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SSSDH feeding question


Green Mujaheed
Greetings people,

Is the SSSDH a heavy feeder or not ? Any particularities or recommendation about feeding & watering of this strain ?

Irie !

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I fed mine moderately, in coco with canna a+b, never more than 10ml/gallon. They seemed to be fine with it. I could have fed them more, but didn't want to push them too hard.

These have been pest free for me. I haven't sprayed my plants for pests during this whole grow. Well, I think I sprayed them once with neem around week 5 of veg, but nothing since.

Oh, and they seemed to like to be foliar fed during late veg.


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No bugs but she is quite picky in early flower. Start slow and gradually increse to se where the threshold is. I burned mine slightly on 3/4 reccomended dose with BAC organic.

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