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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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This is a thread for the clones offered at Blue Sky, in the heart of Oaksterdam. Skunkwerks has been dishing out some consistant high quality cuttings, and these cuts need a thread of their own. These are the best cuts I have seen available to med patients. Dependable quality genetics.

I am hoping this thread will be purely strain information on the Skunkwerks clones. Pictures from veg, bloom, and dried nugs. Medicinal qualities and any other information pertaining to these fine cuttings suchas veg times, stretch amounts, yeilds, medium etc. Anything that could help a grower make an informed decision would be great.

So post it up folks, and Please let's try to keep any cross talk about other Bay ladies/medicine in the already existing and wonderful Bay Area Clones? thread. Let's keep it to Skunkwerks strainguides.

I will start us off!

thx to Slips for scanning this menu.


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Purple Kush
The flagship of the skunkwerks. The finished product is a knockout sticky Indica that is great for many medical ailments requiring pain relief and appetites!

PK 17 days veg under HPS got them to ~7-8" from clone. (very slow veg)

PK 31 days bloom, stretch when flipped at this low height (7-8") is about 3x. They stopped stretching and finish around 20-23". A minimal prune was done to the lower 4" of budsites to help top cola formation.

PK 31 days

PK 47 days, around here they virtually stop growing. They look like they are stalled out, but the nugs are swelling and getting denser. Do not harvest, the best is yet to come. A full 9 weeks with this strain is recomended.

47 days

PK 58 days, had to chop here as I have Powdery Mildew problems, could nto bare to look at them any longer! The purple would have become more pronounced with a longer fnish, but you can see the colors showing true.

After hand trimming and curing for 3 weeks the Grape aroma is thick. Very musky, dank, dark, artificial grape aroma when the jars are opened. A Moderate yeilder when vegged properly.



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A great producer of dense fruity buds in 7 weeks. This strain is very quick and finishes with a nice gold color. This strain has been in the werks around the Bay for many years.

They were vegged for 17 days in an Ebb&Grow system before blooming, the stretch was very mild (2x) but I did top them fearing outrageous giant plants, as I have heard of this strain. The toping is not recomened, it really stuned them and affected their overall quality and yeild.

Odyssey 25d bloomin'

Odyssey 31d bloomin, they are fast eh?

Odyssey 38d bloomin, almost done(honestly!)

Odyssey taken to 58 days

Yeild was below average, due to inpart that I topped them, and they had corner spots in the light footprint. I know there are many Odyssey growers around that have had better results with this strain. The nugs finish looking crystally and smelling of a light fruit punch, the hybrid qualities come through in the high. A great daytime and functional herb.


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Hindu Skunk Hindu Kush x Skunk No.1

For comparison, these were grown table to table with the Purple Kush above.

Here they are right from clone at day 1 veg, PK left and HS right.

Day 17 veg, compare these with the day17 veg of the PK above... wow! The HS was already at 15" with 17days veg, easily growing an inch per day. Hybrid vigor!

Here's both tables at 9days veg.. see? At this point I removed a LOT of budsites from underneath the Hindu Skunk plants... Fearing a popcorn jungle I only left the top 8" unpruned, all budsites below that (at this point, still in stretch mind you) were removed.

HS 9d

And they're off... explosive veggers and bloomers! Day 25

Comparison: PK left, HS right

Here's a week later, 31 days

A week later... 38 days

Here is 47 days, they look almost done! Amazing resin production!!!

Pre Harvest, 58days

Grown in coco coir with PBP/Calmag. 10 days of flush really yellowed up the leaves nicely. The aromas off these girls is very complex, spicyskunky sweet apples. The resin production on these is about the best I have seen on indoor plants. The yeilds are above average, easy to get 2-3 ounce plants with thunderous gooey colas! Overall, this is my favorite strain Blue Sky has to offer. This is #1 in my mother tent.

Just look at these sticky snow covered Hindu Skunk nugs.... :rasta:


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Neptune! Great way to start of this thread! It was a very good idea to start this up! I guess im the first one here so i'll defineatly be pulling up a chair for this one.

I cant wait to see info on the new strains SR is offering, the Candy Shiva in particular as i just picked a bunch up earlier this week. I'll definately try to do my part to contribute to this thread, but I'm a noob so i'll only be able to post pictures and a little info on how im growin em.

