIDS patients use it to keep from vomiting," said Bruce Mirken of the Marijuana Policy Project, which first reported the study last week.


You know I think having the "dispensaries" is a big cause of that.

Blackmarket dealers are losing clients in a big way now.
Quite possibly their biggest clients, as med users require alot more meds than your avg rec user.

I think this is putting alot of blackmarket dealers out of business. I know in this area it is hard to find good quality meds without going to a coop.

I believe this is limiting where the kids can get it nowadays.. I mean I know they can still get it, I also know there are still alot of blackmarket dealers out there..... but if the numbers in the report are accurate, something has got to be happening.