Keep the good info coming folks! Lets make this thread DETAILED so that people can emulate each others results!


Coppied from my smoke reports ....

SR71 Hindu Kush x Skunk 9+
Big buds covered in frost very skunky / slightly fluffy
Sweet hashy
sweet / floral / skunk
Smoke / high:
Back numbing / mind pulsing high / good production indica

Purple Kush sr71 9.4+ (grown by joe)
Dense Purple nugs !!! better yeild than erkle
Lavander suger candy
Floral lavander candy
Smoke / high:
Body high with extreame "night night" effect also gives munchies

Ak47 sr71 cut 9.1
Green frosty nugs with bright orange hairs, very sativa flufy nugs but dry nice.
cherry afgani ?
cherry afgani ?
Smoke / high:
A very strong sativa high that leaves you in no pain and in a slight haze. Bring in the zone
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Neptune: so how many weeks did the hindu go neptune, mine are at 54 days and look amazing just curious if i should cut down at 9 weeks, can u give me a idea what to look for so i now really when they are done. thanks in advance.
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Great start Neptune. Those are some great shots. I haven't been to a club in ages but got my local card renewed and interested in trying a few of SR's strains.


This is a good step in organizing the medicine so people with little or no experience can feel safe about choosing the strains and know they are the real deal! big Ups to Nep for starting this thread!

The Hindu looks like a real winner who ever bred that did a great job!

Ive seen the ody , its real good too, a light taste from what ive smoked , but the crystal is hard to compete with when dialed.



Looks good easy! Keep em coming folks!

I have some Big Shiva and Shuga Shiva in bloom right now, day 29. When they finish up I will profile them up in here also. The Shuga Shiva, so far, is holding her own with the Hindu Skunk. The Big Shiva is growing in my experimental section, so not my regular regime and is suffering a litle bit over there, but still will get a good idea what she is all about. Very different two strains so far.


You will not be forgotten
good thread Neptune :wave:

i picked up a few genetics from SR71 to put outdoors, i really like the hindu skunk i must say :D

Hindu kush X skunk^




and i didnt pick up this purple kush cut... but i am guessing it is the cut from SR71

Purple kush^

the hindu skunk sure is smelling nice and has a great structure to it.

i have enjoyed odyssey long before i grew it out, and she did pretty well outside, i have been smoking some these last few days and it really has a great high for during the day, can focus on tedious work and still get things done.

the Pk doesnt yield well even with the 6 month old + plant i had outside its not going to yield well.. definitely a strain best left to indoor sog or scrog set ups with higher numbers. The high is great and the taste is one i have missed for a while, definitely some great meds.

awesome thread! i've grown the pk, ak47, ww, and ody all outdoors. pk is my fav by far. heres a couple of pics...

ak47 top cola

pk top cola



Active member
What about bubblegum or bubbleberry from SR 71? any body have info on them ?
Thank you ! :joint: kinger


Too new just yet Kinger, I suspect we will have to wait a few months.
I don't have any of those new Bubble strains, so someone has to step up their photo journal skills ;)

this thread is rockin!!! nice contributions everyone!


Sugar Shiva .....just finished out .

.... produced a nice top cola that was dense but not quite as frosted as had hoped but this grow might not have revealed full potential having some rooting problems in the hugos early on . A little more nute shy than the HK's and a little more veg needed , they seem but grow fairly well side by side and no netting needed with this kind of stout branching . But the one below was definitely a runt on a table of fire ladies next to it . Decent looking but not the resinous spice of the HK or as frosted ...but to be expected i guess with the NL5 not known for high aroma /fragrance etc.

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Active member
Thanks Neptune, I hope other people get those cuts from SR71. SR71 has the best cuts around. I cant wait to try the big shiva and the candy shiva. :joint:
This thread is going to be great.

mister c

Nice thread Neptune,

Does anyone have the current menu of ALL they have , or is it just these strains posted at the beginning??

ANd what days/times are the best to get good fresh cuts?

That hindu skunk looks nice....


I would like to grow, so this is directed to AK47 growers. What is the beginner friendliness of this strain, yield, stretch, odor, potency, flowering time, and character of the stone? Thank you all in advance.

Kudos to all the mad talented growers on this thread.
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